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My full name is Anne Dorte Lyken. I am a woman and 39 years old. I am Danish living in the south of Norway in a little town with my family and cat.

Professional life I am a specialist in adult psychology and a leader for an outpatient clinic in adult psychiatry, Sørlandet sykehus, sshf. My work experience is broad and I have been working with all kinds of patient groups and as a mentor for peers. I have been working as a leader, teacher, supervisor and therapist. At the moment I am an EMBA 6 student at BI / ESCP Europe. Hopefully this education can help me to perform better as a leader and specialist.

Spare time After joining the EMBA I barely know what that is but anyway I use a lot of my spare time to update myself professionally. I love to row (I am an instructor), to jog and walk in the mountains, skiing (I am not good at it but there are no expectations to a Dane), sailing with my family and good food.