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Talk:Spanish succession issue of 1789

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"Issue" sounds very non-committal, unsure. What was this? The Spanish Wiki uses Pragmatic Sanction of 1789. Is there a reason that title's no good? Srnec (talk) 04:30, 18 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

-- Hello,

thanks for the question, indeed the „issue” titling seems a bit odd and perhaps sounds clumsy; I was not really happy when releasing the article with such a title. Your question provides me with an opportunity to make myself clear.

I am fully aware that the Spanish version is titled „Pragmatic sanction of 1789”. Why didn’t I use the same title? Because the very problem – which makes it „an issue” - is whether there was any „pragmatic sanction” adopted in 1789. Some scholars suggest yes, some scholars suggest no, some scholars do not take a clear stand.

Using a title of „Pragmatic sanction of 1789” would pre-determine that yes, there was a pragmática sanción adopted in 1789, which in fact would render the entire article pointless and not needed.

I concluded that the „issue” title is pretty impartial, does not suggest any specific reading (yes, adopted! no, not adopted!) and is acceptable linguistically. That was the best I could think of; maybe a native English speaker could come with something better which is equally impartial and does not suggest any interpretation. --Dd1495 (talk) 09:11, 2 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]