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Template:adopt-a-typo Talk

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hello! You have received this message because it is believed that you might be interested in adopting a typo for your very own.

What is adopt-a-typo?[edit]

Adopt-a-typo is an effort to harness a movement that already exists in wikipedia. Individual users already pick typos that particularly irritate them, and search for them in the wikipedia articles. Adopt-a-typo is intended to do three things:

  • Add social credit to this practice, so that users feel enticed to join and adopt.
  • Catalog the growth of the adopt a typo movement, so that there is a list of ALL adopted typos.
  • Enable those who want to adopt a typo to do so quickly and easily.

Why do you want to start this new group, instead of joining one of these existing groups?[edit]

I, and probably you, have joined several groups that pursue the same goal through different means, but we at Adopt-a-Typo believe this proposal harnesses the unique power that wikipedia has with its mass conglomerate of editors.

Template:Adopt-a-typo Talk/Support


All comments welcome here!