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Professional paint brush washers have been around for hundreds and thousands of years. When big artists or even the classic home painter is tired or needs to rest but there’s such a mess to clean up they call a professional paint brush washer to help clean up the mess. Big artists like Van Gogh would hire a washer after he finished his masterpieces. Van Gogh always hired his friend since he was one. Nowadays people usually hire one using an app or knowing somebody. They can be an extreme help whenever you are tired from working all day and need a break but don’t want to clean or when you need to treat yourself and have someone else do it. The average salary is around $20 a brush depending on how famous the hirer is. One of the most famous amazing washers in Philip Jones the CEO of WASHING N CO a very well noticed company in the business. Philip Jones took most of his life to make his dream come true of opening this business to help people in need of this problem. He went to the University of Pittsburgh to get a bachelors degree in the arts what is what you need to be in the business. “To clean the artist's tool you need to be one with the artist's tool.” Which is what he says to himself every day before washing someone else’s tool. Professional paint brush washers are well noticed and thanked for their service to the world.