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User:7h3 3L173/Mr. Funtestpage/Draft (WPMO))

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The reason this user has multiple sandboxes is because this user wants to work on many pages at the same time:

<This is a page to represent layout.>



(Making a seperate section to not obstrude on that beggining part.) Explain about game it's talking about, launch date, that kind of stuff.



Description of world; steampunkish, or futuristic, or D & D-like, or whatever.

Deities & History


What it says, tell about deities and history. If it helps, write about how stuff and tension made conflicts.

Location group #1


For grouping diffrent large groups like, err... continents. Write about what terrain is like, and what it contains, like umm, say: some random town.

Town #1


Details about the town and its significance: appearences and when it was used as a setting for events. Only include very important locations!

Town #2



Location group #2


And so forth.



Faction #1; i.e. Mysterious Necromancers


Role in plots, especially in main plot.

Faction #2; i.e. King Alteon's Knights


Role in correspondence to Faction #1.

Combo faction #3; i.e. Paladins & Necromancers


For if not enough info for one entirely new section

Minor faction group 1#


To group related minor factions that appear in one event together...

Minor faction #1;


Event in, role in event, etc.

Minor Faction #2;


Same as above



Main character


Info about main character.



(Remember, in alphabetical order.)

Role if main character is protagonist


Role if protagonist; if wished, main character section here, and no seperate section.

Protagonist #1


Info about protagonist-not-character #1...

Protagonist #2





Role if main character is protagonist



Antagonist #1


etc. role in relation (if present) to accompinying protagonist(s), like say: that Sandsea guy to Zhoom.

Additional content


Could be nothing here (like 'here-here'), or, as is somewhat reasonable, as in writing about AdventureQuest, explain that there are little backstories generated by monster descriptions, like the monster description for the original "Earth Golem" in correlation with the "Fire Golem"; there's a little story it generates, doesn't it? And then explain additional content, like events and such.

Major events


Major events, such as #Recurring events, or non-recurring, but very major, like "The Great Fire War".

Reccuring events


You know what this is :P.

Recurring gags


List some major you-should-know-about-gags and in-jokes (plenty of them here), like "punt Twilly" joke and "ebilness". Could be somewhere else but fits best here.

Recurring gag #1


Ummm... name a recurring gag, what it is, and appearences and possible contributions to a storyline.

See also


Random links.