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Template:Copy to Wikimedia Commons in/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This template is to indicate when an image is in public domain in both its source country and the United States. English Wikipedia policy allows for copyrighted images to be used under "fair use" guidelines. However, these images must not be transferred to Commons until they are public domain in both the United States and the country of origin.

Once eligible, files will automatically be tagged with {{Copy to Wikimedia Commons}}.


  • {{Copy to Wikimedia Commons in|PUBLIC_DOMAIN_YEAR}}

The parameter PUBLIC_DOMAIN_YEAR is the year in which the media becomes public domain in the home country, and is mandatory.

Whenever this template is transcluded, if the PUBLIC_DOMAIN_YEAR is in the future (for example: {{Copy to Wikimedia Commons in|2026}}) then the template box will display the following:

However, if the PUBLIC_DOMAIN_YEAR is in the past (for example: {{Copy to Wikimedia Commons in|2022}}) then the template will display the following:



Specify that a file is not currently eligible for transfer to Wikimedia Commons, but provide a date when it will be.

Template parameters

11 date

The year in which the file can be transferred to Commons. NOTE: copyright usually expires at the end of the calendar year. For example, copyright that mathematically expires on June 2, 2049 would actually enter the public domain on January 1, 2050. In this example, this parameter should be set to 2050.

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If present, the template does not automatically categorize the file
