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Talk:The NEXT Museum

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This can be added when the book is out[edit]

Dene Grigar and Mariusz Pisarski. The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations.Cambridge University Press, Digital Literary Studies Element Series. In final stage of production. Forthcoming 2024. DOI: 10.1017/9781009181488. LoveElectronicLiterature (talk) 22:47, 24 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Dene Grigar's discussions of The NEXT[edit]

We can go through these discussions of The NEXT as well: Panel Curator & Speaker. “Digital Preservation.” MIX 2023. The British Library, London, UK; July 2023.Invited Speaker. “Electronic Literature.” National Writer’s Union. June 2023. Keynote. “Accessibility for Everyone: Rethinking Scholarly Archives of Born-Digital Media.” The Humanities in theDigital Age: New Directions and Emerging Trends. Bengaluru, India; March 2023.Invited Speaker. “Visualizing Physical Archives in Virtual Spaces / Describing Archives beyond MODS.” The InternationalCouncil on Archives Section for Archives of Literature and Art (SLA). Virtual; 4 November 2022.Keynote. “The Future of Electronic Literature: A Speculation.” New Poetics of Digital Literature: Updates and Challenges.Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 25 October 2022.

Invited Participant. “A Post-Pandemic Reckoning: Improving Metadata for Better Accessibility to ScholarlyArchives for People with Disabilities.” The 2022 Triangle Scholarly Communications Institute. Durham, NC; October 2022.Invited Speaker. “Dreaming a Virtual Future: Interactive Media and The NEXT.” British Library. London, UK; July 2022.

Invited Talk. “The NEXT: Rethinking the Way Interactive Media Is Presented and Documented.” La littératurenumérique hier et aujourd’hui: préserver <<l’art programmé>>? Bibliothéque Nationale de France. Paris, France; February 2022.Keynote. "The NEXT: Building a Virtual Repository of Born-Digital Literary Works." Universität Stuttgart, May 2021. LoveElectronicLiterature (talk) 02:11, 25 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Should we list publications that mention the NEXT?[edit]

Should we list articles that cite that their work is in the NEXT? 13825577.2023.2206452 (tandfonline.com) that cites James Mackay's photography collection in the NEXT. LoveElectronicLiterature (talk) 18:59, 26 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]