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Template:Folger inline/doc

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Links to Shakespeare texts at the Folger Shakespeare Library.


  1. work – See list below
  2. act or number for sonnets (optional) – number of the act, or 'induction' or 'prologue' or 'epilogue' or 'characters' for a list of characters in the play
  3. scene (optional) – number of the scene
  4. line (optional) – single number or range (with en dash); the text after the dash is displayed, but otherwise ignored
  5. bare (optional) – if set to true, suppresses ", Folger Shakespeare Library" in the output

If act is omitted, a link to the entire play will be emitted.

Play codes


A work can be entered either by its standard name (not necessarily its Wikipedia page name (Richard II, not "Richard II (play)"), or by its code as follows:

AWW: All's Well That Ends Well
Ant: Antony and Cleopatra
AYL: As You Like It
Err: The Comedy of Errors
Cor: Coriolanus
Cym: Cymbeline
Ham: Hamlet
1H4: Henry IV, Part 1
2H4: Henry IV, Part 2
H5: Henry V
1H6: Henry VI, Part 1
2H6: Henry VI, Part 2
3H6: Henry VI, Part 3
H8: Henry VIII
JC: Julius Caesar
Jn: King John
Lr: King Lear
LLL: Love's Labor's Lost
Mac: Macbeth
MM: Measure for Measure
MV: The Merchant of Venice
Wiv: The Merry Wives of Windsor
MND: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Ado: Much Ado About Nothing
Oth: Othello
Per: Pericles
R2: Richard II
R3: Richard III
Rom: Romeo and Juliet
Shr: The Taming of the Shrew
Tmp: The Tempest
Tim: Timon of Athens
Tit: Titus Andronicus
Tro: Troilus and Cressida
TN: Twelfth Night
TGV: The Two Gentlemen of Verona
TNK: Two Noble Kinsmen
WT: The Winter's Tale

  • Sonnet