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{{Geobox|River}} Kampar River is a river in the island Sumatra, Indonesia.[1] Upstream area is in the mountaineous Bukit Barisan, West Sumatra province and the downstream empties into Malacca Strait at the eastern coast of Sumatra (administratively in the Riau province). The river is famous as a river surfing destination, because there is tidal bore waves (high waves caused by the meeting of river water with sea water). The waves is called Bono.

Upstream area[edit]

Wellspring for Kampar Kanan River is in the Gadang Mountain, have a reservoir area of 5.231 km². The main flow is initially to the north and then turned east, met Batang Kapur Nan Gadang creeks flows with medium slope through the Batu Bersurat valley, and then met Batang Mahat creeks later flow to the east. Wellspring for Kampar Kiri River is in the Ngalautinggi Mountain, Solokjanjang Mountain and Paninjauan Nan Elok Mountain, have a reservoir area of 7.053 km². Two biggest creeks is Batang Sibayang and Batang Singingi. There is an artificial lake at upstream areas of the river which is used for hydropower Koto Panjang which has the capacity 114 MW.

View on Koto Panjang artificial lake


The river is the meeting of two tributaries that almost same size, called Kampar Kanan River or (Right Kampar) and Kampar Kiri River or (Left Kampar). Kampar Kanan River pass through Lima Puluh Kota Regency and Kampar Regency, while Kampar Kiri River pass through Sijunjung Regency, Kuantan Singingi Regency, and Kampar Regency. Both tributaries met at Langgam subdistrict, Pelalawan Regency, and then go to Malacca Strait as a Kampar River.

Bono waves[edit]

Far to the downstream, the river wider and water volumes is greater because coupled with various other tributaries. The river is known for its high waves called Bono; sea water would enter and meet river water, added with shallow estuary resulting in the huge and fast waves. The waves will be even greater when sea water at the full tide accompanied by heavy rain in the headwaters area. Wave height can reach 4-6 meters and was accompanied with a loud roar and strong wind.[2][3]

Bono waves velocity reaches 40 km/hours and enters the upstream direction for a distance of 60 km and ending at the Tanjung Pungai, Meranti, Pelalawan Regency. Bono waves can appear for 4 hours or more.[4] Bono is not just one wave but many, and hand in hand. Sometimes it is on the left and right edge or river bank, sometimes together in the middle of the river. Surfing in the Bono waves is not an ordinary surfing, it needs high surfing experience and great mentality, this is because the water containing muds of the river.[3] The greatest time for surfing in Bono is in November and December, when the rainy season usually occurs where the flow of water large enough on Kampar River.[4]

Bono waves is also considered as one of the factor that cause many ships sank in the estuary area. Local people know Bono with their ferocity and very frightening. They also called Bono as the incarnation of the seven evil spirit. Although they also use Bono as a ground for boating agility test.[3]

Bono location[edit]

Bono wave can be seen in many location of Kampar river, such as : Tanjung Sebayang, Pulau Muda, Teluk Meranti and Tanjung Pungai. All of them in Pelalawan Regency. The location can be reached from Pangkalan Kerinci within 4 hours by car, or 3 hours by speedboat. While Pangkalan Kerinci can be reached within 90 minutes by car from Pekanbaru or Pekanbaru international airport.[3] Bono location is not far from Tesso Nilo National Park and Kerumutan Natural Reserve and local government also planned to extend Bono tourist attraction with ecotourism.[5]


Kampar river which splits Pelalawan Regency have a beautiful scenery. This view give precious impression for you who like adventurer. By sailing along the river bank, the tourists can directly observe the view of natural forest and its biodiversity.[2] Kampar watershed include Tesso Nilo National Park, which have elephant conservation centre.

Five die, 13 missing as boat capsizes.[6]

Landmark passed[edit]

Kampar river passed near Muara Takus, an historical buddhist temple complex thought to belong to the Sriwijaya empire.

See also[edit]


External links[edit]