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Talk:Tim Pickup

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− To whom it may concern, my name is Martin Pickup, son of Tim Pickup. Could you please replace the Nine.msm (6) death notice article with the ESPN death notice article below? The Nine article by 'The Mole' was inaccurate & biased to suit their company agenda. Through omission and laziness, there are multiple instances where facts on my father's playing career are wrong (x3) and other career achievements are ignored to suit the company narrative. In this ESPN article below my father's involvement in the historic SUPER LEAGUE WAR of 1995-97 was featured, but was never mentioned in Nine's article as they were stakeholders in that SUPER LEAGUE WAR, the opposite side to Rupert Murdoch's News Limited, and in turn, my father. Nine.msm pretends it never happened, and ignores any reference to that period that has enormous historic significance to Australian Sport, and my father was right in the middle of it. He was chosen by Murdoch as CEO of the Adelaide Rams franchise, one of ten teams involved in his rebel rugby league organisation that changed Australian rugby league forever. My father was very proud of that achievement. Lastly I was most annoyed by Nine.msm article featuring 21 photos of another mans funeral that happened days before my father's death. It was tasteless and lazy. My father was a superstar of the 1970s and his career was very well documented in the media during that decade. I believe the ESPN article better represents my father as it was unbiased and most importantly accurate with historical significance, factors that were missing from Nines article.

− Canterbury Bulldogs have also updated their website and player profile of inaccuracies regarding my father. I was hoping that you could update those pages that have previously been referenced, to the current version?

− Another two favours could I please ask? Could you also please include, as another reference point the death notice for his team, the Canterbury Bulldogs, secondary to ESPN, because it's ESPN ( I was so overwhelmed seeing his story on the ESPN page. My dad would have thought that was a big deal.) The Bulldogs death notice is my favourite and it includes my favourite picture of him from his career.

− Another favour is if Wikipedia could please use the picture mentioned immediately above from the Bulldogs death notice, as a profile picture on the Tim Pickup page? I released that picture to his team the day after my father's death, at my request as I wanted that picture as the feature photo for their article. It was also on the back of his funeral, memorial cards as well.

− Thank you for your time, it is very much appreciated. Yours sincerely, Martin Pickup



