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Template:Australian cyclone season effects (bottom)/doc

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This template is the footer row and aggregates section for the season effects table in each Australian region cyclone season article. The Australian region encompasses all areas south of the Equator between longitudes 90°E and 160°E. The regional specialised meteorological centres for the region are the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), and the Papua New Guinea National Weather Service (PNGNWS).



Blank syntax


Copy and paste the following blank syntax into the required location in the article:

{{Australian cyclone season effects (bottom)|Systems=|Season ongoing=|Start day=|Start month=|Start year=|End day=|End month=|End year=|Highest winds=|Lowest pressure=|Damage prefix=|Total damage=|Deaths prefix=|Total deaths=}}



This template requires the following parameters:

Parameter Permitted values Notes
Systems Numerical values The number of systems that formed during the season. If no systems have formed, input 0 for this parameter.
Season ongoing Yes or No Choose Yes if one of the following conditions is met:
  • The date is between 1 November and 30 April, inclusive
  • At least one system is currently active
  • At least one system has formed AND the date is before 1 November

Choose No if neither of the conditions above is met

Start day Numerical values The day that the first system formed, in the UTC time zone. If no systems have formed, leave this parameter empty.
Start month Full month names The month that the first system formed, in the UTC time zone. If no systems have formed, leave this parameter empty.
Start year Numerical values The year that the first system formed, in the UTC time zone. If no systems have formed, leave this parameter empty.
End day Numerical values The day that the last system dissipated, in the UTC time zone. If no systems have formed, or if the date is before 1 May, leave this parameter empty.
End month Full month names The month that the last system dissipated, in the UTC time zone. If no systems have formed, or if the date is before 1 May, leave this parameter empty.
End year Numerical values The year that the last system dissipated, in the UTC time zone. If no systems have formed, or if the date is before 1 May, leave this parameter empty.
Highest winds Numerical values The highest sustained winds generated by a cyclone during the season, measured in knots (kn)
Lowest pressure Numerical values The lowest central barometric pressure generated by a cyclone during the season, measured in hectopascals (hPa)
Damage prefix > or Used to indicate when the exact damage amount is unknown, but it is known to be greater than the value indicated
Total damage Numerical values, or None or Unknown or Minor or Moderate or Major The total financial impact of all systems that formed during the season, in US dollars. This includes direct damages, economic losses, etc.
Deaths prefix > or Used to indicate when the exact number of deaths is unknown, but it is known to be greater than the value indicated
Total deaths Numerical values, or None The total number of fatalities caused by all systems that formed during the season, whether direct or indirect

Constructing the season effects table


This template should be used in conjunction with the other templates which make up the season effects table. The correct order of placement is shown below:

{{Australian cyclone season effects (top)}}
{{Australian cyclone season effects (cyclone)}}
{{Australian cyclone season effects (bottom)}}

A new instance of {{Australian cyclone season effects (cyclone)}} should be added for each cyclone that forms during the season.
