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Isacc butterfield

Origin: Approximately 25 thousand years ago on the top of a Norwegian mountain four hikers came across a large ice structure. With caution they entered the structure and to their amazement, they saw the first ever buttsmarn. The buttsmarn was a sacred being only spoken of in legends and fables. The people of Norway spoke of the buttsmarn as a legend among themselves, a pure spirit perhaps maybe even god himself. The buttsmarn rose up from his golden throne and confronted the hikers with his powerfull and just voice. He spoke to them and said “you have came across the mighty buttsmarn, do you wish to be my accomplices?” The four hikers named cycle van cyclestan, wonamo feminazi, beef veganish and vegitumus eattomuch replied with a scared y y yes and from from that day onward the four men were the accomplices of the great buttsmarn. Until... around 4 months later the accomplices turned on the buttsmarn himself. The accomplices had been secretly using a evil source of knowledge. This source was full of lies and hatred they called it “social media.” The accomplices learnt from “social media about evil things and they were influenced to do so.” The butts arm was fuelled with rage and he could not contain himself so he ran away from Norway and travelled across the globe to a mythical place called Australia. The buttsmarn abandoned his old powerful life and he was transformed into a bearded beauty. And from this day onwards the buttsmarn has been slowly destroying all evil that has been realised due to social media.