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>>Wiki link Explanation<<

Quick Tips! Use the variable (sdoc) to insert any wiki link for example: {{Sdoc|Wikipedia|sdoc=none}}   will output {{WikipediaWikipedia}}   and use (link color) to change to any color of your choice for Example: {{Sdoc|Wikipedia|sdoc=none|link color=blue}}   will output {{WikipediaWikipedia}}  . ⚠️Note: set (sdoc) to none just like this 👉 {{Sdoc|value|sdoc=none}}   and get👉 {{valuevalue}}   otherwise you will get a duplicate value like this {{ValueValue}}   If you don't want link then leave it this way 👉 {{Sdoc|value}}   And by default will give you this {{value}}   ⚠️This Template was mainly built to simplify Template name display and Documentation hence the recent inclusion of (wiki link) is just a bonus.
Note that you can always insert any type of wikitext and have full customisation control
You can still get a result like this if you wish:👇 {{valuevalue|value2|value3|value4|value5|value6}}   >>End of wiki link narration<<

Now let's Continue >>> The Template {{Sdoc}}   is a Simplified inline Template link displayer that will allows you to easily add Template links and values without having to define variables such as {{Sdoc|Template}}   instead of {{Sdoc|variable=Template}}   It has also utilised the use of equal signs[=] which can allow you to anonymously assign and display both variable and it's properties for example: when you insert (=Variable=Template) will displays(variable=Template), This is a shortcut for when you insert (Variable=Variable=Template) which will still outputs (variable=Template).
In the Template, all you have to do is This: {{Sdoc|Template|=detail=Sample}}   Will Output:
{{Template|detail=Sample}}   You just have to start your statement with an equal sign[=] then your first preferred word[detail], with another equal sign[=], then your last preferred word[Sample] in order to Output[detail=Sample]. In your documenting or detailing page, you may want to do this for Example: {{Sdoc|Wikipedia|page|=Articles=Template}}   will Output this: {{Wikipedia|page|Articles=Template}}   And notice that the only difference between the Edit and the visual result is only the first initial equal sign[=] which you should always insert from the beginning in order to Output[Articles=Template]. This Template Sdoc can takes upto 6 none variables and unknown parameters {{1|2|3|4|5|6}}   and then with styling variable parameters {{1|2|3|4|5|6|Css properties=styling}}   which is enough to output all details about your Template, for example: {{Sdoc|Wikipedia|page|Doc|color=darkgreen|=Articles=Template}}   Will Output: {{Wikipedia|page|Doc|Articles=Template}}  

Parameters format


First, lest take a look at this previous example: {{Sdoc|Wikipedia|page|Doc|color=darkgreen|=Articles=Template}}   >>>Swipe>>> to view all table row👇

Parameters values Declare with Details instruction
Sdoc Template name Template name Everything must start with Template name
[Wikipedia] No Variable need Anonymously signed without variable An unknown parameters of your choice
[page] No variable needed Anonymously signed without variable can

be unknown parameters of your choice

[Doc] No Variable need Anonymously signed without variable An unknown parameters of your choice
[darkgreen] Yes!

Variable is needed

Signed with the variable(color)

I.e [color=darkgreen]

Can be any color of your choice
=Articles=Template No Variable need signed anonymously with the first equal sign[=] Must start with the first equal sign[=] in other to display [Articles=Template]
Styling parameters:

The style Parameters can be assigned with these below 4 variables.

[color] [color all] [bold] [bold all]

These style variables can be used to assign any of the css style value of your choice for Example: when you add [color=blue] will change the text color to blue. {{color|color=blue}}  

And when you assign with[color all] will change the color of both text and curly braces({}) For Example: {{color|color all=deeppink}}   The same applies when you insert [bold=bold] or [bold all=bold] for example:

{{bold|bold =bold}}   and

{{bold all|bold =bold}}