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Talk:Slesse Creek

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The log-dam on the little creek I checked out.
The slide between the 2 pools.
I thought this gate blocked access to McGuire but it is actually a washout on a different road as explained in my second post.

Hey guys, whats up? In case your wondering why I didn't create a talk page for this article when I made Slesse, it's because I was very new to Wikipedia when I made it & creating talk pages were not something I did with my articles back then. I have vastly improved since those days but I have not made a new page in forever. Oh well! I'm still love it here on Wikipedia!

Now that I'm done rambling about unrelated stuff I will say I was, on the 5th, messing around up the Chilliwack Valley & managed to get a picture of Slesse. I went up Tamihi Creek FSR first but only made it as far as I did last time... to the washout not far from the bridge over Tamihi. I turned around & headed back down to Chilliwack Lake Road.

I then proceeded to go up the road up to the Mount McGuire trailhead, a trail I did a couple years ago. About 1 minute down the road along the creek (on the west side of the creek, opposite to Slesse Creek FSR) you come to a fork. Straight crosses a small creek & goes up Slesse Creek toward the Canadian Border Peak. Those roads, I’ll bet, are almost completely overgrown since they look overgrown to start with from the junction.

Now if you turn right you are on your way to McGuire as this is Slesse-Borden Creek FSR. Surprise! You will get about 100 feet up when you realize the bastards put up a yellow gete, blocking all but foot access up there. It is a long way from here to the trailhead so walking would be tedious & there is no way to get even an ATV past there because of the way the gate is positioned. A little consideration eh? First of all, that road allowed people to access the trail up Mcguire & while I was a bit disappointed with the result (the views were supposed to be better than the ones from Cheam but that did not seem to be the case) it was a worthwhile trail. Second, what if cavers want to explore the cave up there. Do you think they want to carry ton of equipment up a steep logging road for 20 km & then climb a steep trail to the cave. These guys are blocking off great opportunities, so if anyone can forward this to whoever put the gate up, do it. I’d love to see that gate taken out.

Now, the bridge over the little creek is long gone so going up either road here is impossible here. For most, this as far as you go & turning around & finding another logging road is mandatory. Not is you have an quad. Some very determined people built an ATV trail around the long gone bridge… they went upstream a bit where the creek bank doesn’t drop off so sharply, took an old culvert, put in where all the water was as to channel it,(which they did very well… as was surprised at how well they did it) then put some boards & stuff on top so they could take their ATV’s across before connecting the track back up to the road on the other side of the creek. Very cool & well done.

Now I then realized that I was the one who made the Slesse Creek page & that a picture could really help its cause, especially considering this page is quite neglected due to it’s limited content. So I walked down that little creek a bit from the site of the old bridge, since I knew it soon joins Slesse. After a while I realized there was no guarantee the spot where the creek joins would offer good pictures of Slesse so I decided to turn back. I find an interesting spot along the little creek though. First, it flows through a small complex of logs & then it drop onto a very smooth rock before sliding down into a small pool. It then slides down some more smooth rocks into another, much larger pool. The rocks are orange but I don’t know what rock they are. All I know is, likely as a result of constantly being weathered (by the creek), these rocks are quite smooth & water slides down them in graceful fashion.

I went back to my car, headed back down, crossed the Slesse Creek Bridge on Chilliwack Lake Road, parked on the other side of the creek, walked down to it & got a shot of the creek looking downstream (which is against a tendency of mine… usually my river pictures are looking upstream) under the bridge to the creek’s confluence with the Chilliwack River. I then headed back to my car again & left the valley. Although short, it was a good trip. I will upload the image to Wikipedia soon. AndrewEnns (talk) 21:39, 8 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Looking at my mapbook of the Lower Mainland, I see the road that was gated off actually wasn't he one that goes up to McGuire. Just across the bridge (the bridge is long by the way but there are remains of it), the road splits. Straight goes to the border peak while right is Slesse-Borden FSR. Well, at least ATV's can get there! AndrewEnns (talk) 02:42, 10 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Image Uploaded


Here is the image I was talking about. I made sure I put that little tag on it to make sure I wasn't going to get yet another automated message about my images not being copyrighted. They are so annoying. Anyhow, here it is... it will be put at the top of the geobox & when I get a better one I will shift that one down the page & put the better one at the top of the geobox. AndrewEnns (talk) 04:53, 11 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Don't get excited folks... it won't be this big on the main page.