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This template is for creating a properly-formatted reference citation to articles in AZBilliards, one of the most frequently cited reliable sources of cue sports journalism (see WikiProject Cue sports for more information). It is almost always used inside an inline reference citation, e.g. <ref name="AZBilliards date here"></ref>. The benefit of the template is that it automatically provides the work, editor-first, editor-last, publisher, and location parameters of {{Cite web}} for you.

This template is not for citations to forum feature on that site, which is not a reliable source.



Common parameters:


The template uses the same (relevant) parameter names as {{Cite web}}. The title and url parameters are required.

This template cannot be subst'd, unless this is done before it is put inside <ref...></ref> (due to a bug in the <ref> and <references /> system). There is no particular reason to subst it anyway; doing so will produce messy results.

If you need to cite the same source in the same article more than once, use something like <ref name="AZBilliards date" /> for the subsequent citations.


  • |title= The title of the article. If the cited item is a regular feature (such as a mini-column, without a specific title for that day's item), use the feature's name as the |title=, e.g. |title=Calendar instead of using it for |at=, because a |title= value is required by the template.
  • |first=
    |last= Given name(s) and family name(s) of the writer. If the article has no by-line, you can use the named editor of a tournament section as the author for purposes of that tournament articles, etc. But otherwise, leave these parameter out, and the managing editor's name will be used automatically. If "AzB Staff" appears as the by-line, do not use that in the template; let it default to the named editor ("AzB Staff" is meaningless non-information to our readers, just a role account in their publishing software). For multiple authors, use |last1= and |first1=, etc. A notable interviewee or columnist with their own Wikipedia article can be linked to with a corresponding |author-link=, e.g.: |author1-link=Jeanette Lee (pool player|last1=Lee|first1=Jeanette (interviewee).
  • |editor-first=
    |editor-last= Given name(s) and family name(s) of someone other than the managing editor (included by default already) who is credited as editing the article or the section in which it appears. Do not use unless both an writer and an editor are given for the piece/section in question.
  • |date= The date of publication. Match the English language variety of the article (e.g. "August 8, 2015" for American subjects, and "8 August 2015" for British and many other subjects).
  • |at= The name (without quotation marks or other markup) of the section or department in which the article appears, if the article has a separate title. This publication does not use numbered pages. If you mistakenly use a |page= or |pages= parameter, it will be converted to |at=.
  • |archive-url=
    |archive-date= You can help prevent WP:LINKROT, especially if citing something that changes frequently, e.g. the "Calendar" section, by using https://WebCitation.org or https://Archive.org/web/ to generate an archive, and cite that, with |archive-url= and |archive-date=, in addition to the original |url=. It is always safest to do this anyway for online source citations, since they may disappear at any time.
  • |quote= Optionally added to provide a quotation from the source (don't use quotation marks; the template will provide them).



In this case, as is common on that site, no specific author by-line was given, so the |first= and |last= parameters are omitted.

Article text.<ref name="AZBilliards 2008-02">{{AZBilliards |title=Fisher over Fisher for Tournament of Champions Win |date=9 October 2014
 |at=Women's International Tournament of Champions 2014: Tournament Stories
 |archive-date=9 August 2015 |access-date=9 August 2015}}</ref>


Article text.[1]

  1. ^ Forsyth, Jerry, ed. (9 October 2014). "Fisher over Fisher for Tournament of Champions Win". AZBilliards: The A to Z of Billiards and Pool. Phoenix, Arizona: EPPA Inc. "Women's International Tournament of Champions 2014: Tournament Stories" section. Archived from the original on 9 August 2015. Retrieved 9 August 2015.