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Known by his stage name Lil Ski is a American rapper. Lil Ski created a Instagram Account In January of 2018 named Lil Gucci. He Then created a soundcloud account and uploaded his first Song called Ol'western song but it was deleted later. He then announced on his Instagram he was making his First Album titled "Gucci". Later then his Album Gucci was released and he then announced his Second Album was going to be titled "Skeleton". The singles from his First Album Gucci is Lean, Chicken, and Sauce god. His second Skeleton was released, The singles from his second Album are Krabby,and Chicken and Lean. He later then announced his Third Album titled "LIL SKI" He is still currently working on his Third Album. He later announced that he was working on his Forth Album when he was working on his Third Album. The Singles that are currently on his Third Album is Caution. He was also born on November 19, 2005.