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User:Aleutian06/Militia Orders 1825-1848

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Transcribed by Pris Weathers [1] __________________________________

BRIGADE ORDERS Crawford County, A.T., August 14, 1824

COLONELS, commanding regiments, will immediately organize them, appoint their regimental staff, designate the bounds of battalions and companies of the regiments and notify the several officers therein of the same.

Colonels, commanding regiments, will immediately make a regimental return, showing the strength of their regiments, and forward the same to Adjutant General Terence Farrelly.

It is expected the above order will be attended to strictly, and with the least possible delay, as no return of strength of the Militia of this Territory, has yet been made to the Department of War.

W. Bradford, Brig. Gen. Commanding Arkansas Militia ______________________



The Commanding Officers of Regiments, Battalions, and Companies of the Militia in the Counties of Pulaski, Arkansas, Crawford, Phillips, Chicot, Independence, and Lawrence, will report in person, or by letter, to the Adjutant General's Office at Little Rock, on or before the first day of July next; those of Clark, Hempstead, and Miller Counties, will make their reports to Brig. Gen. William Bradford, at Cantonment Towson, who will then forward them to headquarters.

The organization of the Territorial Militia will engage the full attention of the Commander in Chief, and will be proceeded on without delay. The laws for the government of the Militia, will be rigidly enforced, and the zealous co-operation of those citizens who have been honored with Commissions, is called for and expected.

Lieut. Colonels Henry W. Conway and Ambrose H. Sevier, have been appointed Aids-de-Camp to the Governor. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

Geo. Izard

By the Governor: A.H. Sevier, A.d.C. Arkansas Militia ______________________

June 14, 1825 - Commissioned Militia PERSONS COMMISSIONED

Terence Farrelly

First Regiment - Clark County

Jacob Wells Wintrhop Colbeth Washington Sorrells Joseph Gibson Samuel Parker Drewry Hasley Stephen Staudley John Richards James Watson Wm. Denton John Stewart John Chears Willis Standley Jos. B. Riley John B. Anderson

Pulaski County - 2nd Regiment

James Lemons Robert C. Oden James Collins James Billingsley, sen. Wm. Magness Jackson Crane Peter Kuykendall Israel Dodge Moses Vann James Raney John B. Moseby Thomas Tyner Hardy Wilbanks A.R. Barroquit F. Vaugine, Jun. Daniel Greathouse James Billingsley, Jun A. Tisworth Simon Price

Lawrence County - Third Regiment

Joseph Hardin Wm. Humphreys Thomas Culp Randall Murray Edward Brazel Wm. Looney Rezin Davis W.E. Glenn George Hudspith James Waid Beverly B. Baker Samuel Miller Daniel Martin Clement Stubblefield Eli Lindsey Jos. Hardin, Jun. Wm. Jarrett Solomon Hudspeath Israel Fowler Elijah Vinson James McArnett Robert Johnston Har. Cresell Whittaker, Thomas Napoleon B. Ferguson Isaac Bearing Charles Shaver Dennis Denham Lemuel Rice Powhatan Boatwright John Raney John Milligan John Halcum James Little Henry Hudson James Buckman Harmis Criswell James Lewis William Pile Val. Brazil

Arkansas County - Fourth Regiment

James Scull Eli J. Lewis Louis Bogy Thadius I. James John H. Fooy Wm. Strong Wm. Smith Wm. Dunn Benjamin L. Miles Ignace Bogy Arthur C. Mitchel James Raney James Simmons Samuel Lemmons Francois Valline Samuel Parker Samuel Lewis Julius Christy John Pilburn George Lear Wm. Curran Pier Michell Francis Rycroft John Stane John Mitchell John Patterson

Hempstead County - Fifth Regiment

Thomas Dooley John Wilson James M. Stewart Joshua Fagur James Dyer Wm. L. Elem Bailey English Nathaniel Robios James Fowler Jacob Pennington Hugh Bradley Samuel Miller James Gibson Samuel Hopson Wm. Berry Wm. Pennington M. Check George B. Hern Jessa Douglass Jarrad James Thomas Fagur M. Crownover Samuel Gates R. Misser George Whelmon John M. Bradley John Stevenson William Whiteside S. Morrin Isaac Sanders Samuel Laird Jacob Mathor Caswell McElroy Alford Ashbrook

Crawford County - Sixth Regiment

Pierson Brearley Thomas Moore James H. Lucas Thomas Lindsey Jacob Harrell James Gibson John Stinnett Alexander Sinclair Alexander Richardson Wm. Curenton James Harrell

Independence County - Seventh Regiment

Hartwell Boswell Townsend Dickinson John Adams Robert Rollands Jeremiah Cornwell Powhatan Boatwright Edward Davis Charles Wolf John Killison

Phillips County - Eighth Regiment

Daniel Mooney W.B.R. Horner Henry Fooy Elisha Fagart John Burress W.H. Smith Henry W. Hampton John Fletcher Peter Edwards --- Raney Joseph C. Dunn John Pleader Benjamin Lewis James Hanks John Pyburn Wm. H. Patterson Thomas Forbes Boyd Bailey Obadiah Roberts

Miller County - Ninth Regiment

Jacob Pennington John Clark Nathaniel Robbins


Lawrence County

Wm. Reed Jacob Pevyhouse Thomas Crowley

Crawford County

Frederick Fletcher Larkin Newton John Billingsley

Independence County

Charles H. Pelham John Kyler Wm. Ramsay Thomas Moore

Hempstead County

Alex'r M. Oakley John Stewart Wm. McDonald

Pulaski County

Thomas White

Note - In the above List of Officers of the Militia in the Territory of Arkansas, it is probable that some errors occur in the dates of the Commissions, and that some of the names are inserted of Officers, who have resigned, or have left the Territory. Information on these subjects, addressed to the Adjutant General's Office, Little Rock, will be attended to, and a corrected list will be published at a future moment.



WHEREAS, representations have been made to me, that white people are in the habit of trespassing on the Indian Country, for the purpose of hunting and killing their game; and that numerous Indians, are roving about the Territory, without any fixed place of abode, and committing depredations upon the property of the whites, contrary to the laws of the United States: -

Therefore, I, GEORGE IZARD, Governor of the Territory of Arkansas, and Superintendent of Indian Affairs, in order to prevent the difficulties which are daily arising by the Indians and whites trespassing on the lands of each other, and to maintain peace between them, do order each party to confine themselves within their own boundaries, under the penalties prescribed by law.

And the Commandants of Regiments of Militia in the several Counties in this Territory, and all Subordinate Officers, are required to aid in carrying this order into effect.

Given under my hand, at Little Rock, the 22d day of August, A.D. 1825. Geo. Izard



Antoine Barraque, Sub-Agent to the Quapaw Indians. David Tollett, Justice of the Peace, Mine Creek Township, Hempstead County Isaac Baldwin, Justice of the Peace, Big Rock Township, Pulaski County Nicholas Rightor, Surveyor of Phillips County John C. Sumner, Coroner of Crawford County

Military - Clark County Thomas S. Drew, Major, 1st Reg't Arkansas Militia; Abner E. Thornton, Judge Advocate; William Kelly, Paymaster; George W. Rogers, Captain; Josiah Smakey, 1st Lieutenant; John Fentim, 1st Lieutenant; John Hood, 2d Lieut. James Bankston, 2d Lieutenant; James J. Melson, Ensign; Middleton Scarborough, Ensign

Cavalry - George H. Owens, Captain in the Lawrence County troop of Cavalry; Robert Muir, 2nd Lieut; Squier Pevehouse, Cornet William McDonald, 1st Lieut in the Hempstead County troop of Cavalry; Joseph Alcut, 2nd Lieut; Cha's Pettigrew, Cornet


General Orders

Arkansas Territory, April 8, 1826

Colonel Benjamin Desha is appointed Adjutant General of the Militia of the Territory, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. All Returns and Reports will continue to be addressed to the Adjutant General's Office at Little Rock. Geo. Izard

By the Governor: Chester Ashley, A.d.C. ______________________


THE Company of Arkansas Militia, embraced in the townships of Big Rock and Saline, in the county of Pulaski, are hereby ordered to parade, completely armed and equipped as the law directs, for Company exercise, at the Tavern of N. Peay, in the town of Little Rock, on the following days, viz.:

On Tuesday, the 4th day of July next, On Saturday, 9th September next, and On Saturday, 14th October next.

A strict compliance with this Order is expected. All delinquents or absentees will be reported to the Court-martial, and fined according to law.

By order of Capt. Wheat: R. Munson, Ord. Serg't. Little Rock, June 27, 1826



THE members of Capt. Wheat's Company, included in the bounds of Big Rock Township, wishing to join a VOLUNTEER COMPANY, will meet on the second Saturday in September next, at the town of Little Rock, and then and there proceed to the election of their Officers.

By Order of Lt. Col. R.C. Oden: A.B. Lackland, Adj't. August 26, 1826. ______________________


At a meeting of the Commissioned Officers of the Battalion composed of the Militia of the county of Izard, held at the town of Liberty, on the 19th inst. for the purpose of establishing a regular Uniform, for the same, in conformity with an act of the Legislature, regulating the Militia, passed October 1827, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the Commissioned Officers shall, when on parade, appear dressed in the following manner, viz: A round hat, and a plume 15 inches in length; a deep blue cotton hunting frock, fringed with red, with a waist belt four inches in width, to buckle or button before pantaloons of the same, the seams welted with red; white vest; and shall wear around the neck a black silk handkerchief or black stock.

Liberty, April 23, 1828 ______________________

Arkansas Gazette - September 30, 1828 Vol. IX - No. 40 - Whole No. 456

COMPANY ORDERS THE PERSONS attached to the Company of Arkansas Militia within the bounds of the Township of Big Rock, in the county of Pulaski, are hereby ordered to parade in front of Charles Fisher's Tavern, in the Town of Little Rock, on Saturday next, at 10 o'clock A.M. completely armed and equipped as the law directs, for company exercise.

Jesse Hinderliter, Ensign Com'dt. Company Little Rock, September 30, 1828 ______________________

Regimental Order Head Quarters Little Rock, January 25, 1830

Pursuant to a General Order, issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the Territory of Arkansas, on the 21st inst., I do hereby order that all persons attached to the Regiment of Militia composed of the county of Pulaski meet at the house of Nicholas Peay, in the Town of Little Rock, on Saturday the 27th day of February next, at 10 o'clock in the fore-noon, of said day, completely armed and equipped according to law, for the purpose of farther organizing said Regiment.

All persons residing within the limits of said Regiment, having in their possession any of the Public Arms belonging to the Territory of Arkansas, are hereby required to deliver the same to the Colonel Commandant, on or before the 27th day of February next. Those who fail to comply with this order, will be subjected to the penalties prescribed by law.

Christian Brumback Colonel Commandant Militia of Pulaski Co. A.T. ______________________

August 8, 1837 - Arkansas Militia Appointments The following Staff Appointments have been made in the Pulaski county regiment of Arkansas Militia, of which Col. Thomas Thorn is commandant, viz:

Lambert J. Reardon, Adjutant D.R. Mills, Paymaster N.H. Badgett, Quartermaster ______________________


THE commissioned officers of the First Bridgade of Arkansas Militia, (which includes the counties of Hot Spring, Clark, Pike, Hempstead, Lafayette, Sevier, and Miller,) are hereby commanded to open and hold an election in each of their respective counties, as prescribed by law, on the first Monday in January next, for the purpose of electing a Brigadier General in such Brigade; and the officers holding such elections, will immediately thereafter, in the manner prescribed by law, enclose the proceedings to the undersigned, at Van Buren, Crawford county, Arkansas.

R.C.S. Brown, Major General, First Division Arkansas Militia Little Rock, Arkansas November 14, 1837 ______________________

GENERAL ORDER, No. 9 Head Quarters, Little Rock, December 26, 1837

COL. WILLIAM CONWAY, H. is appointed Adjutant General of the Militia of the State of Arkansas, vice, John N. Boyle, resigned, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

Col. John S. Ficklin is appointed Quartermaster General of the Militia of the State of Arkansas, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

By the Governor J.S. Conway John J. Clendenin, Aid-de-camp ______________________


The Major General commanding the First Division of the Arkansas Militia, hereby announces the appointment of John Henry and James M. Randolph, of Van Buren, Crawford county, in the Third Brigade; Samuel H. Hempstead, of Little Rock, Pulaski County, in the Second Brigade; and John Field of Washington, Hempstead county, in the First Brigade - as his Aides-de-Camp, each with the rank and title of Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry, and each of them must be obeyed and respected in the said Division, accordingly.

The Major General commanding the said Division, farther announces, the appointment of John S. McClellan, as Quartermaster General, and Barton B. Clements as Surgeon, to the first Division of Arkansas Militia, each with the rank and title of Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry, and they must be obeyed and respected accordingly.

R.C.S. Brown, Major General First Division Arkansas Militia


GENERAL ORDER - No. 3 HEAD QUARTERS Van Buren, Crawford County, Feb. 22, 1838

The Major General commanding the First Division of the Arkansas Militia, hereby orders an election to be held, in the First Brigade of the First Division, for a Brigadier General thereof, on Tuesday, the 2d day of April, A.D. 1838, in pursuance of law.

The counties of Hot Spring, Clark, Pike, Hempstead, Lafayette, Sevier, and Miller, constitue the said First Brigade. The election hereby ordered, must be held at the Court house in each of the counties specified, on the day aforesaid, and returns made to the Major General, at head quarters.

A failure to hold an election, will require the Brigade to be attached to the most convenient Brigade in the First Division, which shall be found to have the officers required by law.

By order of the Major General. S.H. Hempstead, Aide-de-Camp



The Major General commanding the First Division of the Arkansas Militia, hereby announces the appointment of John Henry and James M. Randolph, of Van Buren, Crawford county, in the Third Brigade; Samuel H. Hempstead, of Little Rock, Pulaski County, in the Second Brigade; and John Field of Washington, Hempstead county, in the First Brigade - as his Aides-de-Camp, each with the rank and title of Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry, and each of them must be obeyed and respected in the said Division, accordingly.

The Major General commanding the said Division, farther announces, the appointment of John S. McClellan, as Quartermaster General, and Barton B. Clements as Surgeon, to the first Division of Arkansas Militia, each with the rank and title of Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry, and they must be obeyed and respected accordingly.

R.C.S. Brown, Major General First Division Arkansas Militia


GENERAL ORDER - No. 3 HEAD QUARTERS Van Buren, Crawford County, Feb. 22, 1838

The Major General commanding the First Division of the Arkansas Militia, hereby orders an election to be held, in the First Brigade of the First Division, for a Brigadier General thereof, on Tuesday, the 2d day of April, A.D. 1838, in pursuance of law.

The counties of Hot Spring, Clark, Pike, Hempstead, Lafayette, Sevier, and Miller, constitue the said First Brigade. The election hereby ordered, must be held at the Court house in each of the counties specified, on the day aforesaid, and returns made to the Major General, at head quarters.

A failure to hold an election, will require the Brigade to be attached to the most convenient Brigade in the First Division, which shall be found to have the officers required by law.

By order of the Major General. S.H. Hempstead, Aide-de-Camp


2d Brigade, 1st Divis'n, Ark's Militia Order No. 3 HEAD QUARTERS Benton, Saline Co., February 24, 1838

The Bridadier General commanding the 2d Brigade of the 1st Division of Arkansas Militia, hereby appoints Henry M. Rector, Aide-de-camp, with the rank of Major of the Cavalry; George A. McDaniel, Quartermaster, with the rank of Major; and M.J. Woodfin, Brigade Surgeon. All officers and soldiers are required to obey and respect them accordingly.

By order of the Brigadier General commanding. Henry M. Rector, Aide-de-camp


GENERAL ORDER - NO. 3 HEAD QUARTERS Little Rock, March 8, 1838

COL. SAMUEL H. HEMPSTEAD is appointed Adjutant General of the Militia of the State of Arkansas, vice William Conway, B., resigned, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

J.S. Conway


March 21, 1838 Dr. George B. Croff has been appointed, by Brig. Gen. T.S. Drew, to the Brigade Surgeon for the 4th Brigade of Arkansas Militia.



Order No. 4 The Militia composing the 3d and 5th Regiments of the second brigade, are notified that an election will be holden, for the 3d Regiment, at the county seat of White, (and for White county), on the first Saturday in September next, for the purpose of electing a Colonel commandent for said regiment. On the same day, an election will be holden, at the county seat of Pope county, for the election of Colonel Commandant of the 5th Regiment, for the county of Pope. The above elections will be holden under the 8th section if the Militia Law of 1836.

Colonels commandent of the repective regiments composing the 2d Brigade, are hereby ordered to report, forthwith, to the Brigadier General, at this place the strength, condition, and organization, of their regiments.

By order of ROBERTSON CHILDRESS, Brigadier General commanding HENRY M. RECTOR, Aid-de-camp



Order No. 4 The Militia composing the 3d and 5th Regiments of the second brigade, are notified that an election will be holden, for the 3d Regiment, at the county seat of White, (and for White county), on the first Saturday in September next, for the purpose of electing a Colonel commandent for said regiment. On the same day, an election will be holden, at the county seat of Pope county, for the election of Colonel Commandant of the 5th Regiment, for the county of Pope. The above elections will be holden under the 8th section if the Militia Law of 1836.

Colonels commandent of the repective regiments composing the 2d Brigade, are hereby ordered to report, forthwith, to the Brigadier General, at this place the strength, condition, and organization, of their regiments.

By order of ROBERTSON CHILDRESS, Brigadier General commanding HENRY M. RECTOR, Aid-de-camp


August 15, 1838 Militia Law Just published, and for sale, at the office of the Arkansas Gazette, the act for the Goverment and Organization of the Militia of this State, passed at the last session of the General Assembly - price 25 cents.


GENERAL ORDER Little Rock, Arkansas The Brigadier General, commanding the First Brigade of Arkansas Militia, hereby announces the appointment of Moorhead Wright, as Aid-de-camp, with the rank of Major of Cabalry; Grandison D. Royston as Brigade Major, with the like rank of Major of Cavalry, and Dr. James H. Walker, as Surgeon of said Brigade.

The officers and soldiers of said Brigade are commanded and required to respect them accordingly.

T.T. Williamson, Brig. General Commanding the First Brigade May 17th 1839


BRIGADE ORDER 1st Division, 3d Brigade, Arkanas Militia Head Quarters Van Buren, Arkansas, July 2, 1839

JESSE TURNER, Esq., is hereby appointed Aid de camp, and Charles G. Scott, Esq., Brigade Major, each with the rank of Major of Cavalry; and Dr. David D. Williams, Surgeon of said Brigade. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

Jesse Miller Brigadier General Commanding 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Arkansas Militia



Little Rock, July 22, 1839

ALL persons liable to duty in the Second Battalion of the Pulaski county Regiment of Arkansas Militia, are hereby notified that an election for Major of the said battalion to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Tho's Magness, will be held at the usual places of holding elections, on Saturday, the 10th day of August next.

All companies in said regiment, who have not the legal number of officers and non-commissioned officers, are likewise directed to fill all vacancies on the day above designated; which, if not complied with, will render it my duty to attach all companies not so filling vacancies, to the nearest company which may have the legal number of officers.

The commandants of companies of said regiment are hereby notified to attend at Beck's Hotel, on Little Rock, on Monday, the 12th day of August, for the purpose of completing the division of the county into the necessary company districts.

The regiment is also notified that the following gentlemen have been appointed to fill the staff, viz: Edward Cole, Adjutant (in the room of L.J. Reardon, absent from the State,) Charles F. Town, Quartermaster; and N.H. Badgett, Paymaster - with the rank of Captains of Infantry, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

Tho's Thorn, Colonel Com'dt.


July 31, 1839 Volunteer Companies As a sort of military fever is raging at the present time, we publish the law passed at the late session of the legislature, relative to the organization of volunteer companies. An artillery company is now forming in this city, under command of Captain Pike, which bids fair to become an ornament to the city, and we hope that some of our patriotic young men will see about raising an infantry company, which will be the means of creating a spirited rivalry, and thus insure our always having a respectable military force at hand, if ever an emergency should occur to render their services necessary. There are several volunteer corps organized in different parts of the State, and we hope soon to hear of there being at least one in every country where the population will admit of it. To young men, the practice of the manual and military exercises affords a rational and innocent amusement, and at the same time renders them abler to serve their country when it is necessary to take the field "in earnest."

As there are several counties in this State, in which the militia is but partially organized, we would state that unless the citizens speedily form themselves into companies, our commanding officers, according to law, will have to attach all of them subject to military duty, to such companies, battalions, and regiments, as are organized, to be commanded by officers not elected by themselves, but by others, which will occasion much more trouble than to elect officers of their own, and hold their drills and parades within the bounds of their own districts and counties.


July 31, 1839 An Act to authorize the raising Volunteer Companies and Regiments in this State, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, That the citizens of this State, whenever they may desire the same, may raise and organize themselves into volunteer companies and regiments of cavalry, artillery, infantry, or other independent companies, and may elect their officers, and be governed by the same regulations as the militia of this State are by the existing laws: Provided, That said companies, battalions, and regiments, do not reduce any organized company of militia under the number now required by law.

Sec. 2 Said companies shall have power to make by laws for their own government, which shall not be inconsistent with the militia laws of this State, and they may select and prescribe their own uniform.

Sec. 3 Whenever two companies of volunteers shall be raised in any one county or any two contiguous counties, the said companies shall have the privilege of organizing themselves into a separate battalion; and whenever four or more companies shall be raised in any one county, or in two or more contiguous counties, they may organize themselves into a regiment, and elect all officers necessary for the command of the same.

Sec. 4 Said regiments shall meet and parade at least twice a year, each battalion shall meet and parade at least twice a year, and each volunteer company shall meet and parade at least four times each and every year, at such times and places as the commanding officer of the same may designate and appoint.

Sec. 5 Whenever any company, battalion, or regiment, shall be raised and organized, agreeably to the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the governor to commission the officers of the same, and shall furnish said companies with such arms as the State may have in possession, and which may be necessary to prepare said companies, battalions, or regiments, for actual service - taking the bond of the commanding officer of the same, with good and sufficient security, for the return of the said arms, in good condition, whenver said companies may be dissolved.

Sec. 6 Whenever any company shall be raised and organized under the provisions of this act, the same shall be subject to, and may have the privilege to, enter into the service of the State whenever a all shall be made, in preference to all other companies of militia; and they shall be subject to, and liable to, actually service, whenever alled upon by the State.

Sec. 7 Whenever a regiment or battalion be thus formed, they shall be entitled to the usual staff officers, to be appointed by the commanding officer of said regiment or battalion. Said regiment or battalion shall not be subject to the commands of any officer of infantry, except their own officers, with a less grade than that of brigadier general, except when in actual service.

Sec. 8 All and every other act or acts coming within the purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby, repea'ed.

Sec. 9 That the staff of each major general of the militia of this State, shall consist of one assistant inspector general, one assistant quartermaster general as many aid-de-camps as there may be brigades in his division, one surgeon of division ,all of whom shall be appointed by the major general, and shall hold their appointments by the major general, and shall hold their appointments during his pleasure, and shall each have the rank of lieutenant colonel of cavalry.

Sec. 10 The staff of each brigadier general shall consist of one brigade inspector, one aid-de-camp, one brigade quartermaster, one surgeon of brigade, all of whom shall be appointed by the brigadier general, and shall hold their appointments during his pleasure, and shall each have the rank of major of cavalry.

Sec. 11 The staff of the colonel of each regiment, or the lieutenant colonel of each separate battalion shall consist of one adjutant, one quartermaster, and one surgeon, each with a rank of captain of cavalry; also, one sergeant major, one quartermater sergeant, and one drum major, each with the rank of non-commissioned officers; the staff of colonel and lieutenant colonel, thus created, to hold their appointment from the colonel or lieutenant colonel, as the case may be, and during his pleasure.

Approved: 17 December, 1838.


General Orders Order No. 4 Head Quarters, Little Rock, Ark's. 3d august 1839

Major General R.C.S. Brown, having been elected to, and accepted, the office of Judge of the seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Arkansas, and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas, in section eight, under article six, rendering the two offices incompatible; the office of Major General of the first division of the Arkansas Militia is declared vacant.

Now, therefore, I, James S. Conway, Governor the State of Arkansas and Commander-in-chief of the militia thereof, do hereby order the Brigadier General and the field officers of the first division of the Arkansas militia, to hold an election for Major General of said division, at the annual place of regimental and separate battalion musters, in every county, in the first division of the Arkansas militia, n Monday, the seventh day of October 1839.

J.S. Conway



All persons liable to duty in this regiment, are hereby ordered to attend a Regimental Parade on Saturday, the 19th day of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the State House, in the city of Little Rock, armed and equipped as the law directs.

Commandants of companies will notify their men of the time and place of meeting.

The Commissioned Officers are also notified to attend officer drills on Thursday and Friday, 17th and 18th of October at 10 o'clock A.M., at the Hotel of Daniel McDonald, Little Rock.

The regiment is divided into the following company beats or districts:

First Battalion No. 1 - The whole of Pyeatt township, as generally understood. Philip Anthony, Captain.

No. 2 - All that part of Big Rock township south of Arkansas river, lying between the centre of East Main street, in the city of Little Rock, (running south to Saline county line) and Pyeatt township line. John Fourche, Captain.

No. 3 - Alll that part of Big Rock township lying east of the foregoing, on the south side of Arkansas river, until it comes to the south of Fourche; running up which till it comes to Little Fourche; running up Little Fourche to the base line; thence running a due south line to Saline county line. B.J. McHenry, Captain.

No. 4 - All lying east of the above to the countyline, on the south side of the Arkansas. M.H. Hill, Captain.

Second Battalion. No. 1 - Commencing on the north side of the Arkansas river, at and including the house of Wm,. Wilson; running thence a straight line till it strikes the south west corner of section 16, in township 2 North of the base line, in range 9 West of the 5th principal meridian on Bayou Metre; all north of Bayou Metre and west of the line running from William Wilson's to the corner as above, in Big Rock township. Thomas W. Gray, Captain. No. 2 - The whole of Carolina township. Elijah P. Little, Captain.

No. 3 - All of Eagle township, on north side of Arkansas river, and that part of Big Rock township lying east of company No. 1 of 2d bat. also, on the same side of the river. This company being without officers, it is hereby directed to hold an election for the same, on Saturday, 7th Sept. next, at the usual place of holding elections within its bounds. If the vacancies are not filled at the time specified, they will be attached to the command of Capt. T.W. Gray, who is hereby directed to muster them on the day of the Regimental Parade, unless said vacancies are filled as above directed.

The regiment is hereby notified that Dr. Wm. W. Adams has been appointed Regimental Surgeon with rank as Captain of Infantry, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.


September 4, 1839 We are authorized [sic] to announce Col. Samuel M. Rutherford, as a candidate for Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia.


DIVISION ORDER Order No. 5 Head Quarters, Napoleon, Ark 13th September 1839

HIRAM MONELL having left the State, and it being supposed that it is not his intention to return to it, his services as one of my aid-de-camp, are no longer required; and to fill the vacancy thus created, I do hereby appoint Lycurgus Johnson aid-de-camp, with the rank of Lieut. Col. of cavalry. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

S.V.R. Ryan Maj. Gen. 2d Div. Ark. Militia


September 25, 1839 We are authorized to announce Col. Samuel M. Rutherford, as a candidate for Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia.

We are authorized to announce Gen. Thomas T. Williamson as a candidate for Major General of the First Divisiion of Arkansas Militia.


October 2, 1839 We are authorized to announce Col. Samuel M. Rutherford, as a candidate for Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia.

We are authorized to announce Gen. Thomis T. Williamson as a candidate for Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia.

We are authorized to announce Col. R.C. Byrd, as a candidate for Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, in the First Division of Arkansas Militia.


October 30, 1839 We are authorized to announce Col. R.C. Byrd, as a candidate for Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, in the First Division of Arkansas Militia.


November 20, 1839 We are authorised [sic] to announce Col. R.C. Byrd, as a candidate for Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, in the First Division of Arkansas Militia.


SECOND DIVISION ARKANSAS MILITIA Division Order No. 6 Headquarters Napoleon, November 21, 1839

The 5th brigade of the militia of this state, having, for its betters organization, been, by division order, attached to the 6th brigade; and there being official information that elections have been held for officers in several of the regiments of the 5th Brigade, it is ordered, that an election be held at the proper places of election for each regiment, on Saturday, the 18th day of January, 1840, to fill the office of Brigadier General of the 5th brigade, which office is now vacant. Reference is made to sections 13 and 15 of the law for the organization of the militia of this state where it will be found in what manner this election must be conducted, and to whom the returns of the same must be made.

By order of Major General, S.VR. Ryan

John Preston, Jun. Aid de Camp


First Division Arkansas Militia Division Orders Head Quarters Fayetteville, January 6, 1840

Order No. 1 WHEREAS, it has been represented to me, that the office of Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, a First Division, of Arkansas Militia, has become vacated by the death of Brigadier General Robertson Childress; it is hereby ordered, that election to fill said vacancy, be held at the several places of holding elections within said brigade, on Tuesday, the 25th day of February next.

The counties composing the Brigade are Saline, Pulaski, White, Conway, Pope, and Johnson, and the election will be held at the court house of the respective counties.

S.G. Sneed, Major General First Division Arkansas Militia



Order No. 2 THE Division is hereby notified that the following gentlemen have been appointed to the Staff of Major General: Oaesimus Evans, of Fayetteville, Assistant Inspector General; B.P. Jett, of Hempstead county, Aide-de-camp in the First Brigade; Edward Cole, of Little Rock, Aide-de-camp in the Second Brigade; John Henry, of Franklin county, to be Aide-de-camp in the Third Brigade; Dr. N. Spring, of Benton county, Surgeon of Division; all with with rank of Lieutenant Colonels of Cavalry, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

S.G. Sneed, Major General First Division Arkansas Militia


February 19, 1940. Military Election - Dr. Wright W. Elliott has been elected Brigadier General of the fifth brigade of Arkansas militia.


March 4, 1840 Military Election - Col. R.C. Byrd was, on the 25th ult., elected Brigadier General of the second Brigade Arkansas Militia.


April 29, 1840 Our Washington papers received during the past week, bring us nothing of importance from Congress. The independent treasury bill had not passed at the latest date.

The Rains in this section, during the week, have been immense. In Saline county considerable damage has been done in the destruction of fences, and the washing up of corn, which has been recently planted. For a short time on Thursday the water ran through the streets of this city like a river; and the neighboring streams are swollen to a size seldom equalled [sic]. Failures of the mails must be expected.

Post-offices - A post office has been established at Lebanon, Searcy county, Ark., and Tho's H. Boyer appointed Postmaster.

The post office at Cotocton, Crawford county, has been discontinued.

Militia Parade - We attended a parade of the second battalion of the militia of this county a week or two since, at the house of Mr. J.H. Reed, on Bayou Metre, on the north side of Arkansas. Some hundred and seventy men were paraded, under Maj. A.J. Ferguson, and made as good an appearance as could be expected of untrained soldiers, although, from the day being stormy, but little could be done in the way of evolutions. After being reviewed by Col. Thorn, the men were dismissed, and were addressed by Messrs. Cummins and Hempstead, two candidates for the Legislature. Mr. Bertrand, another of the candidates, offered to mount the stump, but as the "boys" did not seem inclined to listen, the speech did not come off. The fact of the matter was, that out of near two hundred persons who were on the ground, not more than twenty-five were Whigs of the new kind, and out of those we did not hear the name of Harrison once. - Mr. Cummins had given them "Whiggery" enough for one day.


2d Battalion Arkansas Militia. The Second Battalion of the Military of Pulaski county, are notified to attend a Battalion Muster, at the house of John H. Reed, on Saturday, the 18th day of April inst., at 10 o'clock A.M.

The officers of the second battalion are also notified to attend officer drills, at the above place, on the Thursday and Friday previous to the said day.

A.J. Ferguson, Major Com'g. April 4, 1840


June 24th 1840 Brigade Order

Headquarters Little Rock, Arkansas

The Brigadier General commanding 2nd brigade 1st division, Arkansas militia, announces to the officers commanding regiments or odd battalions in said brigade, (which is composed of all the militia in the counties of Saline, Pulaski, White, Conway, Pope, and Johnson,) that they are required to see that the officers and soldiers under their command be organized and equipped as the law directs, and report the same to him at the city of Little Rock, on or before the 1st day of October next.

R.C. Byrd, Brig. Gen’l. Of 2d Brigade Arkansas Militia

The General announces to the troops under his command that he has appointed Thomas W. Newton, Esq., of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas to be his Aid-de- camp, with the rank of Major of Cavalry, who is to be obeyed and respected accordingly; and Geo. H. Burnett, Esq., to be his Brigade Inspector, with the rank of Major of Cavalry, who is to be respected accordingly; and Dr. John R. Desha to be Brigade Surgeon.

R.C. Byrd, Brig. Gen. 2nd Brigade Ark. Militia.



By the Governor of the State of Arkansas WHEREAS, representations have been made to me, that numerous Indians are roving about the state, particularly in Union county, without any fixed place of abode, and committing depredations upon the property of the citizens, contrary to the laws of the United States:

Therefore, I, James S. Conway, Governor of the state of Arkansas, in order to prevent difficulties from arising by the said Indiana trespassing on the lands within the limits of this state, do hereby order them to depart beyond the limits thereof, under the penalties prescribed by law.

And the commandants of regiments of the militia in the several counties in the state, and all subordinate officers, are required to give their aid in carrying this order into effect.

Given under my hand, at Little Rock, the 18th day of July, A.D. 1840.

J.S. Conway, By the Governor R.A. Watkins, Secretary of State.


July 22, 1840 We are authorized to announce Wm. M. McPherson, Esq., as a candidate for the office of Brigadier General of the Fifth Brigade of Arkansas Militia.

We are authorized to announce Col. R.C. Byrd, as a candidate for Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, in the First Division of Arkansas Militia.


December 9, 1840 GENERAL ORDERS. THE MAJOR GENERALS of the Arkansas Militia will, without delay, proceed to organize their divisions into brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies, where it has not already been done, as directed by law, and report their strength and condition to the Adjutant General of the State, that the State of Arkansas may receive her due proportion of the public arms from the general government.

The Commander-in-chief expects every officer to do his duty.

During the next year the troops of the first division will be reviewed and inspected in person by the Commander-in-chief.

A. Yell Executive Department 15th Nov., 1840 Advocate and Star will each give 2 insertions.


General Order - No. 2 Head Quarters Little Rock Dec. the 21st 1840

The Commander in chief has this day appointed the following staff:

Samuel H. Hempstead, of Little Rock, Adjutant General; Abraham Whinnery, of Benton county, Inspector General; Elias Rector, of Crawford county, Quarter Master General; Elias N. Conway, of Little Rock, Pay Master General; A.C. Childress, of Lawrence county, Commissary General; all with the brevet rank of Brigadier General. Dr. John R. Desha, of Little Rock, Surgeon General; Lambert Reardon, of Little Rock, and Thomas B. Hanley, of Helena, Aides de Camp, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. They will all be obeyed and respected accordingly.

A. Yell Commander in Chief



The Adjutant General announces that to enable him to make to the President of the United States proper returns of the strength and condition of the Militia of the State, their arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, according to the provisions of an act of Congress of March 21, 1803, relating to the national defence [sic]; and that this State may receive her proportion of arms, agreeably to the provisions of an act of Congress of April 23d, 1808, providing for arming and equipping the whole body of the Militia of the United States, blank forms of returns have been forwarded to all field officers required to make returns of the strength and condition of the Militia of the State; and said officers are commanded to perform that duty according to the State Militia law. The Captain of a company is to make his returns to the Colonel Commandment of his regiments or Lieutenant Colonel of separate battalions; Colonels of regiment s and Lieutenant Colonels of separate battalions to the Brigadier General; the Brigadier General to the Major General of his division; and the Major General to the Adjutant General of the State. All returns, whether of the strength and condition of the Militia, or of military elections, are hereby required to be made to the Adjutant General, at head quarters.

By order of the Commander-in-chief. S.H. Hempstead, Adjutant General



THE Adjutant General announces that the Commander-in-chief has numbered and arranged the organized regiments and separate battalions of the Arkansas militia, in the following numerical order, viz:

Arkansas county, first regiment Benton county, second regiment Carroll county, third regiment Conway county, fourth regiment Crawford county, fifth regiment Desha county, sixth regiment Franklin county, seventh regiment Hempstead county, eighth regiment Independence county, ninth regiment Johnson county, tenth regiment Madison county, eleventh regiment Phillips county, twelfth regiment Pulaski county, thirteenth regiment Poinsett county, fourteenth regiment Pope county, fifteenth regimen Randolph county, sixteenth regiment Scott county, seventeenth regiment Saline county, eighteenth regiment St. Francis county, nineteenth regiment Washington county, twentieth regiment - mounted volunteer gun-men. Hot Spring county, first battalion Monore county, second battalion Searcy county, third battalion Union county, fourth battalion

By order of the Commander in-chief. S.H. Hempstead, Adjutant General



Head Quarters, Little Rock, 27th January 1841

The Brigadier General announces to his Command the imperious necessity of prompt and energetic measures to organize immediately his Brigade according to orders.

The Commandants of Regiments in the counties of Conway, Johnson, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, White, and Yell, are ordered to proceed with as much dispatch as possible to have all vacancies filled in their respective Commands, and to make full report of the strength and condition of each Company, on or before the first day of May next.

Richard C. Byrd Brig. Gen. Comm’r. 2nd Brigade Ark’s Militia

By Order Thomas W. Newton, Aid de Camp


BATTALION ATTENTION! THE officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, composing the second battalion of the eighteenth regiment, Arkansas Militia, are hereby notified and commanded to attend their annual muster at Asher Bagley's, Saline county, on the third Saturday in April.

The commissioned officers are requested to assemble at the same place, on the day preceding muster, for the purpose of drill and general instruction.

ASA R. BEALL, Maj. Commanding 2nd Battalion Saline county, March 20, 1841.


ATTENTION BATTALION! THE officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates, composing the first battalion of the Eighteenth Regiment Arkansas Militia are hereby notified and commanded to attend their annual muster at Davis' Mill, Saline county, on the second Saturday in April.

The commissioned officers are requested to aseemble at the same place on the day preceding muster, for the purpose of drill and general instruction.

ELIAS E. DOWDY Lt. Col. Commanding. Saline county, March 31, 1841.


Head Quarters, Napoleon, Ar. 25th March, 1841

Division Orders, No. 7 2d Division, Ark's Militia

By the act of the Legislature of Arkansas, approved 28th December, 1840, it is required of Major Generals of the Militia of Arkansas, on or before the first of April, 1841, to order the Brigadiers of the brigades of their respective division, to forthwith organize into companies, battalions, and regiments, all persons subject to the performance of military duty, within the limits of their respective brigades.

In compliance with said act of the Legislature, I do hereby require that the Brigadier Generals of the fourth, fifth, and sixth Brigades of the Militia of the State of Arkansas, said brigades constituting this Division, do immediately proceed to organize their respective brigades into companies, battalions, and regiments, as required to do by said act, and that they each do on or before the 1st day of July, 1841, report to me at my Head Quarters, at Napoleon, the condition of their respective brigades as it regards their forwarding news in organization.

The necessity of an efficient Militia in this State, must be apparent to every one of its reflecting citizens, and being the person having the honor of commanding this Division, it is my sincere belief and hope, that every person in the same, subject to the performance of militia duty, will do every thing in his power, to facilitate and make easy the organization so peremptorily required by our Legislature, and which the condition and peculiar position of this State so loudly calls for.

S.V.R. Ryan, Maj. Gen. 2nd Division, Ark. Militia


Head Quarters, Columbia, Ark. 31st March, 1841

Brigade Orders, No. 11 6th Division, Ark's Militia

In obedience to Division order No. 7, of the 25th March, 1841, emanuating from the Major General of the second Division of the Militia of this State, is is hereby ordered, that the Militia of the counties of Arkansas, Bradley, Chicot, Desha, Jefferson, Monroe, and Union, which counties constitute this Brigade, be immediately organized into companies, battalions, and regiments, and that returns be made to me by the proper officers at my Head Quarters, on or before the last day of June next, of the progress that may be made in the organization required by this order.

Colonels of Regiments, and Sheriffs are referred to pages 92 and 93 of the acts of the Legislature of this State, passed at the session of 1840, for further instructions in the performance of their duties required by this order.

John Clark Brig. Gen. 6th Brigade, Ark. Militia


Head Quarters, Greenock, Ark., 5th May, 1841.

Brigade Order. No. 2 6th Division Ark. Militia.

IN obedience to Division Order No. 7, issued by S.V.R. Ryan, Maj. Gen. 2d Division, Ark. Militia:

By authority of the preceding Order, I hereby require and command the Militia of the counties of Green, Poinsett, St. Francis, Phillips, Crittenden, and Mississippi, which counties compose this Brigade, to be immediately organized into companies, battalions, and regiments, as the law directs, and make returns to me at my Head Quarters without delay.

W.W. Elliott, Birg. Gen. 5th Division, Ark. Militia



ORDER NO. 1. THE Colonel announces to the troops under his command, that he has appointed Wm. H. Glass of Pulaski County, Arkansas, to be his Adjutant with the rank of Captain of the 13th Regiment, who is to be obeyed and respected accordingly - and William K. English, Esq., to be Quartermaster of the 13th Regiment - he will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

J.H. O'Baugh, Colonel Commandant of Pulaski Reg't. , Ark's Militia.


ATTENTION MILITIA! AN election will be held in Pyatte [sic] township at the usual place of holding elections, on the second Saturday of September, for the purpose of electing a Captain, in the place of Capt. Anthony, resigned.

J.H. O'Baugh, Colonel Commandant of the 13th Reg's. Pulaski Militia August 7, 1841.



THE commissioned officers of this Regiment are hereby ordered to attend a Regimental Court Martial, to be held at the city court room in the city of Little Rock, on Friday the 12th of November next, at 10 o'clock, A.M.

By order of the Colonel T.D. Merrick, Adjutant 13th Regiment Ark's Militia.


January 12, 1842 Another Indian Murder - We learn, by two letters, of 3d and 4th inst., from Lewis Evans, Esq., residing in Washington county, immediately on the Cherokee boundary line, to Gov. Yell, that a most wanton and unprovoked murder was committed on the 31st ult., by a Cherokee Indian named Moses Alberty, jun., on the body of Mr. George Long, a very respectable and peaceable citizen of Madison county. The murder was committed a few miles from Evansville, within the Indian country. A short time before the murder, a party of Indians, of whom Alberty was one, made an attack upon Col. Chas. M. McClellan, of Cane Hill, who succeeded in making his escape, Mr. Long shortly afterwards alighted from his horse. Mr. Long shortly afterwards slighted from his horse at the same house, and was warming himself by the fire, when he was attacked by Alberty, and wantonly murdered, without the slightest provocation.

Immediately on the reception of the above information, Gov. Yell made a requisition on Gov. Butler, the Cherokee Agent, (who arrived in town on Sunday), for the apprehension of Alberty, and his delivery to the U.S. Marshal, for trial.

The Governor has also, we understand, promptly ordered Major General Sneed to organize and hold in readiness a regiment of not less than 500 militia or volunteers, to protect the frontier against aggression or outrage from the Indians, and to bring the murderer to justice, if he should not promptly be surrendered to the U.S. authorities.

The letters referred to above, state that there was a great excitement among the citizens along the frontier, and a universal demand for the punishment of the murderer and chastisement of his abettors. There will be no difficulty, we understand, in raising the volunteers required by the Governor, or a much larger number, if needed.

P.S. - Since penning the above, we learn from Gov. Butler, Cherokee Agent, that Alberty was arrested by the Indian authorities, a few days after the murder, and would be forthwith delivered up to one of the military posts in that country, to be tried by the U.S. District Court.

We also learn from Gov. B., that all the better class of the Cherokees were as much as exasperated against the murderer as our own citizens on this side of the line, and proposed to try him under their own laws, and execute him on the following day. He, however, very properly advised them to hand him over to the U.S. authorities, that he might be tried and punished under our own laws.


ELECTION NOTICE. AN ELECTION will be held at the usual places of holding election in the different townships in this county, on Saturday, the 27th day of August next, for the purpose of electing a COLONEL COMMANDANT of the 13th Regiment of the Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Ja's. H. Obaugh, at which time and places the Judges of the several elections are hereby notified to attend, open polls, and hold said election and to make due return thereof according to law.

James Lawson, jun. Sh'ff. Pulaski County. Little Rock, July 26th, 1842.


November 16, 1842 We learn that Gen. John Clark has appointed Albert Rust, of Union county, to be Brigade Major of the sixth Brigade of the Arkansas Militia, with the rank of Major. This law required that he should be obeyed and respected accordingly.


Militia Order All persons liable to Military duty in the first Battalion, 13th Regiment, Arkansas Militia, are hereby ordered to attend a Battalion Muster, at the State House, in the City of Little Rock, on Saturday, the first day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., Armed and equipped as the law directs.

Commandants of companies are also notified to hold company musters, at their respective muster grounds, on Saturday, the 25th of March inst.

E. Walters, Lt. Col. Commanding 1st Battalion 13th Regiment, Arkansas Milita Little Rock, March 14, 1843


Milita Order All persons liable to do military duty in the 2d Battalion, 13th Regiment, Arkansas Militia, are hereby ordered to attend a Battalion Muster, at what is called Samson Gray's Spring, 12 miles east of Little Rock, on the Military road, on Saturday, the 8th day of April next, at 10 o'clock A.M., armed and equipped as the law directs.

Commandants of companies are also notified to hold company musters at their respective muster grounds, on Saturday, the 1st day of April.

R.T. Redman, Major Commanding 2d Battalion 13th Regiment, Arkansas Militia


BATTALION MUSTER ALL persons liable to do Military duty, in the 2d Battalion, 13 Regt. Arks. Militia, are hereby notified to attend Battalion muster, at Samson Gray's Springs, 12 miles east of Little Rock, on the Military Road, leading to Memphis, on Saturday, the 13th day of April next, at 10 o'clock A.M., armed and equipped as the Law directs.

Commandants of companies are also notified to hold company musters at their respective muster grounds on Saturday, the 6th of April next, at 10 o'clock A.M.

R.T. Redman, Major 2d Battl. 13th Regt. Arks. Militia.


MILITIA ORDER. ALL persons liable to military duty in the first Battalion, 13th Regiment, Arkansas Militia, are hereby ordered to attend a Battalion Muster, at the State house, in the City of Little Rock, on Saturday, the 6th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., armed and equipped as the law directs.

Commandants of companies are also notified to hold company musters at their respective muster grounds, on Saturday, the 30th of March next.

L. Snapp, Lt. Col. Commanding 1st Battalion, 13th Regiment Arkansas Militia Little Rock, Feb. 28, 1844.


June 12, 1844 We are authorized to announce Wm. B. Borden, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Pulaski County, at the next October election.

We are authorized to announce Gordon N. Peay, as a candidatae for clerk of the Circuit court of Pulaski County, at the next October election.

We are authorized to announce Herndon Haralson, Esq., as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Circuit court for Pulaski county, at the ensuing election.

We are authorized to announce Bennett B. Ball, Esq., of Conway county, as a candidate for Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, First Division, Arkansas Militia, comprising the counties of White, Pulaski, Saline, Conway, Pope, Yell, and Perry. Election to take place on Monday, the 27th day of May next.

Mr. Borden - Sir: You will please announce my name as a Democratic candidate for Congress, at the ensuing October election.

L.B. Tully May 27, 1844

We are authorized to announce Gen. Richard C. Byrd of Pulaski, as a candidate for Governor of the State of Arkansas, at the next October election; subject to the decision of the people at the ballot box.

Mr. Borden - You will please announce me as a candidate for the office of Sheriff for the county of Pulaski, at the next October election.

Your ob'r. serv't, Nelson S. Thomasson May 21st, 1844


BRIGADE ORDER, NO. 12 Head Quarters Little Rock, August 12, 1843

Notice is hereby given, to the commandants of the several regiments composing the second brigade of the first division Arkansas Militia, that they be reviewed in the following order, at their respective muster grounds:

The 15th regiment (Pope county), Col. S. Moffit, commandant, on Saturday, the 7th day of October next.

The 26th Regiment, (Yell county), Colonel Charles Fitch, commandant, on Thursday, the 12th day of October next.

The 4th regiment, (Conway county), Colonel B.H. Ball, commandant, on Saturday, the 14th day of October next.

The 36th regiment, (Perry county), Col. Wm. Turner, commandant, on Thursday, the 19th day of October next.

The 21st regiment, (White county), Colonel M.H. Blue, commandant, on Saturday, the 21st day of October next.

The 13th regiment, (Pulaski County,) Colonel T.D. Metrich, commandant, on Thursday, the 26th day of October next.

The 18th regiment, (Saline county), Colonel J.J. Joiner, commandant, on Saturday, the 28th day of October next.

R.C. Byrd, Brig. General Of Second Brigade, Arkansas Militia Times & Advocate copy, two weeks.


Head Quarters, Brigadier Gen's Office Lewisburg, August 24, 1844

THE undersigned announces to the troops under his command, that he has nominated and appointed Ebenezer Cummins, of Little Rock, Aid-de-camp, with the rank of Major of Cavalry. He will therefore be respected and obeyed accordingly.

B.B. BALL, Brig. Gen. 2d Brigade, Ark's Militia


Brigade Order No. 3 Head Quarters Lewisburg, August 24th, 1844

Notice is hereby given to the commandants of the several regiements composing the second brigade of the first division Arkansas militia, that they will be reviewed in the following order, at their respective muster grounds.

The 15th regiment, Pope county, Col. Flemming, commandant, on Saturday, the 5th day of October next.

The 26th regiment, Yell county, Col. Charles Hitch, commandant, on Thursday, the 10th day of October next.

The 4th regiment, Perry county, Col. John Allen, commandant, on Saturday, the 12th day of October next.

The 36th regiment, Perry county, Col. Wm. Turner, commandant, on Thursday, the 17th day of October next.

The 21st regiment, White county, Col. M.H. Blue, commandant, on Saturday, the 19th day of October next.

The 13th regiment, Pulaski county, Col. T.D. Merrick, commandant, on Thursday, the 24th day of October next.

The 18th regiment, Saline county, on Saturday, the 26th day of October next.

B.B. Ball, Brig. Gen'l. of 2nd brigade Ark's militia.


December 16, 1844 We are authorized to announce S.D. Blackburn, Esq., of this city, as a candidate for the office of Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of S.G. Sneed.

We are authorized to announce T.L. Green, as a candidate for Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of S.G. Sneed.

We are authorized to announce Col. Thomas D. Merrick, of this city, as a candidate for the office of Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of S.G. Sneed.


Mr. Borden - You will please announce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Recorder, of the city of Little Rock, at the ensuing January election.

J.A. Hutchings December 21st, 1844

We are authorized to announce Col. Thomas D. Merrick, of this city; as a candidate for the office of Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of S.G. Sneed.

We are authorized to announce S.D. Blackburn, Esq., of this city, as a candidate for the office of Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of S.G. Sneed.


January 6, 1845 We are authorized to announce T.L. Green, as a candidate for Major General of the First Division of Arkansas Militia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of S.G. Sneed.

For late New Orleans papers, and especially the Crescent City, whose enterprising conductors have established an express from Charleston to their city, giving them the news two days soon than by mail, we are indebted to the polite attention of E.C. Morton, clerk of the "Arkansas No. 4."

We are requested to say that a meeting of the "Little Rock Guards" is desired at the back room of the store formerly occupied by Mr. Reardon, directly after candle light. We hope that no member will fail in his attendance, as upon the result of this meeting the very existence of the company depends.

At a meeting of the Little Rock Temperance Society on Thursday evening last, a resolution was passed, requesting the different temperance societies in the State, to appoint one or more delegates to attend the State Temperance Convention, to be held in this city on the 22nd of February next.


Order No. 1 Head Quarters 1st Division Arkansas Militia Little Rock, April 11th, 1845.

I have this day appointed David J. Baldwin, and Robert M. cox, Aide de Camp, with the rank of Lieut. Col's of Cavalry. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

S.D. Blackburn, Major Gen. 1st Division Ark. Militia April 16, 1845


Order No. 2 Head Quarters, 1st Division Arkansas Militia Little Rock, May 12th, 1845.

I have this day appointed Lewis Evans, of Washington county, Assistant Inspector General; Ebenezer Cummins, of Pulaski county, Assistant Quarter Master General, and George W. Powell, of Franklin county, Surgeon of Division, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonels of Cavalry. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

S.D. Blackburn, Major Gen. 1st Division Ark. Militia. By R.M. Cox, Aid-de-Camp.


COURT MARTIAL COURT martial for the 1st Battalion, 13th regiment, Arkansas Militia, met on the 2d day of June, and adjourned until 17th inst., at which time the officers of said Battalion are notified to attend at the city Hall, in the city of Little Rock, at 10 o'clock, A.M. of said day. June 9, 1845


ATTENTION, COMPANY! ALL persons subject to military duty in Capt. Wm. Annear's Company, 2d Company 1st Battalion, 13th Regiment, Pulaski militia, are hereby notified to attend a company muster, on Saturday the 28th inst., at 10 o'clock, A.M., armed and equipped as the law directs, for military duty, in front of the State House.

By order of the captain. Geo. B. Hayden, O.S. Little Rock, June 16, 1845.


ATTENTION! COMPANY! ALL persons subject to military duty in Capt. John Pirani's Company, 3d Company 1st Battalion, 13th Regiment of Pulaski militia, are hereby notified to attend a company muster, on Saturday the 28th inst., at 10 o'clock, A.M., armed and equipped as the law directs, for military duty, in front of the Real Estate Bank.

By order of the Captain. Isaac Browning, O.S. Little Rock, June 18, 1845. Banner copy one week.


State of Arkansas, County of Pulaski

REGIMENTAL NOTICE. THERE will be an election held on the 2d day of August, 1845, at the different precincts, in the 2d Battalion, 13th Regiment of Arkansas Militia, for the purpose of electing a MAJOR for said Regiment. At which time and places, the judges of the general election are required to attend and hold said election according to law.

Given under my hand at Little Rock, this 21st of July, A.D. 1845.

Franklin Smithson, Col. Commandant of said Regiment July 28, 1845 [Pr's fee $1.50]


ATTENTION, COMPANY! ALL persons subject to military duty in Capt. John Pirani's Company, 3d Company, 1st Battalion, 13th Regiment of Arkansas Militia, are hereby notified to attend a company muster, on Saturdays the 27th inst., at 10 o'clock, A.M., armed and equipped as the law directs, for military duty, in front of the Real Estate Bank. By order of the Captain, Isaac Browning, O.S. Little Rock, Sept. 12th, 1845.


Order No. 8 Head Quarters 1st Division Ark's Militia, Little Rock, May 2d, A.D. 1846

I have this day appointed Cha's P. Bertrand, of the city of Little Rock, 2nd Aid de Camp, and William Goodrich, of Clarksville, Johnson county, Assistant Adjutant General of Division with the rank of Lieutenant Colonels of Cavalry. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

S.D. Blackburn, Maj. Gen. 1st Division, Ark's Militia May 11, 1846.


By the Governor and Commander-in-Chief General Order No. 7 Head Quarters, Little Rock May 9, 1846

Whereas, information to be relied upon has been received, that actual hostilities have commenced between the United States and Mexico - that our Army of Occupation" is surrounded by a large body of Mexican troops - and that General Taylor has made a requistion upon the States of Louisiana, and Texas, for re-inforcement, to enable him to meet the enemy. And, whereas, it is probable that more troops will be required, and, in order to supply them, a call will be made upon this State.

Therefore, I, Thomas S. Drew, Governor and Commander in Chief of the State of Arkansas, make this my preliminary Proclamation to all persons under my command, liable to do military duty, to hold themselves ready to be enrolled into the military service of the Union; particularly directing and requiring each and every General of Division, General of Brigade, and Colonel of Regiment, to take, forthwith, all necessary and proper steps to ascertain the strength and condition of their respective commands, in men, arms, and equipments; and to report, at the earlies practicable moment, to the Adjutant General.

Confidently relying upon the patriotism, and gallantry of our citizen Soldiers, that in the evens of their services being needed, voluntary enrollment will supersede the necessity of a Draft, I suggest the speedy organization of Volunteer Companies, throughout the State.

I cannot deem it necessary to make any other, as there certainly can be no higher appeal to the people of the State, in order to insure their nearly and zealous co-operation in the objects of this Proclamation, than a simple announcement of the facts that War has commenced - that the blood of our fellow citizens has been shed - and that we shall probably be needed at an early day, to avenge that blood and inflict a just and summary punishment upon the foe.

Thomas S. Drew By the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Solon Borland, Adj't. Gen.


Order No. 1 Head Quarter, 13th Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Arkansas Militia.

I have, pursuant to Law, this day appointed the following officers - Paymaster, D.W. Candli - Judge Advocate, A. Smith, - Adjutant, John Collins - Surgeon, S. Lawrie - Quarter Master, S.A. White - Sergeant Major, C.L. Sweet - Quarter Master Sergeant, B.F. Dooley - Drum Major, Elias Good - Fife Major, Martin George - To be respected said obeyed as such, respectively.

Isaac J. Howard, Col. Com'd'g. Little Rock, Aug. 24, 1846.


Pulaski County Militia Regimental Order No. 2 All persons subject to Militia duty in this regiment, are hereby ordered to parade on Thursday, the 8th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A.M. at the State House, in the City of Little Rock, armed and equipped as the law directs. Commandants of companies will notify their men of the time and place of meeting. The commissioned officers are notified to attend officer drill on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th and 7th day of October, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the State House in the City of Little Rock.

First Battalion Company No. 1 - The whole of Pyeatt and Maumelle Townships.

No. 2 - All that part of Big Rock Township, south or Arkansas river, lying between the centre of Scott street, in the city of Little Rock, running south to the line between section 10 and 15 of Township one north, range 12 west, thence due west to Maumelle Township line.

No. 3 - That part of Big Rock Township lying east of the foregoing, on the south side of the Arkansas river, until it comes to the mouth of Fourche; running up until it comes to the line running south from Scott street, and

No. 4 - All lying east of the above and the Quapaw line to the county line south of the Arkansas river - all that part of Fouche Township lying south of companies No. 2 and 3, and west of the Qupaw line is hereby attached to the company No. 3, C.O. Haller captain, and he is hereby required to enroll all persons subject to militia duty in said bound.


Company No. 1 - Commencing on the north side of the Arkansas river , and including the house of William Wilson, running thence as a straight line till it strikes the south west corner of section 16, in township 2 north of the base line, in range 9 west of the 5th principal meridian, on Bayou Metre; all north of Bayou Metre, and west of the line running from William Wilson's to the corner, as above, to Big Rock township.

No. 2 - The whole of Caroline township and Bayou Metre township.

No. 3 - All Eagle township, on the north side of Arkansas river, and that part of Big Rock township lying east of company No. 1 of 2d battalion, on the south side of the river.

No. 4 - The whole of Prairie township.

All persons subject to Militia duty to the above named beats are hereby ordered to hold an election on Saturday the 19th day of September next, to fill all vacancies which may be in each company, and report to the Col. commandant forthwith.

Isaac J. Howard Col. com'd't. 13th Reg't. Ark. Militia August 31, 1846.


Order No. 3 Notice is hereby given that there will be an election held on the 19th day of September next, at the different places of voting for Militia officers in the 2d battalion, 13th regiment Arkansas Militia, for the election of one Major to command said battalion.

Isaac J. Howard, Col. com'd't. 13th Reg't. Ark. Militia August 31, 1846


Attention, Pulaski County Militia!

Notice is hereby given, to Commandants of companies, that there will be a Regimental Review, on Thursday the 22d of October, 1846. And officers and commandants of companies are also notified to hold company musters in their respective beats, on Saturday the 17th of said month. And the commissioned officers of said Regiment are hereby notified to attend officers of said Regiment are hereby notified to attend officer drill on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 20th and 21st days of October next.

The Regiment will be formed at the State House; and the officers drill will also be at the same place.

By order of the Colonel. John Collins, Adj't. of the 13th Reg't. Sept. 28, 1846.


Brigade Orders No. 8 Lewisburgh, Ark. August 24th, 1846.

Notice is hereby given, to the commandants of the several Regiments composing the second Brigade, first Division, Arkansas Militia, that they will be reviewed in the following order at their respective muster grounds viz:

The 15th Regiment (Pope County) on Saturday the 3rd day of October next.

The 26th Regiment (Yell County) Thursday the 8th day of October next.

The 4th regiment (Conway County) on Saturday the 10th day of October next.

The 36th Regiment (Perry county) on Thursday the 15th day of October next.

The 21st Regiment (White County) on Saturday the 17th day of October next.

The 13th Regiment (Pulaski County) on Thursday the 22nd day of October next.

The 18th Regiment (Saline County) on Saturday the 24th day of October next.

B.B. Ball, Brig. General 2nd Brigade 1st Division Arkansas Militia.


Pulaski County Militia Regimental Order No. 2 All persons subject to Militia duty in this regiment, are hereby ordered to parade on Thursday, the 8th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A.M. at the State House, in the City of Little Rock, armed and equipped as the law directs. Commandants of companies will notify their men of the time and place of meeting. The commissioned officers are notified to attend officer drill on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th and 7th day of October, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the State House in the City of Little Rock.

First Battalion Company No. 1 - The whole of Pyeatt and Maumelle Townships.

No. 2 - All that part of Big Rock Township, south or Arkansas river, lying between the centre of Scott street, in the city of Little Rock, running south to the line between section 10 and 15 of Township one north, range 12 west, thence due west to Maumelle Township line.

No. 3 - That part of Big Rock Township lying east of the foregoing, on the south side of the Arkansas river, until it comes to the mouth of Fourche; running up until it comes to the line running south from Scott street, and

No. 4 - All lying east of the above and the Quapaw line to the county line south of the Arkansas river - all that part of Fouche Township lying south of companies No. 2 and 3, and west of the Qupaw line is hereby attached to the company No. 3, C.O. Haller captain, and he is hereby required to enroll all persons subject to militia duty in said bound.


Company No. 1 - Commencing on the north side of the Arkansas river , and including the house of William Wilson, running thence as a straight line till it strikes the south west corner of section 16, in township 2 north of the base line, in range 9 west of the 5th principal meridian, on Bayou Metre; all north of Bayou Metre, and west of the line running from William Wilson's to the corner, as above, to Big Rock township.

No. 2 - The whole of Caroline township and Bayou Metre township.

No. 3 - All Eagle township, on the north side of Arkansas river, and that part of Big Rock township lying east of company No. 1 of 2d battalion, on the south side of the river.

No. 4 - The whole of Prairie township.

All persons subject to Militia duty to the above named beats are hereby ordered to hold an election on Saturday the 19th day of September next, to fill all vacancies which may be in each company, and report to the Col. commandant forthwith.

Isaac J. Howard Col. com'd't. 13th Reg't. Ark. Militia August 31, 1846.


Attention, Pulaski County Militia!

Notice is hereby given, to Commandants of companies, that there will be a Regimental Review, on Thursday the 22d of October, 1846. And officers and commandants of companies are also notified to hold company musters in their respective beats, on Saturday the 17th of said month. And the commissioned officers of said Regiment are hereby notified to attend officers of said Regiment are hereby notified to attend officer drill on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 20th and 21st days of October next.

The Regiment will be formed at the State House; and the officers drill will also be at the same place.

By order of the Colonel. John Collins, Adj't. of the 13th Reg't.

Sept. 28, 1846.


Order of the Colonel 13th Regiment, of Arkansas Militia

Notice is hereby given, that Charles L. Sweet as appointed adjutant of said Regiment, and will be obeyed and respected as such.

Isaac J. Howard, Col. Commandant March 24th, 1847


Attention, Company! All persons liable to perform military duty in Company C. (Capt. Halter's Company,) of Arkansas Militia, are hereby notified to meet in front of the Real Estate Bank, in the City of Little Rock, on the 16th day of this month, armed and equipped as the law directs.

Time of meeting, 10 o'clock, A.M. Fourche Township is annexed to this Company.

Company court martial will be holden at 3 o'clock, P.M., on the same day, at the City Hall. All delinquents not appearing and making no satisfactory excuse, will be strictly dealt with, according to law.

By enter of the Captain, J.N. Hawkins, O.S. Little Rock, Oct. 1st, 1847.


Attention, Company!

All persons liable to do military duty in Capt. C. Haller's Company, 3rd Company, 1st Battalion, 13th Regiment, Pulaski County Militia, are hereby notified to parade on Saturday the 5th day of February, for Company Muster, (at their usual place of parade,) at 9 o'clock, A.M., in front of the Real Estate Bank, armed and equipped as the Law directs. By order of the Captains.

T.N. Hawkins, O.S. Little Rock, January 25th, 1848.