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Article(s): Battle of Guayaquil

Request: Hi! I would like to see if someone could help me out by creating a battle map. A link to a source map can be found here. Some information:

  • It would be good if we could orient the map with North up. Here's a google maps link; the historic map is actually quite precise in showing geographical boundaries.
  • Rivers: The main river is called the Guayas River, and the ones branching off of it are the Daule River and Babahoyo River. The inland river is called the Estero Salado; I don't know the name of the river on the upper left side of the map; if we can just crop it out of the new map, that would be useful.
  • "Ejercito Libertador" refers to the armies of Gabriel Garcia Moreno's Provisional Government, led by Juan Jose Flores. The best name to use is probably "Provisional Government". The dotted line refers to their positions surrounding the city of Guayaquil (there were roughly 4,000 men, see article for more details). Information on their organization is more scarce, though some investigating might turn up something useful. I'll add what I know here.

'X's mark places where combat occurred; I believe the arrows indicate troop movements (for example, a contingent moving from Mapasingue to the cerro north of the city



If we could use the following for the legend (corresponding to the numbers on the map

  1. Casa de la Nieve
  2. La Legua
  3. La Atarazana
  4. BAP Tumbes
  5. BAP Guise
  6. Plaza San Francisco
  7. La Planchada
  8. Military Hospital
  9. Artillery Headquarters
  10. Plaza de La Victoria (present day)

Other places: La Saiba, Port Lila,

Graphist opinion(s):