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Mitrovica Agreement
SignedJune 1935

The Mitrovica Agreement (Serbian: Митровачки споразум)[1] was agreement supposedly signed by representatives of Ustaše and Yugoslav Communists in Sremska Mitrovica Prison[2] in June 1935.[3] According to some sources, Pijade and Budak signed a formal agreement to join struggle of communists and Ustaše against "Serbdom and Ortodoxy".[4] At the moment this agreement was signed both Ustaše and Communists were illegal in Yugoslavia.[5]

Most prisoners in the prison in Sremska Mitrovica were communists and many Ustaše who were captured during the Lika uprising.[6]

Ustaše and communists had common objective (destruction of Yugoslavia which both groups referred to as "hateful creature of Versailles") which led them to sign a series of agreements to cement their relations in more than one occasion.[7] The most notable in the series of agreements signed between Ustaše and communists was agreement concluded in Sremska Mitrovica Prison on 9 September 1937 and signed by Tito's plenipotentiary Moše Pijade.[8] Pijade signed this agreement because he was representative of Communist Central Committee in Mitrovica Prison.[9]

Ustaše and Communist agreed to destroy Kingdom of Yugoslavia based on the Treaty of Versailles.[10] Both parties agreed that Serbian Orthodox Church should be destroyed because it was constitutive element of Serbdom.[11] The mass massacres of Serbian Orthodox priests committed by both Ustaše and Communists followed the spirit of the Mitrovica Agreement.[12]

On 28 February 1936 inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wrote a report titled "Communists and Croatian terrorists in prison in Sremska Mitrovica" about interogation of two prisones who were members of Ustaše. This report contained details about relation of a group of Ustaše and communists.[13]

Historian Redžić published opinion that Ustaše gave necessary documents to Josip Broz Tito to travel from Zagreb to Belgrade in May 1941 which was best proof that the agreement signed in Mitrovica was still valid.[14] According to this opinion, the Ustaše-Communist cooperation based on this agreement continued when Ustaše deliberately retreated from Foča in 1942 and allowed secure shelter for Communist in Foča in period 21 January— 10 May 1942, supplying them with arms and ammunition from their basis in Sarajevo in organization of Sulejman Filipović and Franjo Pirc.[15] Redžić further elaborated this opinion that on 16 February 1942 in Foča came to Josip Broz the Ustaše messenger with letter from Ante Pavelić in which he approved to give arms and equipment for Communist 2nd Proleterian Brigade.[16]

During the WWII this agreement was published as leaflet by headquarter of the Lim-Sandžak Chetnik Detachment.[17]

Historian Kazimirović pointed to opinion of historian Karapandžić that one of the proofs about the validity of Mitrovica Agreement was the April War when both Ustaše and Communists competed who will stick the knife deeper in the backbone of Yugoslavia.[18]

Historian Stefanović emphasized that work of historian Karapandžić which summarized the opinion of his emigrant fellow followers of Dimitrije Ljotić that Kingdom of Yugoslavia was destroyed by joint activities of Ustaše and Communists who agreed about it in Mitrovica Agreement, was incorrect.[19]

On 12 May 2015 professor Oliver Antić quoted this agreement in his closing statement in the process of rehabilitation of Draža Mihajlović.[20]


  1. ^ (Kostić 1969, p. 136)
  2. ^ (Đuretić 1997, p. 21): "Споразум две стране потписали су уочи рата у сремско-митровачкој казниони Моша Пијаде и Младен Лорковић."
  3. ^ (JPRS 1989, p. 41): "It is known that in 1 934, in the Sremska Mitrovica prison, a monstrous agreement was reached between the communists and the Ustase, which was signed on behalf of the communists by Mosa Pijade, and by Mile Budak for the Ustase, and ..."
  4. ^ (DOC 1987, p. 16): "In the penitentiary of Sremska Mitrovica two leaders of the Communist and Ustasha movements, respectively, Mosa Pijade and Dr. Mile Budak, signed a formal agreement for a joint struggle against "Serbdom and Orthodoxy," "
  5. ^ (Redžić 2002, p. 252)
  6. ^ (Zlatić 2005, p. 387)"U njoj su bili većinom komunisti, mnogo ustaša iz tzv. ličkog ustanka i jedan anarhista"
  7. ^ (FAPC 1972, p. 873):"...on number of occasions have cemented their relations by concordes or agreements....Their common objective led them to conclude famous agreement of unanimous work of destruction of the Royalist state - the "hateful creature of Versailles" - as both groups used to say. "
  8. ^ (FAPC 1972, p. 873):"The most notable in the series was the agreement of 9 September 1937, in Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary. ... "
  9. ^ (Protić 2009, p. 248)
  10. ^ (Jovanović 1999, p. 140)
  11. ^ (Đuretić 1997, p. 21): "И једни и други су нагласили да православље треба уништити као конститутиван елеменат Српства"
  12. ^ (Džomić 1997, p. 171)
  13. ^ (Stojadinović & Župančić 1999, p. 200)
  14. ^ (Redžić 2002, p. 253):Time su ustaše na delu potvrdile važnost komunističko-ustaškog sporazuma iz zatvora u Sremskoj Mitrovici....
  15. ^ (Redžić 2002, p. 254)
  16. ^ (Redžić 2002, p. 254):"У Фочи , бившем центру усташког зверињака , код Броза је 16 . 2 . 1942 . године дошао са писмом од Павелића , усташки курир из Сарајева , којим му је одобрено оружје и опрема за потребе Друге пролетерске бригаде" .
  17. ^ (Stanišić 2000, p. 107)
  18. ^ (Kazimirović 1995, p. 730)
  19. ^ (Stefanović 1984, p. 107):"Тако Боривоје Карапанџић пише да је Југославија пропала зато што су је „разбили комунисти и усташе који су имали споразум склопљен још 1937. године у Сремској Митровици, у Казненом заводу, ...."
  20. ^ Antić, Oliver. "ЗАВРШНА РЕЧ У ПОСТУПКУ РЕХАБИЛИТАЦИЈЕ ЂЕНЕРАЛА ДРАГОЉУБА ДРАЖЕ МИХАИЛОВИЋА". http://www.royalfamily.org. Retrieved 3 July 2018. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)




  1. ^ Smith 2011, p. 2: "A quote verifying the information."