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Peer Evaluation Alternative


Note: As discussed, I will be evaluating a random article on Wikipedia based on peer evaluation guidelines!

I chose to evaluate Zara (retailer). This article focuses around the history of Zara and the production proccess of their clothes. The article also delves into various controversies that the company has been involved in as well stores they have around the world.

  • Everything is relevant to the topic at hand (Zara). However, it seems that the article discussed 50% controversies and not so much on the company itself.
  • The article appears to be neutral, stating facts only.
  • Links are working and are up to date
  • The information comes from a variety of sources: news articles, fashion sites, interviews and the site itself. The news articles are more on the neutral side, stating actual events. The interviews are more biased but facts were pulled from these sources
  • Its seem that the list of store locations hasn't been updated since last year, though we have facts from this year (controversies that have occurred).
  • The article is a good start on what Zara is and how they operate, but I think reorganizing thoughts and putting them into a more structured article would help improve the article. For example, under the manufacturing section, the article briefly touches upon a controversy.
  • Adding more about the company would be nice, like the companies mission statement, store formats, pricing etc.

Week 2: Article Evaluations

  • Overview can be condensed. Too many examples and details that can be left for the rest of the article. Definition is lacking as well
  • Process section lacks key details. Feels like its missing a lot.
  • Part of WikiProject Marketing & Advertising and WikiProject NeuroScience
  • Rated as Start-Class

Week 5: Final Draft of Neuromarketing article


Neuromarketing is a commercial marketing communication field that applies neuropsychology to marketing research, studying consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli.[1] Neuromarketing seeks to understand the rationale behind how consumers make purchasing decisions and their responses to marketing stimuli in order to apply those learning in the marketing realm. [2] [3] The potential benefits to marketers include more efficient and effective marketing campaigns and strategies, less product and campaign failures, and ultimately align the real needs and wants of the consumers with marketing strategies.[4]

Certain companies, particularly those with large-scale ambitions to predict consumer behaviour, have invested in their own laboratories, science personnel or partnerships with academia.[5]



Neuromarketing is a recent emerging disciplinary field in marketing. It also borrows similar tools and methodologies from other fields such as neuroscience and psychology. The term "neuromarketing" was introduced in 2002 by Dutch marketing professor Ale Smidts, but research in the field can be found earlier in 1990s.[6][7]

Gerald Zaltman is associated to one of the first experiments in neuromarketing. In the late 1990s, both Gemma Calvert (UK) and Gerald Zaltman (USA) had established consumer neuroscience companies. Marketing professor Gerald Zaltman patented the Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET) in the 1990s with the purpose to sell advertising.[8]. ZMET explored the human subconscious with specially selected sets of images that cause a positive emotional response and activate hidden images, metaphors stimulating the purchasee.[9] Graphical collages were constructed on the base of detected images, which lays in the basis for commercials. ZMET quickly gained popularity among hundreds of major companies-customers including Coca-Cola, General Motors, Nestle, Procter & Gamble. Zaltman and his associates were employed by those organizations to investigate brain scans and observe neural activity of consumers.[8] In 1999, he began to use the fMRI to show correlations between consumer brain activity and marketing stimuli.[2] Zaltman's marketing research methods enhanced psychological research used in marketing tools.[8]

The term 'neuromarketing' was first published in 2002 in an article by BrightHouse, a marketing firm based in Atlanta.[10] BrightHouse sponsored neurophysiologic (nervous system functioning) research into marketing divisions; they constructed a business unit that used fMRI scans for market research purposes.[10] The firm rapidly attracted criticism and disapproval concerning conflict of interest with Emory University, who helped establish the division.[11] This enterprise disappeared from public attention and now works with over 500 clients and consumer-product businesses.[10] The "Pepsi Challenge", a blind taste test of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, was a study conducted in 2004 that brought attention to neuromarketing.[6] In 2006, Dr. Carl Marci (USA) founded Innerscope Research that focused on Neuromarketing research. Innerscope research was later acquired by the Nielsen Corporation[12] in May 2015 and renamed Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience. Unilever's Consumer Research Exploratory Fund (CREF) too had been publishing white papers on the potential applications of neuromarketing.[13]



Collecting information on how the target market would respond to a product is the first step involved for organisations advertising a product. Traditional methods of marketing research include focus groups or sizeable surveys used to evaluate features of the proposed product.[14] Some of the conventional research techniques used in this type of study are the measurement of cardiac electrical activity (ECG) and electrical activity of the dermis (AED) of subjects.[15] However, it results in an incompatibility between market research findings and the actual behavior exhibited by the target market at the point of purchase.[16] Human decision-making is both a conscious and non-conscious process in the brain,[17] and while this method of research succeeded in gathering explicit (or conscious) emotions, it failed to gain the consumer's implicit (or unconscious) emotions.[18] Non-conscious information has a large influence in the decision-making process.[16]

Sample of a heat-mapping, a common technique to identify where a consumer's eyes is drawn to more.

A greater understanding of human cognition and behaviour has led to the integration of biological and social sciences: Neuromarketing, a recent method utilized to understand consumers.[19] The concept of neuromarketing combines marketing, psychology and neuroscience. Research is conducted around the implicit motivations to understand a consumer decisions by non-invasive psychoanalysis methods of measuring brain activity.[20][3][19] These include electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), eye tracking, electrodermal response measures and other neuro-technologies. Researchers investigate and learn how consumers respond and feel when presented with products and/or related stimuli.[19] Observations can then be correlated with a participants surmised emotions and social interactions.[11] Market researchers use this information to determine if products or advertisements stimulate responses in the brain linked with positive emotions.[19] The concept of neuromarketing was therefore introduced to study relevant human emotions and behavioral patterns associated with products, ads and decision-making.[21] Neuromarketing provides models of consumer behavior and can also be used to re-interpret extant research. It provides theorization of emotional aspects of consumer behavior.[22]

Consumer behavior investigates both an individuals conscious choices and underlying brain activity levels.[18] For example, neural processes observed provide a more accurate prediction of population-level data in comparison to self-reported data.[16] Neuromarketing can measure the impacts of branding and market strategies before applying them to target consumers.[16][14][3] Marketers can then advertise the product so that it communicates and meets the needs of potential consumers with different predictions of choice.[14][23]

Neuromarketing is also used with Big Data in understanding modern-day advertising channels such as social networking, search behaviour and website engagement patterns.[24]

Segmentation and positioning


Based on the proposed neuromarketing concept of decision processing, consumer buying decisions rely on either System 1 or System 2 processing or Plato's two horses and a chariot. System 1 thinking was intuitive, unconscious, effortless, fast and emotional. In contrast, decisions driven by System 2 were deliberate, conscious reasoning, slow and effortful. Zurawicki that buying decisions are driven by one's mood and emotions; concluding that compulsive and or spontaneous purchases were driven by System 1.[25]

Marketers use segmentation and positioning to divide the market and choose the segments they will use to position themselves to strategically target their ad. Using the neurological differences between genders can alter target market and segment. Research has shown that structural differences between the male and female brain has strong influence on their respective decisions as consumers.[25][26]

Young people represent a high share of buyers in many industries including the electronics market and fashion industry. Due to the development of brain maturation, adolescents are subject to strong emotional reaction, although can have difficulty identifying the emotional expression of others. Marketers can use this neural information to target adolescents with shorter, attention grabbing messages, and ones that can influence their emotional expressions clearly. Teenagers rely on more 'gut feeling' and don't fully think through consequences, so are mainly consumers of products based on excitement and impulse. Due to this behavioural quality, segmenting the market to target adolescent's can be beneficial to marketers that advertise with an emotional, quick response approach.[25]

Study examples


Companies such as Google, CBS, Frito-Lay, and A & E Television amongst others have used neuromarketing research services to measure consumer reactions to their advertisements or products.[27] In a study from the group of Read Montague published in 2004 in Neuron,[28] 67 people had their brains scanned while being given the "Pepsi Challenge", a blind taste test of Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Half the subjects chose Pepsi, since Pepsi tended to produce a stronger response than Coke in their brain's ventromedial prefrontal cortex, a region thought to process feelings of reward. But when the subjects were told they were drinking Coke three-quarters said that Coke tasted better. Their brain activity had also changed. The lateral prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that scientists say governs high-level cognitive powers, and the hippocampus, an area related to memory, were now being used, indicating that the consumers were thinking about Coke and relating it to memories and other impressions. The results demonstrated that Pepsi should have half the market share, but in reality consumers are buying Coke for reasons related less to their taste preferences and more to their experience with the Coke brand.

The findings made by Crespo-Pereira, Martínez-Fernández and Campos-Freire determine that around a dozen public broadcasters in Europe already apply visual neuromarketing strategies as an innovative tool to test and design entertainment products, commercial blocks and competitiveness.[29]





Many of the claims of companies that sell neuromarketing services make are not based on actual neuroscience and have been debunked as hype, and have been described as part of a fad of pseudoscientific "neuroscientism" in popular culture.[30][31][32] Joseph Turow, a communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, dismisses neuromarketing as another reincarnation of gimmicky attempts for advertisers to find non-traditional approaches toward gathering consumer opinion. He is quoted in saying, "There has always been a holy grail in advertising to try to reach people in a hypodermic way. Major corporations and research firms are jumping on the neuromarketing bandwagon, because they are desperate for any novel technique to help them break through all the marketing clutter. 'It's as much about the nature of the industry and the anxiety roiling through the system as it is about anything else."[33]

Privacy Invasion


Some consumer advocate organizations, such as the Center for Digital Democracy, have criticized neuromarketing's potentially invasive technology. Neuromarketing is a controversial field that uses medical technologies to build successful marketing campaigns according to Gary Ruskin, an Executive Director of Commerical Alert.[34] The issue in privacy comes from consumers being unaware of the purpose of the research, how the results will be used, or haven't even given consent in the first place. Some are even afraid that neuromarketers will have the ability to read a consumer's mind and put them at "risk of discrimination, stigmatization, and coercion."[35]

However, many industry associations across the world have taken measures to address the issue around privacy. For example, The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association has established general principles and ethical guidelines surrounding best practices for researchers to adhere to such as:[34]

  1. Do not bring any kind of prejudice in research methodology, results and participants
  2. Do not take advantage of participants lack of awareness in the field
  3. Communicate what participants should expect during research (methodologies)
  4. Be honest with results
  5. Participant data should remain confidential
  6. Reveal data collection techniques to particpants
  7. Do not coerce participants to join a research and allow them to leave when they want

The above is not a full list of what researchers should abide by, but it mitigates the risk of researchers breaching a participant's privacy if they want their research to be academically recognized.



Jeff Chester, the executive director of the organization, claims that neuromarketing is “having an effect on individuals that individuals are not informed about." Further, he claims that though there has not historically been regulation on adult advertising due to adults having defense mechanisms to discern what is true and untrue, regulations should now be place: "if the advertising is now purposely designed to bypass those rational defenses ... protecting advertising speech in the marketplace has to be questioned."[27]

Neuromarketing has the potential to successfully promote harmful products, harmful values, or things that you don't need.

Advocates nonetheless argue that society benefits from neuromarketing innovations. German neurobiologist Kai-Markus Müller promotes a neuromarketing variant, "neuropricing", that uses data from brain scans to help companies identify the highest prices consumers will pay. Müller says "everyone wins with this method," because brain-tested prices enable firms to increase profits, thus increasing prospects for survival during economic recession.[36]



Neuromarketing isn't a replacement of traditional marketing methods but, rather, a field to be used alongside traditional methods to gain a clearer picture of a consumer's profile.[37] Neuromarketing provides insights into the implicit decisions of a consumer, but its still important to know the explicit decisions and attractions of consumers.

Neuromarketing is also limited by the high costs of conducting research. Research requires a variety of technologies such as fMRI, EEG, biometrics, facial coding, and eye to learn how consumers respond and feel to stimuli. However, the cost to rent or own these technologies and even then a lab may be needed to operate the aforementioned technologies.[37]

See also



  1. ^ Lee, N; Broderick, AJ; Chamberlain, L (February 2007). "What is "neuromarketing"? A discussion and agenda for future research". International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 63 (2): 199–204. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2006.03.007. PMID 16769143.
  2. ^ a b Sebastian, Vlăsceanu. "2014". New Directions in Understanding the Decision-making Process: Neuroeconomics and Neuromarketing. 127: 758–762 – via Elsevier.
  3. ^ a b c Georges, Patrick M (2014). Neuromarketing in Action : How to Talk and Sell to the Brain. London: Kogan Page Ltd. pp. 9–16.
  4. ^ "Neuromarketing For Dummies2014 3 Stephen Genco, Andrew Pohlmann and Peter Steidl Neuromarketing For Dummies Mississauga, Ontario John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd 2013 408 pp. 978-1-118-51858-8 US $22.99". Journal of Consumer Marketing. 31 (4): 330–331. 2014-06-03. doi:10.1108/jcm-12-2013-0811. ISSN 0736-3761.
  5. ^ Karmarkar, Uma R. (2011). "Note on Neuromarketing". Harvard Business School (9–512–031).
  6. ^ a b "Neuromarketing – friend or foe? - TEDxAmsterdam". TEDxAmsterdam. 2015-09-01. Retrieved 2018-03-05.
  7. ^ Sebastian, Vlăsceanu (22 April 2014). "Neuromarketing and Neuroethics". Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 127: 763–768. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.351 – via Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals.
  8. ^ a b c Kelly, 2002
  9. ^ "Carbone, Lou. Clued In: How to Keep Customers Coming Back Again and Again. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall (2004): 140-141, 254.".
  10. ^ a b c Ait Hammou, Galib & Melloul, 2013
  11. ^ a b Fisher, Chin and Kiltzman, 2011
  12. ^ https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerdooley/2015/06/03/nielsen-doubles-down-on-neuro/#4ffaf7ee306c
  13. ^ David Lewis & Darren Brigder (July–August 2005). "Market Researchers make Increasing use of Brain Imaging" (PDF). Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation. 5 (3): 35+. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 February 2012.
  14. ^ a b c Venkatraman, Clithero, Fitzsimons & Huettel, 2012
  15. ^ Baraybar-Fernández, Antonio; Baños-González, Miguel; Barquero-Pérez, Óscar; Goya-Esteban, Rebeca; de-la-Morena-Gómez, Alexia (2017). "Evaluation of Emotional Responses to Television Advertising through Neuromarketing". Comunicar (in Spanish). 25 (52): 19–28. doi:10.3916/c52-2017-02. ISSN 1134-3478.
  16. ^ a b c d Agarwal & Dutta, 2015
  17. ^ Glanert, 2012
  18. ^ a b Shiv & Yoon, 2012
  19. ^ a b c d Kolter, Burton, Deans, Brown & Armstrong, 2013
  20. ^ Morin, 2011
  21. ^ Neuromarketing Science and Business Association, n.d.
  22. ^ Genco, S.J., Pohlmann, A.P. and Steidl, P., Neuromarketing For Dummies, John Wiley & Sons, 2013
  23. ^ De Clerck, 2012
  24. ^ "Tapping Into How Consumers React With Neuromarketing". Artifact Advertising. Artifact. Retrieved 10 April 2017.
  25. ^ a b c Zurawicki, 2010
  26. ^ Kotler et al, 2013
  27. ^ a b Natasha Singer (3 November 2010). "Making Ads that Whisper to the Brain". The New York Times.
  28. ^ Samuel M. McClure, Jian Li, Damon Tomlin, Kim S. Cypert, Latané M. Montague, and P. Read Montague (2004). "Neural Correlates of Behavioral Preference for Culturally Familiar Drinks" (abstract). Neuron. 44 (2): 379–387. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2004.09.019. PMID 15473974. S2CID 15015392.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  29. ^ Crespo-Pereira, Verónica; Martínez-Fernández, Valentín-Alejandro; Campos-Freire, Francisco (2017). "Neuroscience for Content Innovation on European Public Service Broadcasters". Comunicar (in Spanish). 25 (52): 09–18. doi:10.3916/c52-2017-01. ISSN 1134-3478.
  30. ^ Wall, Matt (16 July 2013). "What Are Neuromarketers Really Selling?". Slate.
  31. ^ Etchells, Pete (5 December 2013). "Does neuromarketing live up to the hype?". The Guardian.
  32. ^ Poole, Steven (September 6, 2012). "Your brain on pseudoscience: the rise of popular neurobollocks". New Statesman.
  33. ^ Natasha Singer (13 November 2010). "Making Ads that Whisper to the Brain". The New York Times.
  34. ^ a b Sebastian, Vlăsceanu (2014-04-22). "Neuromarketing and Neuroethics". Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 127: 763–768. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.351. ISSN 1877-0428.
  35. ^ Ulman, Yesim Isil; Cakar, Tuna; Yildiz, Gokcen (2014-08-24). "Ethical Issues in Neuromarketing: "I Consume, Therefore I am!"". Science and Engineering Ethics. 21 (5): 1271–1284. doi:10.1007/s11948-014-9581-5. ISSN 1353-3452. PMID 25150848. S2CID 207343944.
  36. ^ Peter Osterlund (11 October 2013). "First they scan your brain. Then they set their price". 60second Recap.
  37. ^ a b Dragolea, L. (2011). "NEUROMARKETING – BETWEEN INFLUENCE AND MANIPULATION". Polish Journal of Management Studies. 3.

Further reading
