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The late Doctor Anfini was a famous Dhasan of Science and Nature during the old Midnight Age. Notably insane, he was known for his wild, flying hairstyle, derailing conversations into excessively long tangents on science and psychology, and hiding for days from nonexistent assassins. He also posted a bounty on himself, and spent several weeks convinced he was made of glass.

Despite all this, he was a bit of a live wire -- exceedingly paranoid, and would often utilize the abilities taught to Syssin Defenders of yore to dispatch anyone he believed conspiring against him.

He was also a known atheist of sorts, who downplayed the significance of the Gods, instead believing them to be ordinary beings simply capable of potent magic and illusionry. He did not believe in Dhaivol, the Underking, and was thoroughly puzzled at the strange dreams he had when he was attacked involving a Soul Mirror.