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Beker Fabian Poeta Viandante



Beker Simon Fabian De Lao was born in Margos, in the district of Huanuco, Perú, on July 31st of 1963. He spends his infancy on the Andes with his grandparents and brothers, speaking the local Quechuan language and learning Spanish at the primary school. At the age of 14 he becomes independent from his numerous family, which has already moved to Lima, working to complete his studies and beginning to travel through many provinces of Perú. To this period pertain his first poems.

Achieving his diploma in pedagogy and education, he dedicates himself to teaching in the area of the Amazonic border, valorizing local culture and innovating the outdated school programs, for eight years long. Because of the contrasts with Alberto Fujimori regime, he leaves teaching and begins touring all over South America, giving seminaries of oratory and taking part in international congresses of the Quechuan language.

In 1998 he arrives in Europe and settles in Italy, where he begins to dedicate himself to his first and true passion for poetry, deepening his studies and learning the Italian and English languages. In 1999, he becomes en integral part of the Peruvian community in the city of Ancona and is elected as vice-president for a period of 2 years. In this city, he meets the women of his life, Alice Bellesi, and they tie the knot: this experience deeply marks his life and his work, and 15 years later it will become the essence of a book. Together with his yearned muse he travels all over Europe: Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland – and he continues traveling. These journeys are reflected and transfigured in his poetical work.

In 2011 his first book, a collection of poems entitled Eternal Wayfarer (Eterno Viandante), is published: he undertakes a tour of presentations which touches many Italian cities participating with this work to the international literary event Babele Festival, in the town of Montecosaro, filmed by local televison and present online. In 2012 he undertakes a tour of presentations of this book in Peru too, involving municipalities, libraries and schools.
In 2013 Elixir of Love (Elisir d’amore) is published, a book in poetry and poetical prose, co-authored with his wife, so he undertakes a tour of presentations in Italy. In 2014 this tour continues in Peru. In 2015 he records a no-profit audio version of this book for the Italian Union of Blind and Partially Sighted People and the Institute of Rehabilitation Research and Training (UIC and IRIFOR) of Macerata.

Beker Fabian Poeta Viandante

Honours and awards

  • In 2005 he wins the special prize Dear peace I write (Cara pace ti scrivo) 2005 with the poem The power of love (Il potere dell’amore).
  • In 2006 he obtains the certificate of appointment as World Poets Consul (Cónsul de Poetas del mundo en Macerata, Italia) in the province of Macerata, Italy from the association Movimiento Poetas del Mundo[1].
  • In 2008 he is awarded with the Mention of Honour of the section Estero of the international prize The Rainbow of life (L’Arcobaleno della Vita, with the poem In the shadow of peace (All’ombra della pace)[2].
  • In december 2011 he receives, for his work Eterno Viandante, the official congratulations from the current President of the Republic of Peru, Ollanta Humala [3].


  • Dear peace I write (Cara pace ti scrivo) – poetry and prose from the literary contest created to spread a culture of peace – curated by Domenico Monti, published in 2005
  • Eternal Wayfarer (Eterno Viandante) – collection of poems in Spanish with translation in Italian, published in 2011
  • Instants of Infinity – Anthology of Poetry and Visual Arts – Special Edition for the World Poetry Movement (Istanti d’Infinito 3 – Antologia di Arti Figurative e Poesia – Edizione Speciale WPM – Movimento Mondiale della Poesia) - published in 2012 with Associazione Culturale Leopardian Community Coro a più voci, with contributions from several authors
  • Elixir of Love (Elisir d’amore) - book in poetry and poetic prose in Italian and Spanish published in 2013, co-authors Beker Fabian & Alice Bellesi
  • Elixir of Love Audiobook – no-profit online MP3 version of the book produced in 2015 for Macerata Sections of UIC and IRIFOR


  1. ^ Poetas del Mundo, Luís Arias Manzo, Secretario General, Santiago – Chile, Julio de 2006.
  2. ^ Diploma on unstamped paper bearing three signatures: President of the jury Gloria Venturini, Promotional Activities Entertainment Department Fabrizio Pavan, General Secretariat Cassandra Venturini: City of Lendinara, december 13th 2008 – Seventh Edition of International Prize for poetry and prose "The Rainbow of life” (L'Arcobaleno della vita) – Diploma of Merit conferred on Beker Simon Fabian – Honorary Mention for Section Abroad with the poem “In the shadow of peace” (All’ombra della pace).
  3. ^ Official Congratulations on unstamped paper with the national coat of arms, bearing the signature of current President Ollante Humala Tasso and delivered at home in Lima, Perù: Ollanta Humala Tasso Presidente Constitutional de la República Saluda afectuosamente al Señor Poeta Inmigrante Peruano Beker Simon Fabián. Con ocasión de la celebración de la Navidad, extiendo mis deseos de bienestar, y que en el Nuevo Año todos sus esfuerzos se vean coronados por el éxito. Lima, diciembre de 2011.

Further reading
