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Family of Curt Wahl


Relatives of Curt Wahl include members of the french aristocraty and individuals who have pursued careers in Military, Art and Politics. His ancestors comprises several Kings of France from the Main Capet Line as well as Alienor de Aquitaine, Hugh de Montgomerie 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl of Mortain and Cornwall as well as Gaucher V de Châtillon, comte de Porcéan, connetable de France

"Bulgarian" Comital Title

File:Kurt Wahl , 1st Count Trenewan (1903-1972).jpg
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Ex-King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (reign as King from 1908-1918) confirmed by a hand- undersigned signed side-remark notice on a Official Congratulatory Letter adressed uopn the Kings Request by the Kings Adjutant General Petar Gantchew upon Curt Wahl the Title "Count (Graf) von Trenewan" in German Language under the Abbreviation "Graf" (Count) "von" "Trenewan" on the Ocasion of the Remarriage of Curt Wahl with his second wife,Miss Irene Nora Neubauer (*1913-Dresden-Herford 2006) General Petar Gantchew, wo also wrote to Curt Wahl a Congratulatory Letter of his own, was at that time clearly proveable a Close Friend of Curt Wahl. The King Ferdinan I of Bulgaria was unquestionably in frequent contact and an Acquaintenace of Curt Wahl.

On January 1943, King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria undersigned a Hand written Official Card with The Kings Monograme to "His Dear Count von Trenewan", where he politely thanks Curt Wahl (Graf von Trenewan) for the "friendly Greetings at New Years Eve".

The highly controversal comital Title was awarded by the late King not only in Contravention to the Bulgarian Constitution of Perestevo (though undisputed by his Son, then Reigning King Boris III , reigned 1918-1943)but also decades after his Abdication and not dated Back before the date of King Ferdinand I. abdication from the Bulgarian Throne. As the Kingship and monarchical Form of State was abolished in Bulgaria by the Communists after the End of World War II. in 1946, there is today no legal State or Constitutional bulgarian Authority, which could rule on the Validity or the Title itself. The Constitution of Pereistvo knew did not recognize Nobility nor Titles of Nobility, though Curt Wahl was proveable not a Bulgarian Citizen at any time.

Due to the Fact, that this Title was never a Title bestowed by an Act of Grace and Favor from a former reigning German or Austrian Monarch (of the Monarchies of the German Empire of 1871 until 1918/19 or the Empire of Austria-Hungary until 1918/19) the Title, despite of its Germanic Sounding "Graf von" (Count of) is not a Title belonging or Conferring to the Historical Nobility of Germany or Austria -Hungary, thus not Qualifying under the Corporation Rules as "German Nobility" or to a Membership to a German Nobility Associations (one under the Roof of the German private Central German Nobility Assiciation "Vereinigung des Adels in Deutschland -V.d.d.A.") or as a Qualifying Step, an Entry of the (predominatly French) Lineage of Curt Wahl into the "Genealogisches HAndbuch des Adels- G.H.d.A by the Publisher,"Starke Verlag".) -sucessor Encylopaedia to the historical Almanach de Gotha (published by Justus Perthes Verlag until 1944).

His Grandson and only Grandchild , Alexander Kurt Pusich (*Herford/ Germany 1983, son of his Daughter by his second Marriage with Irene Nora Neubauer, Edith Pusich, née Edith Wahl) a German and French citizen, who pretends to this Title internationally as a "Titre de Courtoisie",and thus is also known as "Alexander Kurt Graf von Trenewan - Pusich" or "Alexander Kurt Pusich Graf von Trenewan" , choosed to change his legal Surname to the Form " de Trenewan -de Herford Pusich", despite a mixture of either friendly -positive or constant harsh Criticism by Local Newspaper Media in Herford Bielefeld and Eastern Westfalia Region to whch the said Alexander Kurt Pusich has a constant ongoing very existential negative personal Relationship.

Immediate family


Curt Wahl was born on the 12th december 1903 in Ulm/ Donau , Kingdom of Wurttemberg in the German Empire of 1871 as the prematial illegitimate, eldest Child and first born son of the late Actor at the Ulm municipal Theatre and Photographer Julius Wahl (born in 1879 as illegitimate Son of the unmarried Actress Ursula Crescenzia Mathilde Wahl genannt Walther, daughter of the Guild Shoemaker Master Karl Julius Reinhold Wahl, Royal Wurttembergian citizen in Ulm and his Wife Johanna Widemann; and an unnamed Father, presumably by Family documents the Father was Prince von Furstenberg -Heiligenberg) and his later wife Eugénie Gabrielle Andt (born in 1881 in La Wanzenau/ Strasbourg, Reichsland Alsace Loraine in the German Empire to the Entrepreneur Clémènt Andt and his Wife Lina Emilie Gabrielle Chuquet). His mother Eugénie Gebrielle Andt contracted in Civil Marriage with the natural father 3 months after his illegitimate birth on March 17th 1904 before the Royal Civil Registry Office of Ulm / Donau, Wuerttemberg.By virtue of the subsequent marriage of his Parents he was legitimized through the legal Institute of "legitimatio par matrumonium subsequens" (L.p.m.r.). Curt Wahl had two younger siblings (1 brother and 1 sister) ,which were all born after the marriage of his and their Parents Julius Wahl and Eugénie Gabrielle Wahl née Andt on 17.th March 1904:

1.) Julius Wahl ( *1906 Strasbourg, Reichsland Alsace Lorraine of the German Empire of 1871)

   Emigrated to the United States of America , New York City in 1926, marries a Mrs Myers with 5 children, US -Citizen.

2.) Gertrud Mathilde Wahl (* 1910 Strasbourg, Reichsland Alsace Lorraine of the German Empire of 1871),

The Wahl (genannt -Walther ) Family was originated from Ulm and can be traced in the male Line until 1767. The Lineage until the (in every Aspect unconventional and extraordinary different) Ursula Crescenzia Mathilde Wahl is more humble and Commoner Status, but proves that the Ancestors of that Lineage have legally allways been treated as Wurttembergian Citizens (Subjects) and later so had hereditary German Citizenship and never lost it by external Circumstances or Voluntary own Acting.

His mother, the late Eugénie Gabrielle Andt, was the daughter of the late Entrepreneur Clément Andt, born on 19th June 1853 in La Wanzenau, Arondissement de Strasbourg, II French Empire and his wife since 1880, Lina Gebrielle Emilie Chuquet (1845-1897), widow of Léopold Meyer (1845-1876), by whom she had three half brothers from first Marriage of her mother Lina Gabrielle Emilie Chuquet to Meyer: Alphonse Léopold Meyer (*1866), Eugéne Joseph Henri Meyer (*1868), Julien Pierre Robert Meyer (*1871 .From her Fathers Marriage with her mother (the second marriage for her moher), Eugenie Gabrielle Andt had 3 full siblings : Lucien Leo Andt (*La Wanzenau 1884), Fernando Roguse Max Andt(*La Wanzenau 1888-1892). From a Prematial birth of a daughter to her Parents before their Marriage, Eugenie Gabrielle Andt had also another illegitimate-born full sibling (sister): Léonore Chuquet (*La Wanzenau 1878-1979, legitimized Post Mortem through the Marriage of her Parents, Clément Andt and Lina Gabrielle Emilie Chuquet, widow of Léopold Meyer through the legal Institute "Legitimatio Per Matrimonium Sumsequens -L.P.M.S" in 1880).

The Mother of Eugenie Gabrielle Andt, Madame Lina Gabrielle Emilie Chuquet was the daughter of Adolphe Henri Chuquet (*1812 Groningen/ Kingdom of Holland) as Son of Jacques André Chuquet ,Napoleonic Officer (* Rumigny/ Adrennes, Kingdom of France and Navarre 1783) and his wife since 1812, Dutchwoman Henriette Théodore Kruel (* Den Haag/ Kingdom of Holland) and his wife since 1840, Eugenie Auguste Chastelain de Verly, (*1819 Strasbourg / Alsace , Departement du Bas Rhin, Kingdom of France), daughter of Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain- Deverly, chevalier ´Empire (created by Letters Patent, dated Madrid 21th december 1808 by Emperor Napoléon I of the French on his Spanish Campaign), Officier of the French Legion d´Honneur, Chevalier (Knight)of the Royal Order of St- Louis (Ordre Royale de Saint-Louis) commissaire -ordonant de Guerre and his second Wife, Marie -Françoise Lajonquiére.

Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain - Deverly (de Verly), Chévalier d´Empire (in the System of the Nobility of the 1st French Empire under Emperor Napoléon I. 1806-1814) , Officer of the Legion of Honour and Knight of the Royal Order of Saint- Louis was born on 05th July 1761 in Sarreguemines/ Moselle , Kingdom of France and Navarre to Jean Alexandre Chastelain de Verly, nobleman ("ecuyer" of the Class of the "Noblesse de Robe/ des Cloches"), "Conseilleur du Roi" (the Kings Councellor) "maitre des Eaux et des Fôrets" (Master of the Waters and Forests) in Sarreguemines, and his wife since 1760, Marie Catherine Hourdel du Verget , daughter of Jean Baptiste Hourdel du Verget, Advocat in the Royal Court ("Parlement") and Notary and his wife , Marie Savi.


Name Birth Marriage Issue
Elisabethe Charlotte , Mrs. Jedzig 14.August 1927
Edith, Mrs. Pusich 22 October 1949 29. August 1989 Coburg, Augusta-Palais 29.August 1989 Mr. Ewald Pusich Alexander Kurt de Trenewan-de Herford Pusich Graf von Trenewan(son by Alexander A. Meshibovsky, adopted by Mr. Ewald Pusich 26.09.1990)





Descent from Arnulf of Metz, Founder of the Carolingian Dynasty

Descent from Karl the Great / Charlemagne

Descent from the King of Kent (Alfred the Great)

Royal French Ancestry (Capetians until King Louis VII and his wife Alienor of Aquitaine)

Descent from William the Conqueror

Descent of Roger de Montgommerie 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (Scropshire)

Descent of Robert de Conteville , Comte de Mortain

Noble House de Chatillon

Noble Titles held by direct line Ancestorsof the House de Chatillon : Territories and Seigneuries held by direct Line Ancestors of the House de Chatillon

Noble House de Meaux , en Brie en Champagne

Noble Titles held in the House de Meaux: Seigneuries held by direct line Ancestors de Meaux

Noble Family CHastelain (de Verly), Noblesse de Robe & Utérine

Noble Titles held in the Chastelain-Deverly Family:

Chuquet Family (Lineage: Chuquet de Montigny, Hélène Suquet dame des Planques prés Douai)

Military and Politics



Johann Baron von Kalb / Jean Baron de Kalb, * 29. Juni 1721 in Hüttendorf (today: Erlangen); † 19. August 1780 in Camden, South Carolina german born US-American General during the American War of Independence.

Collateral blood- Relatives (descendants of the elder Half Siblings of Eugénie Auguste Chastelain de Verly (only daughter by the Marriage of Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain Deverly and his 2nd Wife since 1818, Madame Marie Françoise Lajonquiére) by the marriage to the First Wife of her Father, Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain - Deverly, Chevalier d´Empire, Officier of the Legion of Honour, Chevalier of the Royal Order of St Louis , Madame Anne Marie Catherine HUMBOURG (1762-1815):

Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain de Verly,1st chévalier Chastelain-Deverly d´Empire, 1761-1838

The elder half -sister of his Great-Grandmother Eugénie Auguste Chastelain de Verly of her Father Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain-Deverly´s Marriage to his first deceased Wife, Mademe Catherine Humbourg (17- 17 Madame Chastelain, married Monsieur Lacombe . Their Daughter Eugénie Lacombe ,married de Valicourt de Séranvilliers. The Son of Eugénie Lacombe and de Valicourt de Séranvilliers married Madame de Commarque.

Désire François Alexandre Chastelain (de Verly)*Phalsbourg 1791-Strasbourg 1865, Notaire a Sarre-Union , Maire de Strasbourg 1850-1851

The half- Brother of his Great-Grandmother Eugénie Auguste Chastelain de Verly of her Father Jean Louis Antoine Alexandre Chastelain´s marriage (since 17) to his first deceased Wife, Mme Catherine née Humbourg (17- 1815), Désire Antoine Alexandre Chastelain (de Verly) was Councellor and the Lord Mayor of Strasbourg in 1853 (reelected) and a Contemporary of the Russian Foreign Minister, Count Schuwalow, with wich he corresponded. Désiré François Alexandre Chastelain was Married to Marie Françoise Wenger, (1812-1893). Désirée François Alexandre Chastelain and Marie-Françoise Wenger had together the following Children:

1.) Fanny Chastelain (1833-1896)

2.) Alexandre Chastelain (1835-1907) m. 26. march 1876 in Paris/3rd French Republic to Berthe Léonie Gabrielle de FLEURANS (*Strasbourg 1850- Figeac 1938) daughter of Jacques Alexandre de FLEURANS, Colonel of Artillery,Commander of the Légion d´Honneur and his wife Ernestine de CASTEX

3.) Anne Valérie Chastelain (1836-1899)

4.) Marie -Félicité Chastelain (1836-1838)

5.) Elise Chastelain (1839-1924) married in 1865 to Joseph Emile JOËSSEL (1831-1898)

their Children: 5.1. André JOESSEL (*1857-) married in 1867 to Alice HERVÉ

child of André and Alice JOESSEL:

  5.1.1 Edith JOESSEL (1900-1983)married to Jean -Rodolph BOURCARD (1898-1930)
  2 Children of Edith and Jean Rodolphe BOURCARD: N.N.(Personal Data Protection requested) (PersonalData Protection requested)

5.2.Raymond JOËSSEL (*1871-)married in 1900 to Marthe ROBERT children (2 sons and 1 daughther) of Raymond and Marthe JOËSSEL:

5.2.1. Yves JOËSSEL (*1905) married in 1933 to Agnés ALLARD (1909-1987) 3 children of Yves JOESSEL and Agnés JOËSSEL née ALLARD: N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested)
5.2.2. Andrée JOËSSEL married to Bernard TOUVET (1896-1955)

2 Children of Andrée TOUVET née JOESSEL and Bernard TOUVET: N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested)

5.2.3. Pierre JOËSSEL married in 1907 with Yvonne François SAINT-MAUR

7 children of Pierre and Yvonne JOËSSEL: N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested) N.N. (Personal Data Protection requested)

6. Gabrielle-Laure Chastelain (1842-1919)
7. Paul Chastelain (1856-1920), married to Henriette HUSSON (1871-1919)
   daughters of Paul and Henriette Chastelain: 
           7.1. Odile Chastelain (1904-1951)
           7.2. Françoise Chastelain (1907-1954),married 1928 to Pierre de VANDIÉRE de VITRAC d´ABZAC (1909-1952)
                Five Children of Françoise and Pierre de VANDIÉRE de VITRAC d´ABZAC:
                7.2.1. (Personal Data Protection requested)
                7.2.2. (Personal Data Protection requested)
                7.2.3. (Personal Data Protection requested)
                7.2.4. (Personal Data Protection requested)
                7.2.5. (Personal Data Protection requested)

The Son of Désire François Alexandre Chastelain, Monsieur Alexandre Chastelain (1835-1907)resident of Bruxelles, Capital of the Kingdom of Belgium, married 26th march 1876 in Paris / IIIrd French Republic to Berthe Léonie Gabrielle de FLEURANS (*Strasbourg* 1850- Figeac 1938) daughter of Jacques Alexandre de FLEURANS, Colonel d´Artillery and Commander of the Légion d´Honneur and Ernestine de CASTEX.

Johann Baron von Kalb / Jean Baron de Kalb, * 29. Juni 1721 in Hüttendorf (today: Erlangen); † 19. August 1780 in Camden, South Carolina german born US-American General during the American War of Independence.

Commoners and Entrepreneurs


Francoise Wenger, was the Daughter of Jean Michel WENGER , (*16. März 1745 - Gunningen -3. Mai 1813 - Wasselonne/ France, "chargé de travaux publics", architecte and Anne Marie SCHOTT , geboren nach Februar 1750 , verstorben am 3. April 1810 - Wasselonne

Notable living relations


European reigning Monarchs

European Higher Aristocracy

Notable Non-Royal Persons




