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The Talmud Unmasked - The Secret Rabbinical teachings concerning Christian (Latin:Christianus in Talmud Iudaeorum - sive Ribbinicae doctrinae secretof Christianity "The Christian in the Talmud of the Jews - or rabbinical secret doctrines concerning Christian ") is a false prepared by the Lithuanian priest Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis for the sake of controversy and promotion of the antisemitism in their readership.

Writing his book at the request of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Mogilev Szymon Marcin Kozlowski, author, master of theology and professor of Hebrew at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy Roman Catholic Church St. Petersburg, presents his book as a survey of Jewish teachings on Christianity, hearing reveal that the Talmud includes authentically anti-Christian teachings and offering a Hebrew version (sic) next to the Latin text.
Other evidence suggests that the author, whose jurisdiction will be established unequivocally in the Case Beilis, ignores the rabbinic literature he intends to describe, unlike other polemicists Christians whom he borrows heavily.

Nevertheless, the book, published in 1892 withimprimaturthe archbishop Kozlowski know many reprints and translations. He remains popular among decrying Jews for political reasons, religious or otherwise.

== Introduction == Book Enterprising briefly explain what the Talmud (the word Lamud - he has taught '"), the author states that the Jews hold Moses for the first author and that he forwarded the Oral Law "until it became impossible to retain orally in its entirety." Sacred literature was at the time of Jesus, taught at several schools, each school noting his comments as an aide-memoire to form the premise of the Jewish Talmud.

The Talmud Unmasked'is actually a fake, containing false quotes from the Talmud, intended among others to believe that Jews would not consider non-Jews as human beings and that it contained blasphemous passages to Jesus Christ and insulting to Christians. This is a book similar to Protocols of the Elders of Zion and it is a few years earlier. This text is one of the most emblematic of anti-Semitism on the Internet and is regularly translated, republished, even today and put online by the relentless anti-Semitic Holocaust denier [1] [2], Islamists Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). altermondialists [3] (December 18, 2009, the Court of Appeal of Colmar had confirmed a sentence of four months suspended sentence imposed at first instance to the editor of the website alterinfo.net , Zeynel Cekic, for incitement to racial hatred and denying crimes against humanity) [4], right-wing neo-Nazis Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). [5] . Excerpts from the book or the whole book is published in pdf on these websites or the like.

=== === Introduction and foreword

There is no source available that mentions that the author knew the Aramaic [6] [7], or the Talmud is written entirely in Aramaic except quotes verses from the Pentateuch and Hagiographs. In the introduction to the book it is written that the original text of the Talmud Unmasked, was published in Hebrew and Latin [8] which could readily demonstrate that the author never had access to the Talmud itself, but anti-Semitic pamphlet probably written earlier by the German Orientalist XVII Johann Andreas Eisenmenger,titleJudenthum entdeckt (« Judaism Unmasked »), a hypothesis that would support the fact that when Reverend Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis intervened during the trial as an expert Beilis in 1912, repeating the blood libel against Jews Blood[9] he lost all credibility when the defense showed his total ignorance of the concepts and definitions of the Talmud [10] [9], so that the audience began to laugh whenever he found himself unable to give a response to defense counsel [11]. He also wrote in his presentation that includes 36 chapters [12] (actually it is not treated in separate chapters, but the appointed massertot in Hebrew), whereas there is 63 [13]. Furthermore there is also confusion over the name of the last compiler of the Talmud, Ravina I Ravina died in 421 and not as stipulated guil {{|}} by Rabbi Abina 500 [14] by Gregorian calendar. Another confusion concerns the term Tosephot = Tosafot [15] Tosephot do the party of the Talmud, a compilation but are external comments on the Talmud, another confusion regarding the word "Perusch" which means interpretation or meaning in Hebrew, not "book" as mentioned < ref> "the Perusch (the Hebrew word meaning 'book')" (p.6) </ref>. Finally, to conclude the analysis of the introduction and the foreword of the Talmud Unmasked, the Rev. Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis claims that the Jews had severed themselves some passages of the Talmud for fear of reprisals from Christianity, and gave as a reference Talmud published in Basel in 1578 [16] when in fact this issue had been censored by the Church which imposed expurgated editions of any passage she regarded as referring to Christianity and Jesus [17].

Purpose of the Talmud Unmasked === ===

The purpose of the "Talmud Unmasked" as defined by the Reverend Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis is alleged to comment on passages from the Talmud Christians and Jesus [18] [19]. To support his argument, the author explains that Jesus is quoted in the Talmud by name or under different names or malicious [20]. In the Talmud, many people cited the same name [21]. Flavius Josephus reference almost two different people named Jesus (Ye [ho] shu [a] in Hebrew), including a dozen of them lived at the same time that Jesus of Nazareth [22]. That is one of the nine most common names in the Second Temple period [23].

Text analysis and alleged quotes from the Talmud


The alleged quotes made by the Rev. Justin Pranaitis Bonaventure in his "Talmud Unmasked" is not only attributed to the Talmud, there are also passages included forged from Zohar [24] [25], whose original language is Aramaic, not Hebrew. This is a difficult and Aramaic significantly different from that of the Talmud. It is the same for other works of Jewish rabbinic literature such as Yore Dea [26] Orah Hayim [27] books Maimonides [28], and other [29] as well as authors of texts or invented [30].

The first alleged Talmudic passage with verifiable reference quoted by the Rev. Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis is presented as derived from the Treaty Avodah Zara portfolio [31], it there is no relation to the alleged quote. This page discusses the rules to be observed in trade relations with the three days preceding their pagan celebrations of the winter equinox [32]. The second passage Haguiga folio 4b and the following are similar [33]., in a passage in this folio reference is made to a hairdresser named Miriam considered by some as being Mary Magdalene and not Mary [34] However, there is no mention that she is the mother of anyone, the word "pellon" cited by the author is not listed in this folio [35]. The following quote given as "Kalla, 1b" [36] does not exist on This page of the Treaty Kallah. Then is mentioned Sanhedrin 67a [37]. This passage describes how a provocative idolatry and was captured. The Talmud explains that the method has been used for some Ben Stada, an idolater who practiced witchcraft. The Reverend Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis Ben Stada Jesus would be in the quoted passage, yet it is written that Ben Stada was executed on the eve of Passover, as Jesus in the Gospels, while the Synoptic Gospels state that Jesus was executed Easter Day. Other divergent points are: Ben Stada lived about a century after Jesus, he was stoned to Lydda and not crucified by the Romans in Jerusalem as it is reported about Jesus according to Christian tradition [38] [39] [40] [22] [41] דף סז, א גמרא. It also refers to the treaty 29% 28Talmud Shabbat, 104b [42]. It is also mentioned in this passage from Ben Stada whose mother was Miriam, whose surname is Stada, daughter of Ben Yehuda pappos. Miriam (Stada) [43] was a hairstylist for women "megadla nashaia" [44]. The term "Myriam megadla nashaia" is homophonic to Myriam of Magdala (Mary Magdalene). Mary Magdalene was not the mother of Jesus. Neither Mary a hairdresser [45]. pappos Ben Yehuda is a figure of rabbinic literature [46]. pappos Ben Yehuda was captured and killed by the Romans with Rabbi Akiva-Brachot 61b-Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). in 134, so Ben Yehuda pappos being born well after the assumed period of the existence of Jesus, he could be her father [http:// / www.mechon-mamre.org/b/l/l2112.htm דף קד, ב גמרא]. Then he mentioned 29% 28Talmud Sanhedrin 103a < ref> Jesus is an idolater. In the chapter entitled Sanhedrin (103a), the words of Psalm XCI, 10 "No calamity will occur near the place where you will stand" are explained as follows: "(These calamities, this would be example) that you have a son one day orand disciple salerait his food too, so it would destroy its taste (when speaking) to the public, like (the extremist) Jesus of Nazareth "Too salting his food or destroy its taste is proverbially said of one who corrupts his morals or dishonors himself, or fall into heresy and idolatry and openly preaches to others. (p.15) </ref> to argue that the Talmud regarded Jesus as an idolater. There is no mention of "Jesus the Nazarene" in this portfolio. דף צג, א גמרא . Then, the Rev. Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis says in 29% 28Talmud Sanhedrin 107b [47] Jesus would be defined as a briber. The page deals with cures leprosy of Elisha דף קז, ב גמרא.

In the following pages of the French translation of "Talmud Unmasked" which summarizes the English version of Wesley Swift published in 1939 asThe Talmud Unmasked derivedfrom the text of the Rev. Justin Pranaitis Bonaventure, which is widespread on Antisemitic websites mentioned above and discussion forums francophones Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).. Early Talmudic passages cited on these alleged calumnies are presented as being from the treaty [Avodah Zarah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avodah_Zarah] 22a and 25b [48]. In fact it is written that a Jewish woman or even a man should not be alone in a tavern frequented by soldiers (Greeks and Romans) because they are people of nature violent. In the second quotation presented as derived from the same treaty [49] It is not about Christian, but likely robbers in the state non-Jews, the word used is" Protzim "in Aramaic, which means wanton, that a Jew might encounter during a trip דף כב, א גמרא], / l/l4702.htm דף כה, ב גמרא Then it comes to a passage of the Treaty 29% 28Talmud Ketubot folio3b [50], the quote is misleading because it is explained on this page that a young married is considered finally married four days after the wedding דף ג, ב גמרא. The following is Sanhedrin 74a [51] In this page of Talmud discussion addresses issues relating to voluntary manslaughter and involuntary דף עד, א גמרא. Then a portion of Keritot Treaty, the Treaty being part of the Talmudic College compiling treated discussing "Sacred Things", folio 6b [52]. Here it is discussed if the remains of a Non-Jew should be anointed as the Jewish ritual or not. In this passage the term "Man" is not used in the sense of being human, but "Jews", otherwise so the meaning of this word should be taken at face value after the quote shows a contrario that the Jews, who are likened to a "herd" would be treated like cattle b/l/l5701.htm דף ו, ב גמרא. Quote of the Treaty [# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevamot Yevamot_.28.22Brothers-in-law.22.29 Yebamoth], being part of "Order on Women" folio 61b [53] the Talmud concludes that the French translation of" Talmud Unmasked "the Rev. Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis translated the English version, is, paradoxically correct, only the interpretation of the Aramaic word" Nokhrim " non-Jews, translated as "The Renegades = Christians" is inaccurate and misleading, in fact it contradicts the assertions of anti-Semitic Reverend Justin Bonaventure Pranaitis are times even today by many critics who publish and broadcast anti-Jewish text, since it is mentioned in this passage that Non-Jews can not become impure by attending a funeral while under religious laws in force before the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, became a Jew. Since then, every Jew is considered " impure, "of course it is not about purity or impurity of the body, but a metaphysical concept and ritual specific to Judaism before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. -mamre.org/b/l/l3106.htm דף סא, ב גמרא


  1. ^ http://aaargh-international.org/ French / books / pranitis.pdf
  2. ^ http://www.codeig.net/Pranaitisfr.pdf
  3. ^ http://www.alterinfo.net/Judaisme-Une-conspiration-contre -Jews-and-humanite_a4570.html
  4. ^ On December 18, 2009, the Court of Appeal of Colmar had confirmed a sentence of four months suspended sentence imposed at first instance editor of this site (alterinfo.net), Zeynel Cekic, for incitement to racial hatred and denying crimes against humanity for having published on the website alterinfo.net an antisemitic article entitled "imperialism of capital Jew "written by Henry Makow, a Canadian author conspiracy. http://www.marianne2.fr/Effroyables-complotistes_a185045.html
  5. ^ http://www.debriefing.org/27941.html
  6. ^ "To this end, I translated the books of the Talmud, the most famous, that refer to Christians, and I classified these sources to provide as clear a picture as possible of how Christians are given to show the Jews by the Talmud. "( p.3)
  7. ^ "To avoid a charge of using a falsified version of the Talmud or not to have translated and interpreted correctly as this is usually the case when we began to reveal the secrets of Jewish teachings, I placed the Hebrew text opposite the Latin text. "(p.4)
  8. ^ "French translation of the first half of the book the father Pranaitis. Recall that the original was published in Hebrew and Latin. (P.4) "I placed the Hebrew text opposite the Latin text." (P.4)
  9. ^ a b Charge: The Strange History of the Beiliss box, Samuel, Maurice, Alfred A. Knopf, 1966
  10. ^ simple question: What does the word Hullin? Pranaitis: I do not know. Question: What does the word Erubin? Pranaitis: I do not know. Question: What does the word Yebamot? Pranaitis: I do not know. Question: When Baba Batra lived and what did she do? Pranaitis: I do not know Stenographic transcript of the trial, quoted by Costin, Rebekah Marks: Mendel Beilis & the blood libel. In: Bruce Afran et al. (Ed.): Jews on Trial. Princeton 2004, p. 69-93, here p. 87.
  11. ^ Scapegoat on Trial: The Story of Mendel Beilis - The Autobiography of Mendel Beilis The Defendants In The Blood Libel Notorious 1912 in Kiev, Beilis, Mendel, Introd. By Shari & Ed Schwartz, CIS, New York, 1992
  12. ^ Talmud "The Ghemarah of Babylon has thirty-six chapters of interpretations." (P.6)
  13. ^ The six orders (sedarim; singular: seder ) Summary of subject matter in the Talmud are Divided Into 60 or 63 tractates (masekhtot; singular: masekhet) Focused subject of more compilations. Each tractate IS Divided Into Chapters (Perakim; singular: Perek), 517 in total
  14. ^ "It was supplemented by Rabbi Abina around the year 500." (P.6)
  15. ^ "The Guémarah is followed by an addendum called Tosephoth. This term is used to designate the opinion of Rabbi Chaia on Mischnah. The advice of doctors outside the major rabbinical schools were called Baraietoth, or "outside opinions." These comments were themselves supplemented by decisions called Piske Tosephoth (short and simple theses principles). "(p. 6)
  16. ^ "In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, when many famous men undertook to consider very seriously the Talmud, Jews, fearing for themselves, began to expunge the chapters. Thus the Talmud published in Basel in 1578 was censored in many passages. " (P.6)
  17. ^ "Pope Martin V prohibits Jews read the Talmud. In 1553, thousands of copies were burned in Italy. In 1565, Pius IV ordered that the Talmud be deprived of his name. The Church imposes expurgated editions of any reference to Christianity and Jesus. The first is made in Basel (Switzerland) between 1578 and 1581. The Jews have now been handed a Talmud censored, truncated. A book that is no longer their book, until the eighteenth century. " http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/religion/le-talmud-l-autre-livre_727981.html?p=3
  18. ^ I divided the whole work into two parts, the first deal with the teachings of the Talmud about Christians, and the second will deal with rules that Jews are obliged to respect when they live among Christians. (P.4)
  19. ^ Teaching Talmud about Christians. Jesus in the Talmud. (P.10)
  20. ^ allusive "Many passages of the Talmud dealing with the birth, life, death and teachings Jesus Christ. We do not always called by the same name, however. Thus, it is called either "man", "Un Certain Doe," "The Son of a Carpenter," He who was hanged, "etc. ... "(p.10)" In other places it is simply called Pelon "machinbidule '"(P.11)" For contempt, Jesus is sometimes called Naggar Naggar bar "," the carpenter son of a carpenter, "as Ben charsch etaim" the son of a carpenter. '"(P.11) "Christ is also called Talui:" He who was hanged. " (P.11)
  21. ^ R. Aaron Hyman in his biography of the Sages of the Talmud, "Toldot Tannaim VeAmoraim" reference Hillel 14, 61 Elazar, 71 Hunas.
  22. ^ a b John P. Meier,'A Marginal Jew, p. 206 n. 6
  23. ^ Tal Ilan, « Hasmonean names at the time of the Second Temple} » in The Hasmonean State led by Uriel Rappaport and Ronen Israel, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, 1993 ISBN 965-217-109-3
  24. ^ Zohar, III, 282, (p.15) Zohar I, 25a (p.24) Zohar II, 64b (p.29) Zohar (II, 64b), (p.30) Zohar (I, 28b), (p.30) Zohar (I, 131a), (p.31) Zohar (I, 46a, 47a), (p.31)
  25. ^ "Jesus was buried in Hell The Zohar, III, 282, informs us that Jesus peg out like a beast and it was Buried in this "big pile of manure ... where they throw the carcasses of dogs and donkeys, and where the son of Esau [the Christians =] and Ishmael [= the 'Turks' (Muslims)] and (of course) that Jesus and Mohammed, uncircumcised and unclean like dead dogs, are buried. " (P.15)
  26. ^ Iore 150.2 Dea, (p.18) Iore Dea 3, Hagah (p.18) Iore Dea, 141, 1, Hagah (p.19) Iore Dea (148, 5 12), (p.22) Iore Dea (153.2): (p.25) Iore Dea (198, 48), Hagah (p.19) Iore Dea (377, 1), (p.32)
  27. ^ Orach Chaiim (113.8) (p.22) Orach Chaiim, (215, 5), (p.22) Orach Chaiim (20.2), (p.26) Orach Chaiim (225, 10), (p.28) Chaiim Orach, 57, 6:, (p.29)
  28. ^ Maimonides wants to prove how much Christians are wandering in worshiping Jesus, in his book Hilkoth Melachim [~ cycling angels] (IX, 4) (p.16) (p.25) In Hilkoth Maakhaloth (ch. IX), Maimonides writes: (p.25) In Maimonides Perusch (78c), (p.22)
  29. ^ Schoschen Hammischpat (34.22) (p.23) RRE Hetib a comment Schulchan Arukh: (p.28) Bechai rabbi in his Kad Hakkemach (fol. 20a, on Isaiah, ch. LXVI, 17) writes: (p.23) Midrash Talpiot (fol. 225d), (p.28) Eben Haeze (44.8), (p.30)
  30. ^ "Beth Jacobh Art. 127: (p.13) "Toledoth Jeschu" (p.15) "Avodah Sara, George El Edzard", (p.16) "The author of Nizzachon" (p.20) "Author's comment on the Schuklhan Arukh (entitled Magen Abraham), Rabbi Calissensis, who died in Poland in 1775, in note 8 on verse 244 of Orach Chaiim "(p.22) "Rabbi Abarbinel in work are Maschima Ieschua (36 d)" (p.23) "Choschen Ham (Venice edition)" (p.25) "Beth Jacobh Art. 127 (p.13) Toledoth Jeschu" (p.15) "Chizzuk Emunah, part I, ch. 36" (p.16)
  31. ^ Abhodah Zarah 6a, 6a, we read: "" Is called Christian who follows the false teachings of this man, who taught them to fast the first day of the Sabbath, that is to worship the first day after the Sabbath (Sunday =) "" (p11)
  32. ^ דף ו, א גמרא
  33. ^ "In other places it is simply called Pelon" machinbidule. "In chagigah, 4b, we read: "Mary ... the mother of machintruc, referred to in Schabbath ... '" (p11)
  34. ^ . [Her description megaddela (hairdresser) is Connected by Some With The name of Mary Magdalene Whose name WAS confused With That of Mary, The Mother of Jesus, v. RT Herford, Christianity in Talmud and Midrash, pp. 40f].
  35. ^ [http:// / www.mechon-mamre.org/b/l/l2b01.htm דף ד, ב גמרא]
  36. ^ In the Talmud, Jesus is illegitimate, as designed during lamenstruation Here is what is told in Chapter Kallah, 1b, (p.11)
  37. ^ "Here's another similar story, narrated in Sanhedrin , 67a: "Of all those who are shot to death cables under the Act (desjuifs), he (Jesus) is the only one to be taken by cunning ...",( p.12 )...« ago little doubt about the identity of Ben Stada, or from whom the Jews thought it was ... Bustorf said: "There is little doubt who this Ben Stada, or from whom the Jews thought that it was. Although the Rabbis in the Talmud their supplements, trying to hide their malice and said he is not Jesus' (p.13)
  38. ^ http:/ / talmud.faithweb.com / articles / jesusnarr.html "
  39. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeshu
  40. ^ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0003_0_02546.html
  41. ^ Derenbourg refutes the claim that Ben Stada is Jesus and identifies him as a false prophet executed in the second century at Lydda. (Test note 9, pp. 465-471)
  42. ^ "Some Jewish writers call Jesus crazy and foolish. Therefore, dansScha bbath, 104b: "They (= the Sages) said to Eliezer:" It was crazy, and nobody does attention to fools. "(p.14)
  43. ^ Some historians claim that Ben Stada, also known as Ben Pandira, Jesus was and the name of his mother Myriam
  44. ^ For this translation see R. Meir Halevi Abulafia, Yad Rama, Sanhedrin ad. loc.
  45. ^ already mentioned above and who had an affair with a some of which Ben Stada Pandira is born
  46. ^ Beshalach Mechilta (ch Vayehi. 6)
  47. ^ séducteur.Dans Jesus is the same book (Sanhedrin), we read the passage 107b: "Mar said: Jesus seduced (the Israelites), it has corrupted and destroyed Israel." (Deeply His return !)",( p.15)
  48. ^ Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says: "A Jew must not associate with anything to Gentiles, because they tend to shed blood. '"(P.25)
  49. ^ "In Abhodah Zarah (25b)," The Rabbis taught (the following): If a Goi meets a Jew in his way, he (the Jew ) must walk to his right. Rabbi Ishmael, son of Rabbi Johanan Beruka nephew, said: "If (the Goy) wears a sword, the Jew goes to his right, etc. ... "(P.25)
  50. ^ Kethuboth (3b), it is taught: "The seed of the goy is more than a filthy animal. "We must therefore draw the inference that Christian marriage is a marriage in any way worthy of the name," (p.30)
  51. ^ "In Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth, it is said:" The intercourse of a Goi is like the mating of animals' "(p.30)
  52. ^ "In Kerithuth (6b, p. 78), reads:" The teaching of the Rabbis is: He who pours oil a Goy (flat), or on carrion, is exempt from penance. This applies to an animal because an animal is not a human being. But how can we say that pouring oil over a Goi (death), it is exempt from penance, since a Goi is also a human being? (Actually, there is no problem because) this is not true [= no, the Goyim are not human beings], it is written: 'You are my flock ... the sheep of my pasture This is the men '(Ezechiel, XXXIV, 31). And (thanks to these words of Ezekiel), you are qualified men, but the Goyim, they are not qualified so .»",( p.30)
  53. ^ "In Iebhammoth (61a) it says:" The Nokhrim (= Christians) are not rendered unclean by (Lefait they have attended) a funeral. Indeed, is it not written: 'You are my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men. So you call it does men. But this is not the case Nokhrim (The Renegades = Christians). '"(P.32)


