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This template is used in WP:CITEWATCH/SETUP to build the WP:CITEWATCH. It is also used by WP:JCW/PUBSETUP to build WP:JCW/PUB

Basic syntax

  • {{JCW-selected|<TARGET1>|<TARGET2>|...}} (everything must be on a single-line for the bot to read the template correctly)

The first parameter <TARGET1> is the 'main' target, or the 'group' under which every other targets (<TARGET2>, <TARGET3>) are regrouped. For instance {{JCW-selected|Baishideng Publishing Group}} produces

but {{JCW-selected|Baishideng Publishing Group|World Journal of Gastroenterology}} produces

<Target#> can be articles or categories, for instance {{JCW-selected|Bentham Science Publishers|Category:Bentham Science Publishers academic journals}} produces

This will tell the bot to look for

  • Exact matches to <TARGET#>
  • Redirects to <TARGET#>
  • Likely typos of <TARGET#> or its redirects

If a category is given, it will find look for matches for everything in the category. For example Category:MDPI academic journals has several (non-redirected) articles in it. The bot will look for every match to pages directly in the category, every match to redirects to pages in the category, and likely typos to both direct matches and redirect matches to everything in the category.

Red links are fine, if you want the compilation to catch entries that don't yet have articles. It also saves the trouble of updating the list every time someone creates an article. Most red links in WP:CITEWATCH/SETUP should remain red per gross failures of WP:N, but certain journals and publishers (and redirects from non-notable journals to those notable publishers) can be created if they are notable.

Additional parameters


Three additional parameters can be used: |doi=, |source= and |note= which must be at the end of the template. E.g.

  • {{JCW-selected|<Target1>|<Target2>|...doi=...|source=...|note=...}}

|doi= is the doi prefix (the 10.xxxx part of 10.xxxx/....) associated with a publisher. This should only be used for publishers. Multiple doi prefixes can be specified with |doi1=, |doi2=, |doi3=...

  • |doi=10.1234
  • |doi1=10.1234 |doi2=10.9999

|source= should be any of these codes. It will otherwise simply render whatever text you put there normally. Multiple codes can be used, each separated by a comma and a space.

  • |source=DOAJ → DOAJ
  • |source=[http://www.example.com Example.com]Example.com
  • |source=BJL, DOAJ, [http://www.example.com Example.com] → BJL, DOAJ, Example.com

|note= can be anything you want, e.g.

JL-Bot will use |source= and |note= to create an explanation for why something is listed at WP:CITEWATCH. At the very least, |source= should be specific in WP:CITEWATCH/SETUP, otherwise no one knows why something is even listed. |note= is supported in both WP:JCW/PUBSETUP and WP:CITEWATCH/SETUP.

See also

  • {{JCW-Main}} documentation for the rest of the JCW-series of templates