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Talk:Zopfiella ebriosa

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Peer Review Comments


Consider adding a catchy lead section at the top. State the authority names/dates for your fungi name synonyms in the taxo box (look that up on mycobank). Liked to see that “fun fact” about the habitual drunk. Good job on always introducing new fungi by their full scientific names. You seem to use a neutral tone throughout the piece, which is good! In habitat and ecology you have lots of information on wine corks which is very fun and interesting but I would like to see more information on the fungi’s actual growth on it’s host. Is Quercus suber the only host? Also, italicize Quercus suber. Is the fungi thought to be parasitic/mutualistic? what continent/country does it grow in? There is lots of information that could fill out this section. Good to see that your sources are all books as those are generally more reliable. Reference formatting is a bit confusing and you seem to have all your information from one source: Guarro 1991. I would see if you could find any more sources (Cai 2006 potentially for a general Zopfiella molecular biology description). I would also include information from the sources other than Guarro. Overall, try to add more substance/information to your page. Definitely try to link some other wiki articles through any terms or scientific nomenclature that may be confusing. I see you have a file you attempted to upload but the page says the file is missing, perhaps try uploading it again. For the Qnnnnn error add the Mycobank #, see the comment source for the following example:. "". Esotericorangepeel (talk) 03:52, 1 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]