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Barge Test

Barge mounted test detonations, was a technique first used in 1954, and also compensated for the lack of land at the HP. When testing returned to Bikini atoll the use of barges as the shot point had begun, with one notable advantage, no radioactive surface zero areas ware developed. Two large underwater craters were formed in 1954 and these were used as subsequent surface zeros for detonations fired from barges. This allowed the available land area to be used for the placement of measurement instrumentation and reuse of Vie same burst point without the long delays required for radiological cooling by natural decay or expensive and long decontamination procedures. Reuse of zero points also allowed reuse of instrument locations and recording shelters for several tests saving construction costs and time and Increasing test-scheduling flexibility. In HARDTACK the 26 barge events used only five detonation areas. [1] [2]


FIR predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) areas, ship position, and aircraft participation. FIR was the first Bikini detonation. Detonated at 0550 on 12 May 1958. FIR was detonated on a barge in the BRAVO crater, producing a 1.36 Mt yield range. [2] After detonation, the cloud rose to 60.000 to 90.000 feet (18.3 to 27.4 km). The FIR detonation was shortly followed by BUTTERNUT detonation on Enewetak 25 minutes later. DOD-sponsored experiments for FIR included Projects 3.7, 5.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.11. [1] [2]


BUTTERNUT predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion areas (radex), ship positions, and aircraft participation. Butternut was detonated at 0615 on 12 May 1958, 25 minutes after FIR had been detonated at Enewetak. BUTTERNUT was detonated on a barge 4.000 feet (1.22 km) west of Runit, producing a yield range of 81 kt.[2] The cloud rose to 35,000 feet (10.7 km), stabilizing at 30,000 feet (9.1 km). The DOD-sponsored experiments for BUTTERNUT were Projects 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.9 [1] [2]


HOLLY predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) areas, ship positions, and aircraft participation. HOLLY was detonated at 0630 on 21 May 1958 on a barge west of Runit, 4,000 feet (1.22 km) from the nearest edge of the island, producing a 5.9 kt yield range.[2] The detonation produced a 15,000 ft. (4.6 km) cloud that stabilized at an altitude of 12,000 feet (2.7 km) at the top and 7,500 ft. (2.3 km) at its base. Project 6.6, was the only DOD-sponsored experiment for HOLLY, and was conducted on Enewetak Island. [1] [2]


NUTMEG predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion area (radex), ship positions, and aircraft participation. The second Bikini shot, NUTMEG, was detonated at 0920 on 22 May 1958. NUTMEG was detonated on a barge in the ZUNI crater, and produced a 25.1 kt yield range.[2] The detonation cloud stabilized at 20,000 feet (6.1 km) by 0926. DOD-sponsored experiments for NUTMEG were Projects 6.3, 6.3a, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.11. Projects 6.3 and 6.3a had stations near the burst point on Eneman Island.[1] [2]


YELLOWWOOD predicted fallout, surface radiological (radix) exclusion area, and ship positions. YELLOWWOOD was detonated at 1400 on 26 May 1958. YELLOWOOD was detonated on a barge 5,000 feet (1.52 km) southwest of Enjebi, and produced a 330 kt yield range.[2] The DOD sponsored 13 experiments for YELLOWWOOD: Projects 2.4, 2.8, 3.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8, 6.9, 6.11, and 8.1. Instrument stations for Project 2.4 were located on buoys in the lagoon. The remaining projects had more distant stations or were primarily airborne.[1] [2]


Predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radix) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. MAGNOLIA was detonated at 0600 on 27 May 1958. MAGONLIA was detonated on a barge 3.000 feet (914 meters) southwest of the center of Runit, and produced a 57 kt yield range.[2] The detonation produced a 44,000-foot (13.4-kim) cloud that stabilized at 41,000 feet (12.5 km) with its base at 15,000 feet (4.6 km). The DOD-sponsored experiments for MAGNOLIA were Projects: 3.7, 5.2, and 5.3. Instruments for Project 3.7 were on Boken, Enjebi, and Runit. [1] [2]


TOBACCO predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radix) area, hip positions, and aircraft participation. TOBACCO was detonated at 1415 on 30 May 1958. TOBACCO was detonated on a barge 3.000 feet (914 meters) northwest of Enjebi, and produced a 11.6 kt yield range.[2] The detonation produced an 18,000-foot (5.5-km) cloud that stabilized at 16,000 feet (4.9 km) by 1430. The DOD-sponsored experiments for TOBACCO were Projects 3.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 6.8. The project activity for Project 3.7 was on Boken, Enjebi, and Runit. Project 6.8 simply monitored TOBACCO from stations off Enewetak and Parry islands.[1] [2]


SYCAMORE predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. SYCAMORE was detonated at 1500 on 31 May 1958. SYCAMORE was detonated on a barge moored in the BRAVO crater, and produced a 92 kt yield range.[2] DOD-sponsored experiments for SYCAMORE were Projects: 3.7, 5.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.11. Only Project 6.11 had an instrument site at Bikini.[1] [2]


MAPLE predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. MAPLE was detonated on 11 June at 0530 1958. MAPLE was detonated on a barge just south of Lomilik, and produced a 213 kt yield range.[2] The 40,000-foot (12.2-kim) cloud produced by the detonation was tracked by radar from Benner. The DOD-sponsored experiments for MAPLE were Projects 5.1, 6.3, and 6.3a. Projects 6.3 and 6.3a shared the same, rather close-in sites on Lomilik.[1] [2]


ASPEN predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) areas, ship positions, and aircraft participation. ASPEN was detonated on 15 June 58 at 0530. ASPEN was detonated on a barge in the BRAVO crater of Bikini, 4,000 feet (1.22 km) southwest of Nam. ASPEN produced a 319 kt yield range.[2] The detonation produced a 48.600-foot (14.8-k1m) cloud as measured by radar from Benner. No experiments were sponsored by DOD for this shot.[1] [2]


WALNUT predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) areas, ship positions, and aircraft participation. WALNUT was detonated on 15 June 1958 at 0630, 1 hour after the ASPEN event at Bikini. WALNUT was detonated on a barge 5,000 feet (1.52 km) southwest of Enjebi Island in Enewetak. The detonation produced a 61.000-foot (18.6-kim) cloud, and produced a 1.45 Mt yield range.[2] The DOD-sponsored experiments for WALNUT included Projects 2.4, 2.8, 3.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 8.1.[1] [2]


LINDEN predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. LINDEN was detonated on 18 June 1958 at 1500. LINDEN was detonated on a barge 4,000 feet (1.22 km) west of the center of Runit Island at Enewetak. The detonation produced a 20,000-foot cloud (6.1-k1m) with a 7.000-foot (2.1-kim) base, and produced an 11 kt yield range.[2] No DOD-sponsored experiments were conducted during LINDEN.[1] [2]


REDWOOD predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) areas, ship positions, and aircraft participation. REDWOOD was detonated on 28 June 1958 at 0530. REDWOOD was detonated on a barge south of Lomilik in Bikini. REDWOOD was followed by the ELDER detonation at Enewetak Atoll 1 hour later. The detonation cloud base was at 28,000 feet (8.5 km) and the top stabilized at 55,000 feet (16.8 km), and produced a 412 kt yield range.[2] The only DOD-sponsored experiment for REDWOOD was Project 5.1.[1] [2]


ELDER predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) areas, ship positions, and aircraft participation. ELDER, detonated on 28 June 1958 at 0630. ELDER was the second of a tandem shot with REDWOOD (detonated an hour earlier on Bikini). ELDER was detonated on a barge 1 nmi (1.85 km) southeast of Enjebi Island in Enewetak. Initial cloud height had been well over 65.000 feet (19.8 km), and produced an 880 kt yield range.[2] The only DOD-sponsored experiment for ELDER, was project 5.1.[1] [2]


OAK predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, and ship positions. OAK, one of the largest detonations at Enewetak Atoll, and was fired at 0730 on 29 June 1958. OAK was detonated on a barge moored on the reef 21,000 feet (6.40 km) southwest of Bokoluo Island. It was followed at noon by the HICKORY shot at Bikini. The Initial height of the cloud was estimated to be 78,000 feet (23.8 k1m), and produced a 8.9 MT yield range.[2] Two DOD-sponsored experiments were included for OAK: Projects 2.8 and 5.1. [1] [2]


HICKORY predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. HICKORY was detonated on 29 June 1958 at 1200. HICKORY was detonated on a barge off the west end of Enema at Bikini, 4-1/2 hours after the OAK shot at Enewetak Atoll. The detonation cloud rose to 24,200 feet (7.4 km) with an estimated 12.000-foot (3.7-km) base, and produced a 14 kt yield range.[2] Projects 6.3 and 6.3a were the only DOD-sponsored experiments for HICKORY. [1] [2]


SEQUOIA predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. SEQUOIA was detonated on 2 July 1958 at 0630. SEQUOIA was detonated on a barge 2,000 feet (5i0 meters) west-northwest of Runit Island at Enewetak. The cloud stabilized at 15,000 feet (4.6 k1m), and produced a 52 kt yield range.[2] SEQUIA had no DOD-sponsored experiments.[1] [2]


CEDAR predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. CEDAR was detonated on 3 July 1958 at 0530. CEDER was detonated on a barge in the BRAVO crater southwest of Nam, 4,000 feet (1.22 km) from the edge of the island at Bikini. The CEDAR detonation produced a 50,000 foot (15.2) cloud, and produced a 220 kt yield range.[2] The only DOD-sponsored experiment for CEDAR was Project 5.1.[1] [2]


DOGWOOD predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. DOGWOOD was detonated on 6 July 1958 at 0630. DOGWOOD was detonated on a barge southwest of Enjebi, 4,000 feet (1.22 km) from the edge of the island at Enewetak. The cloud rose to 58,000 feet (17.7 kin), stabilizing at 54.000 feet (16.5 km) with a 35.000-foot (10.7-km) base, and produced a 397 kt yield range.[2] The only DOD-sponsored experiment for DOGWOOD Was Project 5.1.[1] [2]


POPLAR predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. POPLAR was detonated on 12 July 1958 at 1530. POPLER was detonated on a barge southwest of Nam, at Bikini. The detonation cloud quickly rose above the tracking radar limits of 61,000 feet (18.6 km), and the base was established at 42.000 feet (12.8 km) at 1540, and produced a 9300 kt yield range.[2] The only DOD-sponsored experiment for POPLAR was Project 3.7.[1] [2]


SCAEVOLA predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. SCANVOLA was detonated on 14 July 1958 at 1600. SCAEVALA was detonated on a barge west of Runit Island at Enewetak. Its yield was low and the explosion did not destroy the shot barge but only damaged it, producing a 0 kt yield range.[2] No DOD-sponsored experiments were scheduled for SCAHVOLA.[1] [2]


PISONIA predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. PISONIA was detonated on 18 July 1958 at 1100. PISONIA was detonated on a barge 10,000 feet (3.05 km) west of Runit Island at Enewetak. The cloud rose immediately to 55,000 feet (16.8 km), and produced a 255 kt yield range.[2] No DOD-sponsored experiments were scheduled for PISONIA.[1] [2]


JUNIPER predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. JUNIPER, the last nuclear detonation to occur at Bikini, was detonated on 22 July 1958 at 1620. JUNIPER was detonated on a barge 4,000 feet (1.22 km) from the west end of Eneman in the ZUINI crater at Bikini. The detonation cloud rose to 40,000 feet (12.2 km) with an estimated 24,000-foot (7.3-kim) base, and produced a 65 kt yield range.[2] No DOD-sponsored experiments were scheduled for JUNIPER.[1] [2]


OLIVE predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. OLIVE was detonated on 23 July 1958 at 0830. OLIVE was detonated on a barge southwest of Enjebi Island, at Enewetak. 4.000 feet (1.22 km) from the nearest land at Enewetak. The cloud rose to 50.000 feet (15.2 km) with an estimated 15,000-foot (4.6 km) base, and produced a 202 kt yield range.[2] No DOD-sponsored experiments were scheduled for OLIVE.[1] [2]


PINE predicted fallout, surface radiological exclusion (radex) area, ship positions, and aircraft participation. PINE was detonated on 27 July 1958 at 0830. PINE was detonated on a barge southwest of Enjebi Island, 8,500 feet (2.59 km) from the nearest land, at Enewetak. The cloud rose quickly to 66,000 feet (20.1 km) with an estimated 38,000-foot (11.6-km) base as measured by radar, and produced a 2 Mt yield range.[2] No DOD-sponsored experiments were scheduled for PINE.[1] [2]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z OPERATION HARDTACK[1]
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay OPERATION HARDTACK [2]