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Talk:Windkessel effect

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Lbeben 01:20, 25 October 2007 (UTC)Start Windkessel TalkLbeben 01:20, 25 October 2007 (UTC) Windkessel applied to cardiopulmonary physiolgy terminology is a time honored subject of worthy discussion. I respectfully submit that [Windkessel] is very close in description of the literal term [diastole]. Disclosed, publically accessed theory regarding systole and diastole, right/left, pulmonary/systemic, high/low compliance/pressure, uncoupling/coupling, suction/sump, ejection/pump, elaborations of right vs. left myocardial performance remains rich in review of current publications. Studied further, Windkessel theory suggests physiology dedicated to halves of the heart above and below the valves and central body of the skeleton of the heart. Quartered on the septum in long axis and skeleton of the heart in short axis volumetric application is readily imaged noninvasively and inexpensively in publically available terms as RVEF and LVEF. In realigning perspective in halves of the heart, one begins to appreciate a systolic ventricular half ejecting blood boluses into the diastolic half above. The diastolic Windkesel half (representing the atria and great vessel/periphery)alternately injects blood boluses into the left and right ventricles below. Posit that [Diastole]is not a passive process in that Systole [EF] is a muscle[water hammer ejection out]and Diastole is a muscle [water hammer suction in] [IF]. Volumetric represention of diastole may be understood as the inversion of ejection fraction. Mathematical reasoning readily suggests EF = ESV/EDV as an easily understood representation of systole. Simple volumetric inversion of terms yields an equivalent of Diastole as Injection Fraction. IF=EDV/ESV. The valve rings and dense cartilagenous division between upper and lower halves of the heart strictly limit all blood and electrical flow between the two. Windkessel physiology is understood as theory. Discussion of theory applied to Wikipedia rules is solicited in further description. [Lusitropy] in [Heart Failure] remains poorly understood, please elaborate further.[reply]

Unfortunately I don't follow all of your argument. However, as the article states, the Windkessel effect does not encompass all of the dynamic fluid behaviour of the circulation. Likewise, having previously been thought to be a passive process, ventricular diastole is now understood to encompass several properties of ventricular myocardium, including active relaxation (lusitropy), which contribute to cardiac performance. Therefore they are not equivalent. Further, I think the Windkessel effect is a helpful theory, in that it can be easily grasped when attempting to understand the fluid dynamics of the circulation, and therefore aids understanding of more complex concepts.Preacherdoc (talk) 20:20, 19 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Properties of the myocardium is indeed slippery literal ground. Posit the layers of the heart first posited by Dr Carolyn Thomas are innately tied to varying compliance and subject to Hookes Law in a long axis. Understood as such and constrained by myocardial LaPlace and [Angular Velocity] dynamics, the Windkessel effect becomes more apparent when viewed mathematically. I have no entanglements with the echocardiographic community but believe that inexpensive, noninvasive imaging and volumetric data holds an invaluable utility. Given that [Ejection Fraction] equals [End Systolic Volume] divided by [End Diastolic Volume] as first posited as [Cardiac Output] by [Adolph Fick] one could infer CO, [EF=ESV/EDV] and ESV as meaningful equivalents to [Systole]. Inverted for Windkessel physiology [CI] Cardiac Input volumetrics are suggested as [IF=EDV/ESV] and an equally meaningful mathematic equivalent of diastole.--Lbeben (talk) 02:43, 8 May 2008 (UTC)--Lbeben (talk) 02:20, 10 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Rudolph Helmuth, I obviously wrote this a few years back and had forgotten it. Is there any further interest today in open source mathematics representative of Diastole than there was in 2007? This would be pretty helpful in my opinion. Feel free to tweet me. lbeben 23:14, 13 April 2016 (UTC)
Pleased to learn Windkessel is still a subject of discussion. I think this will soon help us differentiate systolic from diastolic heart failure with a handheld device.