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Template:European Parliament standings (8th)

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A reduced version of this template is available here. A pre-2014 election version can be found here and a reduced version here.
Group Parties Leader(s) Est. MEPs
European People's Party (EPP)
Manfred Weber 2009 216
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
Gianni Pittella 2009 185
European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR)
Syed Kamall 2009 77
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)
Guy Verhofstadt 2004 69
European United Left–Nordic Green Left (GUE-NGL) Gabi Zimmer 1995 52
Greens–European Free Alliance (Greens–EFA)
1999 52
Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD)
Nigel Farage 2014 42
Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF)
2015 36
Non-Inscrits (NI)
N/A 20
Source for MEPs: Seats by Member State Total 749