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Here is my first piece on religion.

The first thing I will ask is if you are reading this and you have never prayed before I will kindly ask you to kneel by your bedside and put youre palms touching eachother and inside fingers touching eachother by your solar plexus and say the apostles creed or any other suitable prayer then I will ask you try to communicate with whoever you worship. Then you should read this. Please mention me in you're prayers.

Although I don't know too much about religion and I havnt studied it in great detail, I can tell you what I have worked with myself.

So the first thing I would like to state is that these beliefs are entirely my own and of the voices I heard in my head and that I am not the messiah or any chosen one. Also that some of the things I will be sharing is often defied but told to me to be true.

So I will first say that I believe we are all in a world that is like a simulation but there has been many debate in my life as to whether it is or not.

Some would say this world was a natural universe build up without the power of creation some would say it is a creation that could be built all fully built with a history and everything put in place to make out that we were here for thousands or millions even billions of years.

Some would even argue to say it is a creation that was built up without the power of creation or a creation with certain powers we may not know inside or outside that could have helped create it. There are several things it could be.

I think The Bible says this world has been around for about 6000 years (it may not specifically say it but if you track the decent down to Adam youl will get about 6000 years. Although it does say some of the ancient well known biblical figures lived until around 160 so it could be more.

I myself believe there was a spontaneous explosion of a simulation world that had a ruler in it with many parts that may be formless in this world and that it is infinitely expanding.

I have heard that there are beings that control multiple beings so you could say ADONAI of Christianity (HEBREW FOR GOD) could be a supreme kind of being controller and could have a version of himself in Heaven, and could also control what you prayers may know as a governer,

A governer is what keeps the devil and demons at bay, it makes all things to do with a being a certain way.

ADONAI may also have record parts that can generate information in the best way possible he may have creating parts, so knowledgeable that we not even be able to communicate with him, enough about the possible parts of GOD and all the other supernatural beings out there. Back to my beliefs on the world.

I believe once there was a explosion of a simulation world with one being whom we call GOD controlling it with many parts and these parts all have different philosophies and religions.

I believe that Heaven is actually a magical planet where we can be brought to if we are lucky and that it is in another space and that there are other paradises that we can go to aswel.

I believe that all the religions we know of are true and false in many ways and this life is just a test and that one day all beings will be forgiven for whatever sin they have and will be in paradise one day.

I also believe some people of this planet are natural to an extent and others are creations

Many people made real by eachother.

I also believe that the brain is far more magical than we know, I believe we all have a certain kind of magic that we must learn to use. I know it says on Earth here that there are many parts of the brain we dont know about. I believe if you pray for a certain amount of time you'e brain starts opening up new parts and then you will think and know like I do.

Another thing I might add in is I believe in each being has a little religion within them, I also believe there are magical beings that can come to you.

The Hindus believe GOD is within us and I believe they are right!

There are also different levels of magic and brain around the world (all) and that you can access them the more you pray.

I believe that whomever belief you chose what ever you do in life one day you will have peace.

I believe that there is a world of heavens with angels God's and other types of beings in them .

There's worlds like ours without Gods on the planet.

Then there are dark worlds with devils demons and wizards and lots of things

I believe that life is infinite for natural beings and creations.

I also believe that in each simulation world there are leaders and in each different world the leaders are the same.

I also believe in a kind of paralellel world where we have versions of yourself in different lives.

I also believe that this world we live in is only one part of itself that our bodies will die one day and we eventually have consult with one of GOD'S angels or workers maybe even GOD himself and be brought to wherever we should be brought to.

I believe some of the script we learn is false and that yes there are spooky demons and ghosts and devil's out there that have caused destruction in people's lives, even in my own life! Some of you may not believe it but i could tell you things you would not even believe to be possible that I have whitessed and done myself you would be astonished.

I believe that the world we are in is in great darkness and in sin because it was tainted by demons and time travel.

Some say the demons created themselves and I will explain two theories on how it could have happened..

So say GOD builds this time sensing machine or as if it is sensing through time and it just generates a load of demons or curses out of nowhere, you're probably thinking how and why would it do this?

well let me explain you see a being from the future may be being harassed in his head by some voice and he could curse it from hearing about magic and dark magic and end up tryinf to send it through time (a curse would naturally timetravell, the time machine could sense this curse and end up creating the curse back in time and that curse could cause the harassment in the person's head therefore basically creating itself!

Then there is the possibility of time travel and being just creating themselves at the dawn of time and causing themselves to create by destructing the creation of all.

The one and last thing I will say it stay away from alcohol drugs tobacco meat sex and follow the way of peace and harmony pray daily worship always be true and try you're best and hopefully you will be fine.

Another thing I would say is be areful with agreements with voices in your head.

These are my words and i hope you take them in and enjoy them.em!



