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Template:Solar radius calculator/doc

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This template is primarily used by {{list of largest stars row}} to simplify its code and allow for easier updating should values require changing. It calculates the radius of a star in comparison to the Solar radius R.



This template has one named and up to two unnamed parameters; the named parameter type determines the calculation, while the unnamed parameter(s) are the values to be input into the equation. If the unit R is desired, use |unit=yes and optional |link=y.

|type= 1 2
Rcm Radius in cm
Rm Radius in m
AD angular diameter in milliarcseconds (mas) distance in kiloparsecs
logLT log of the luminosity temperature in K
LT luminosity temperature in K


{{Solar radius calculator|type=Rcm|1.21e14}} → 1,739
{{Solar radius calculator|type=AD|11.3|1.2}} → 1,458
LT using logL
{{Solar radius calculator|type=logLT|5.64|3300}} → 2,021
LT using L and unit
{{Solar radius calculator|type=logLT|5.64|3300|unit=y}} → 2,021 R

Values and calculations


All radii, once calculated, are divided by 6.957×108 to convert from m to R.

radius determined from angular diameter and distance
D is multiplied by 3.0857×1019 to convert from kpc to m
radius calculated from bolometric luminosity and effective temperature per the Stefan–Boltzmann law
If is provided, is used
L is multiplied by 3.828×1026 to convert from solar luminosity to watts