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Template:Indic encoding/doc

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This template is used to display the computer encodings of characters, utilizing the {{charmap}} template, for articles in category:Indic letters. The templates displays the characters in a predictable, standard order, organized roughly by family relation between scripts and other traits (such as inclusion in the ISCII standard). It is used in conjunction with {{Indic glyph}} to provide consistent and comprehensive information about cognate letters from different Indic scripts. It uses the same named parameters as {{Indic glyph}}.

Additional codepoints


Occasionally, there may be some cases where the cognate characters exceeds the number of codepoints set aside in this template. The number of possible codepoints is limited in order to keep the width of the {{charmap}} display manageable. To bypass this limitation, you will need to use the {{charmap}} template directly directly after {{Indic encoding}} as follows:

| <first codepoint>
| image1 = [[File:<first image>|20px]]
| name1 = {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|<first codepoint>}}
| <second codepoint>
| image2 = [[File:<second image>|20px]]
| name2 = {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|<second codepoint>}}
| <Nth codepoint>
| imageN = [[File:<Nth image>|20px]]
| nameN = {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|<Nth codepoint>}}

You can use the | sizeN = XX%; vertical-align: top/bottom; parameter to set the size and alignment of subscript/subjoined characters, or other characters that might display in plain text outside the normal area in the charmap. Section notes parameters can be used to direct readers from the expected location of a codepoint to the extra charmaps, and a link to the bottom of the standard table can be included in the note using the hardcoded anchor at [[#charmap bottom]].



This template takes two parameters to define a character. The first parameter is required, and signifies the Unicode codepoint for the character. The second, optional parameter allows you to specify an image file to display the character instead of showing it in plain text. Image parameters take the bare filename, as the template takes care of sizing and formatting images.

The Khmer, Burmese, Chakma, Tai Tham, Thai, Lao and Tai Viet scripts may have two characters derived from a single origin, and thus there are four parameters for those scripts. New Tai Lue can have three characters derived from a single origin, and thus there are six characters for that script. Tibetan has an additional codepoint for the subjoined form of a consonant, and this template defines four parameters for both forms. The Brahmi script has parameters for specifying image files in three major stylistic periods - Ashoka, Kushana, and Gupta Brahmi - which all share the same codepoint. Finally, there is one parameter for specifying the ISCII code point of a character for the 9 scripts inherited into Unicode from that standard (Unicode unified Bengali and Assamese from ISCII).

{{Indic encoding}} parameters
Script Codepoint Image
ISCII scripts
Devanagari devacp = devaimg =
Bengali bengcp = bengimg =
Tamil tamlcp = tamlimg =
Telugu telucp = teluimg =
Oriya oryacp = oryaimg =
Kannada kndacp = kndaimg =
Malayalam mlymcp = mlymimg =
Gujarati gujrcp = gujrimg =
Gurmukhi gurucp = guruimg =
ISCII codepoint for the above scripts iscii =
Notes on ISCII section iscii notes =
Ancient scripts
Ashoka Brahmi brahcp = ashokaimg =
Kushana Brahmi kushanaimg =
Gupta Brahmi guptaimg =
Kharoṣṭhī kharcp = kharimg =
Siddhaṃ siddcp = siddimg =
Grantha grancp = granimg =
Aksara Kawi kawicp = kawiimg =
Notes on ancient scripts section ancient notes =
Old Gupta-derived scripts
Tibetan tibtcp = tibtimg =
Tibetan subjoined tibtaltcp = tibtaltimg =
Phags-pa phagcp = phagimg =
Zanabazar Square zanbcp = zanbimg =
Newa newacp = newaimg =
Ranjana ranjcp = ranjimg =
Bhaiksuki bhkscp = bhksimg =
Sharada shrdcp = shrdimg =
Notes on old Guptas section old gupta notes =
Burmese family scripts
Burmese mymrcp = mymrimg =
Burmese 2nd mymr2cp = mymr2img =
Tai Tham lanacp = lanaimg =
Tai Tham 2nd lana2cp = lana2img =
New Tai Lue talucp = taluimg =
New Tai Lue 2nd talu2cp = talu2img =
New Tai Lue 3rd talu3cp = talu3img =
Notes on Burmese scripts section burmese notes =
Khmer family scripts
Khmer khmrcp = khmrimg =
Khmer 2nd khmr2cp = khmr2img =
Lao laoocp = laooimg =
Lao 2nd laoo2cp = laoo2img =
Thai thaicp = thaiimg =
Thai 2nd thai2cp = thai2img =
Tai Viet tavtcp = tavtimg =
Tai Viet 2nd tavt2cp = tavt2img =
Notes on Khmer scripts section khmer notes =
Other Kadamba- & Grantha-derived scripts
Sinhala sinhcp = sinhimg =
Kayah Li kalicp = kaliimg =
Chakma cakmcp = cakmimg =
Chakma 2nd cakm2cp = cakm2img =
Tai Le talecp = taleimg =
Ahom ahomcp = ahomimg =
Dives Akuru diakcp = diakimg =
Saurashtra saurcp = saurimg =
Cham chamcp = chamimg =
Notes on Kadamba/Grantha scripts section grantha notes =
Modi modicp = modiimg =
Nandinagari nandcp = nandimg =
Soyombo soyocp = soyoimg =
Sylheti Nagari sylocp = syloimg =
Gunjala Gondi gongcp = gongimg =
Kaithi kthicp = kthiimg =
Notes on Nagaris section nagari notes =
Other Gupta-derived scripts
Tirhuta tirhcp = tirhimg =
Lepcha lepccp = lepcimg =
Limbu limbcp = limbimg =
Meitei Mayek mteicp = mteiimg =
Marchen marccp = marcimg =
Notes on other Guptas section other gupta notes =
Sharada-derived scripts
Takri takrcp = takrimg =
Dogri dogrcp = dogrimg =
Khojki khojcp = khojimg =
Khudabadi sindcp = sindimg =
Mahajani mahjcp = mahjimg =
Multani multcp = multimg =
Notes on Sharada scripts section sharada notes =
Kawi-derived scripts
Balinese balicp = baliimg =
Batak batkcp = batkimg =
Buginese bugicp = bugiimg =
Javanese javacp = javaimg =
Makasar makacp = makaimg =
Rejang rjngcp = rjngimg =
Sundanese sundcp = sundimg =
Notes on Kawi scripts section kawi notes =
Phillipine scripts
Baybayin tglgcp = tglgimg =
Tagbanwa tagbcp = tagbimg =
Buhid buhdcp = buhdimg =
Hanuno'o hanocp = hanoimg =
Masaram Gondi gonmcp = gonmimg =
Notes on Philippine scripts section philippine notes =
Aboriginal Canadian Syllabics
Canadian Syllabics E-grade canscp = cansimg =
Canadian Syllabics I-grade canscp-I = cansimg-I =
Canadian Syllabics O-grade canscp-O = cansimg-O =
Canadian Syllabics A-grade canscp-A = cansimg-A =
Canadian Syllabics &null;-grade canscp-X = cansimg-X =
Other Syllabics codepoints canscp1 = , canscp2 = ... canscp9 =
Notes on Canadian syllabics section syllabics notes =

Code bases

Full parameter set Code points only

{{Indic encoding
|devacp = |devaimg =
|bengcp = |bengimg =
|tamlcp = |tamlimg =
|telucp = |teluimg =
|oryacp = |oryaimg =
|kndacp = |kndaimg =
|mlymcp = |mlymimg =
|gujrcp = |gujrimg =
|gurucp = |guruimg =
|iscii =
|iscii notes =
|brahcp = |ashokaimg =
|kushanaimg =
|guptaimg =
|kharcp = |kharimg =
|siddcp = |siddimg =
|grancp = |granimg =
|ancient notes =
|tibtcp = |tibtimg =
|tibtaltcp = |tibtaltimg =
|phagcp = |phagimg =
|zanbcp = |zanbimg =
|newacp = |newaimg =
|ranjcp = |ranjimg =
|bhkscp = |bhksimg =
|shrdcp = |shrdimg =
|old gupta notes =
|mymrcp = |mymrimg =
|mymr2cp = |mymr2img =
|lanacp = |lanaimg =
|lana2cp = |lana2img =
|talucp = |taluimg =
|talu2cp = |talu2img =
|talu3cp = |talu3img =
|burmese notes =
|khmrcp = |khmrimg =
|khmr2cp = |khmr2img =
|laoocp = |laooimg =
|laoo2cp = |laoo2img =
|thaicp = |thaiimg =
|thai2cp = |thai2img =
|tavtcp = |tavtimg =
|tavt2cp = |tavt2img =
|khmer notes =
|sinhcp = |sinhimg =
|kalicp = |kaliimg =
|cakmcp = |cakmimg =
|cakm2cp = |cakm2img =
|talecp = |taleimg =
|ahomcp = |ahomimg =
|diakcp = |diakimg =
|saurcp = |saurimg =
|chamcp = |chamimg =
|grantha notes =
|modicp = |modiimg =
|nandcp = |nandimg =
|soyocp = |soyoimg =
|sylocp = |syloimg =
|gongcp = |gongimg =
|kthicp = |kthiimg =
|nagari notes =
|tirhcp = |tirhimg =
|lepccp = |lepcimg =
|limbcp = |limbimg =
|mteicp = |mteiimg =
|marccp = |marcimg =
|other gupta notes =
|takrcp = |takrimg =
|dogrcp = |dogrimg =
|khojcp = |khojimg =
|sindcp = |sindimg =
|mahjcp = |mahjimg =
|multcp = |multimg =
|sharada notes =
|balicp = |baliimg =
|batkcp = |batkimg =
|bugicp = |bugiimg =
|javacp = |javaimg =
|makacp = |makaimg =
|rjngcp = |rjngimg =
|sundcp = |sundimg =
|kawi notes =
|tglgcp = |tglgimg =
|tagbcp = |tagbimg =
|buhdcp = |buhdimg =
|hanocp = |hanoimg =
|gonmcp = |gonmimg =
|philippine notes =
|canscp = |cansimg =
|canscp-I = |cansimg-I =
|canscp-O = |cansimg-O =
|canscp-A = |cansimg-A =
|canscp-X = |cansimg-X =
|canscp1 = |canscp2 = |canscp3 =
|canscp4 = |canscp5 = |canscp6=
|canscp7 = |canscp8 = |canscp9 =
|syllabics notes = }}

{{Indic encoding
|devacp = |bengcp = |tamlcp = |telucp = |oryacp = |kndacp = |mlymcp = |gujrcp = |gurucp =
|brahcp = |kharcp = |siddcp = |grancp =
|tibtcp = |tibtaltcp = |phagcp = |zanbcp = |newacp = |ranjcp = |bhkscp = |shrdcp =
|mymrcp = |mymr2cp = |lanacp = |lana2cp = |talucp = |talu2cp = |talu3cp =
|khmrcp = |khmr2cp = |laoocp = |laoo2cp = |thaicp = |thai2cp = |tavtcp = |tavt2cp =
|sinhcp = |kalicp = |cakmcp = |cakm2cp = |talecp = |ahomcp = |diakcp = |saurcp = |chamcp =
|modicp = |nandcp = |soyocp = |sylocp = |gongcp = |kthicp =
|tirhcp = |lepccp = |limbcp = |mteicp = |marccp =
|takrcp = |dogrcp = |khojcp = |sindcp = |mahjcp = |multcp =
|balicp = |batkcp = |bugicp = |javacp = |makacp = |rjngcp = |sundcp =
|tglgcp = |tagbcp = |buhdcp = |hanocp = |gonmcp =
|canscp = |canscp-I = |canscp-O = |canscp-A = |canscp-X =
|canscp1 = |canscp2 = |canscp3 = |canscp4 = |canscp5 = |canscp6 = |canscp7 = |canscp8 = |canscp9 = }}

See also
