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Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo (Ponte San Pietro)


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The Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo is the parish church of Ponte San Pietro, in the province and Diocese of Bergamo.[1] It is part of the deanery of Mapello-Ponte San Pietro.


The parish church of Ponte San Pietro

In a Nota ecclesiarum commissioned in 1360 by Bernabò Visconti it is possible to read that the original church of Ponte San Pietro depended on the parish church of Terno d'Isola.[2]

From the report of the pastoral visit of 1575 of the Archbishop of Milan Carlo Borromeo we learn that the church, which had as subsidiary the chapels of San Michele Arcangelo in the village of Briolo and San Marco, was equipped with seven altars, that the Society of the Lord's Name, the confraternity of the disciples and the school of the Christ's Body were located here, that the parish income amounted to about 400 lira and that the faithful were 800.[2]

In the 17th century the Bishop of Bergamo Gregorio Barbarigo, while making his pastoral visit, found that the clergy in the service of the care of souls was composed of four priests and that the parish income was 100 scudi;[2] on the 28th of May 1667 the church became the headquarter of a deanery that included, in addition to the parish head, also the parishes of Scano, Sombreno, Ossanesga, Mozzo and Paladina[3], but in the 19th century the church of Scano became the headquarters of the district.[3]

In 1781 the Bishop Marco Molin visited the church, which had the oratories of Saints Nereus and Achillus, of Saint Peter, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Immaculate Conception and od Saint Michael the Archangel, and noted that it was home to the confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary, the white disciples, the consortium of Mercy and the school of Christian Doctrine, and that the faithful were 2250.[2]

The first stone of the new parish was laid in 1913 by the Bishop of Bergamo Giacomo Radini-Tedeschi;[1] during the First World War the construction's work were interrupted and resumed after the end of the war. The original project made by Elia Fornoni was redesigned by Dante Fornoni.[1]

In 1932 the church became vicarial[2] and on the 26th of April[2] 1934 it was consecrated[1] by Bishop Adriano Bernareggi: the parish was transferred here from the the ancient church of San Pietro (the so-called "Old Church"), at that time abandoned.[2]

In 1952 there is the construction of the bell tower, designed again by Fornoni, made of Credaro[1] stone; on the 28th of June 1971, following the suppression of the deanery of Ponte San Pietro, the church became part of the newly formed pastoral area IX,[2][3] to be aggregated on the 21st of May 1979 to the deanery of Mapello-Ponte San Pietro.[2]

In 1993 the building's roof was rebuilt and in 2001 a new thermal system was installed.[1]

In 2009, there was a maintenance work of the roof covering and, at the same time, a roof and canal cleaning was carried out and a fall prevention system was installed.[1]





The facade is made of stone and consists of a projecting main body, divided horizontally into two registers by a belt course punctuated by two lateral lesene and counter-lesene that support the pitched roof. It is characterized, in the lower order, from an entrance portal dominated by a marble lunette (made with marble of Verona), and in the upper order by a polifora and the mosaic representing Saint Peter the Apostle that collects the faithful in his boat.[1]



The interior of the building has a single nave, consisting in seven bays divided by lesene that rest on the bases and are equipped with marble capitals, which support the ceiling vault;[1] on the sides of the church are placed: in the first bay a confessional and the baptismal font, in the second two confessionals, in the third the altars of the Crucifix and Saint Joseph, in the fourth the secondary entrances, in the fifth the altars of Saint Clement and the Sorrowful Virgin and in the sixth the altar of the Blessed Virgin of Lourdes and the access to the sacristy. Lastly, in the seventh bay there are the altars of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.[1]

At the end of the hall there is the chancel, raised by a few steps, barrel vaulted and closed by the apse.[1]


Parrocchia di San Pietro Apostolo on parrocchiemap.it. Retrieved 3 May 2021.

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo <Ponte San Pietro>". Retrieved 3 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Parrocchia di San Pietro apostolo". Retrieved 3 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ a b c "Vicariato Foraneo di Ponte San Pietro". Retrieved 3 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)