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I chose to edit and add content to the Cleveland museum of Art.

This article provides a history of the museum, as well as an overview of the different programs, exhibitions, and permanent works of art. Other contributors have added a somewhat diverse amount of references dispersed throughout the article, however citations are still needed in some sections. On the to-do list of the articles talk page, I'd like to:contribute to expanding the 20th century history section, adding a few citations to the Wade Park section, and divvying up the Holdings sections into different subheadings.

Ryecatcher773 edited the article's history section, as well as recommending that the Holdings section be divided into subheadings based on the collections relevant to the museum.Some other changes by useres were simply editing external links that were not longer active or relevant to the article. (10/15)

Modern European Painting and Sculpture[1]

European Painting and Sculpture[2]

American Painting and Sculpture[3]

Changes Made

Modern European Painting and Sculpture


The Cleveland Museum of Art's Modern European Painting and Sculpture collection holds pieces dating from 1800 to 1960, and contains about 537 pieces. The collection contains Impressionism and Post-impressionism works, avant-garde art styles, and German Expressionism and Neuesachlichkeit art.[4]

European Painting and Sculpture


This collection holds pieces dating from 1500 to 1800, with major works representing Italian Baroque, Spanish Baroque, Italian Renaissance, as well as significant French, British, and Dutch paintings.[5]

American Painting and Sculpture


The collection is concise, containing about 300 paintings and 90 sculptures. Major attractions in the collection include William Sideny Mount's The Power of Music, Frederich Edwin Church's Twilight in the Wilderness, and Albert Pinkham Ryder's The Racetrack (Death on a Pale Horse). A number of Cleveland based artists are also included in the museum's holdings, placing an emphasis on local art. [6]



The Cleveland Museum of Art contains a small collection of fine art photography, dating back to 1893. What makes the collection are the pieces from photography's first contributors, particularly French, English, and American photographers. Other highlights of the collection are "photography with complete sets of The North American Indian by Edward S. Curtis and Camera Work; surrealist photography created primarily between the two world wars; and Cleveland-specific subject matter produced by regional and national photographers"[7]

Decorative Art and Design


An internationally renowned collection, the Decorative Art and Design collection "consists of useful objects in which the form and decoration are the primary focus, not objects intended purely as sculpture"[8]

The author is well-versed in the subject and keeps a factual, neutral tone while still remaining educational. They have included external links for further investigation into the subject, and have pulled from 107 sources. Sources include BBC News, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Independent, etc. These are more liberal leaning sources, however, given the topic it would be difficult to remain completely unbiased.

  1. ^ "Modern European Painting and Sculpture | Cleveland Museum of Art". www.clevelandart.org. Retrieved 2018-10-16.
  2. ^ "European Painting and Sculpture | Cleveland Museum of Art". www.clevelandart.org. Retrieved 2018-10-16.
  3. ^ "American Painting and Sculpture | Cleveland Museum of Art". www.clevelandart.org. Retrieved 2018-10-16.
  4. ^ admin (2012-09-17). "Modern European Painting and Sculpture". Cleveland Museum of Art. Retrieved 2018-10-24.
  5. ^ admin (2012-09-17). "European Painting and Sculpture". Cleveland Museum of Art. Retrieved 2018-10-24.
  6. ^ admin (2012-09-17). "American Painting and Sculpture". Cleveland Museum of Art. Retrieved 2018-10-24.
  7. ^ admin (2012-09-17). "Photography". Cleveland Museum of Art. Retrieved 2018-10-24.
  8. ^ admin (2012-09-17). "Decorative Art and Design". Cleveland Museum of Art. Retrieved 2018-10-24.