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This page is meant to be a template for use on my talk page. Whenever "the page" or "this page" is mentioned, it is referring to my talk page. Please leave messages there; any comments left here will probably not be noticed.

Orange you glad you came here!
Welcome To My User Talk Page!

Please keep the following in mind when leaving messages here:

  • If you're starting a new discussion, leave your message in a new section. This can be easily done by clicking the new section link at the top of the page.
  • If you're continuing a previous discussion, leave your message at the bottom of the section that was originally created for that discussion. This can be easily done by using the edit link which is located next to the section title (rather than the edit link at the top of the page). It is also helpful to indent new comments.
  • Please keep comments civil.


  • It is my general policy to reply to comments where the comment was left, unless you have stated that you prefer conversations to remain somewhere else


  • Threads on my user talk page are automatically archived by a bot when the newest date stamp in the conversation is 25 days old. If you are looking for an old thread, refer to the archive box on the right. However, please do not continue a discussion on an archive page, as I will not notice it. If you would like to continue a discussion that has been archived, please post a new thread on this page, referencing the past discussion.


  • If you leave a bot message here, don't expect a reply, as you're not a real person and have not demonstrated the courtesy of actually considering your action before leaving the message. Since your message is automatic and without thought, I will automatically and without thought delete the bot's message without reading it.
I will do my best to reply to your comment in a timely manner. When I am online, I generally respond to comments within a few minutes. If your message is left while I'm offline, I will most likely reply within 24 hours.