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Font declaration has been moved to Common.css

The way Template:IPA, Template:Unicode, and Template:Polytonic do their job has been changed. They should continue to work as before. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience. Problems? Click "refresh".

The font declarations for these three templates have been moved to the style sheet at MediaWiki:Common.css. This reduces the size of Wikipedia pages' code, by as much as 100kB in the case of IPA. The respective font declarations are applied to HTML entities with one of the following attributes (capitalization counts). The three templates in question have been updated, so they will continue working as before.


The only disadvantage of the new scheme is that only admin users are able to edit the font declarations in Common.css (or is it an advantage?). But you can override the font declaration for yourself by editing your own Wikipedia user style sheet. See Template talk:IPA#Applying custom styles to IPA text. Alternatively, you can use a browser like Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Safari, in which Unicode text just works.

The reason for this change is that the Mediawiki software no longer allows comments in inline style sheets, because Microsoft Internet Explorer's incorrect parsing is unsafe and can be used for cross-site scripting attacks. See Wikimedia bug no. 3588.

Similar font declarations applied to any tables or divs on Wikipedia should have one of the above-mentioned class attributes added instead.

The style sheet code in Common.css looks like this:

/* Support for Template:IPA, Template:Unicode and Template:Polytonic. The inherit declaration resets the font for all browsers except MSIE6.  The empty comment must remain. */
.IPA {
        font-family: Chrysanthi Unicode, Doulos SIL, Gentium, GentiumAlt, Code2000, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, DejaVu Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans, Bitstream Cyberbit, Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, Matrix Unicode;
        font-family /**/:inherit;
.Unicode {
        font-family: TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Code2000, Doulos SIL, Chrysanthi Unicode, Bitstream Cyberbit, Bitstream CyberBase, Bitstream Vera, Thryomanes, Gentium, GentiumAlt, Visual Geez Unicode, Lucida Grande, Arial Unicode MS, Microsoft Sans Serif, Lucida Sans Unicode;
        font-family /**/:inherit;
.polytonic {
        font-family: Athena, Gentium, Palatino Linotype, Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Code2000; 
        font-family /**/:inherit;

Please discuss this at Template talk:IPA#Font declaration has been moved to Common.css. Michael Z. 2005-10-4 15:39 Z


css is certainly the right way to handle this sort of thing. However, not everyone uses monobook -- there are 7 other styles available in Special:Preferences. Since I can't edit the css files, I am fixing this temporarily by reverting to the old system. Please revert back after all the other css files are updated. And then, please test on a variety of configurations. Thanks. --Macrakis 18:54, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
What's the name of the skin you are using? Do you know the location of its style sheet, and the other six? I'm glad to make the same changes to all of them. Michael Z. 2005-10-4 19:03 Z
I use Classic, myself. Special:Preferences also shows MySkin, Cologne Blue, MonoBook, Nostalgia, Simple, Amethyst, and Chick. When you're done, you can also change back Template:Polytonic. --Macrakis 19:12, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
I couldn't find any of those style sheets, but I've moved the offending code to MediaWiki:Common.css, so it should work in all skins. Please refresh and confirm that it's working for you. Thanks. Michael Z. 2005-10-4 20:39 Z
No, it will not work in all skins. If there are 6 of them, and the inclusion of Common.css is done only in 5 of them (it's not automatic; it has to be done by hand on each of the skins, since there's no support for it in the software), one of the skins is not working correctly. Someone should find out which page on the MediaWiki: namespace the missing skin is calling and create it, copying from one of the other skins (for instance, MediaWiki:Cologneblue.css). --cesarb 21:06, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
Never mind, I've done it myself (there were two skins which didn't have the Common.css include). I have not tested them, but it should work. --cesarb 21:17, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

Tahoma for polytonic?


  • ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι
  • ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι

The second one looks more like monobooks sans-serif font (defaults to Arial for western text, at least in IE and Firefox), doesn't it? Is there a specific reason Tahoma isn't in the list (and more importantly, before P.L.)? Are there important characters Tahoma doesn't support? Shinobu 02:10, 15 December 2005 (UTC)

Mac and IE

The template does not work with Macintosh and IE

System Software Overview:

 System Version:	Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98)
 Kernel Version:	Darwin 7.9.0
        Explorer Version: 5.2.3 (5815.1)
              Encryption: 128 Bit
              User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC)
            Machine Type: Unknown
          System Version: System 10.3.9
         TCP/IP Software: Open Transport - version 16.3.0
            Drag Manager: 68K & PPC Version
 Text Encoding Converter: Version 1.9.0
           System Memory: 2097,148K Bytes

Andreas 02:02, 28 December 2005 (UTC)

[Replied at template talk:Polytonic#Mac and IE Michael Z. 2005-12-28 06:02 Z]

CSS hackers needed

If any CSS hackers are in the house: Could you please have a look at Talk:Voiced_velar_plosive? It appears that Firefox preferably uses the font MS Reference Sans Serif for IPA letters, but the font is broken. Thanks, AxelBoldt 21:53, 29 December 2005 (UTC)

Update: this is the same issue that Angr reported above for Netscape. AxelBoldt 22:34, 29 December 2005 (UTC)

Please add an interwiki link to the Vietnamese version of this template:

<noinclude>[[vi:Tiêu bản:IPA]]</noinclude>


 – Minh Nguyễn (talk, contribs) 22:32, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

Done. --CBDunkerson 17:07, 8 April 2006 (UTC)