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Talk:Spirit Family Reunion

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infobox picture help?


Hello Wikipedians, I am creating the Spirit Family Reunion page (this is the first wiki page i've ever created/edited ever) and I am unable to add a photo to the infobox. There must be some fundamental step I'm missing, but I don't have the knowledge to figure it out on my own/with the help of other wikipedia pages. Anyway, if you are an editor who comes across this page and would like to add this photo: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m75wdydENJ1r8kwyw.jpg (or any other photo of the band if you can find a better one) please do so! I think the page is okay without a photo but it'd definitely be nice to have one. Or if you see any other problems with the page please feel free to correct them! Thanks!! The Oracle Under The Stairs (talk) 04:53, 12 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]