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I like art, I like data.



Hockney Suites

Still to do (all help welcome):
  • populating with links to view in public collections where available
  • archived references for each collection
  • trim 'notes' sections of tables
  • trim the descriptions from the auctions right down
  • trim and tidy Editions section (into a table?)
  • + links to images for each of the prints
  • + images of the different editions' formats
  • + descriptions for each print
  • + link to each poem
  • + synthesis from informed opinions with refs
  • + '100 objects' touring exhibition
  • + Hockney in Beirut instead of Alexandria

Project 2: The Blue Guitar — Published.

Still to do (all help welcome):
  • + descriptions for each print.
  • + expand on symbolism and references to Picasso.
  • + images of Hockney's related prints.
  • + the film published alongside
  • + 1 image from the Vollard suite?
  • + images of the five printers?
  • + exhibitions
  • + more synthesis from informed opinions with refs

The British Isles' Six Royal Academies of Art


Project 7: List of RWA Academicians — Published, incomplete.

Still to do (all help welcome):
  • needs populating with citable dates
  • ditto previous members
  • maybe separate out the officers into their own lists?
  • reformat table

Project 8: List of Honorary Royal Academicians — Published, incomplete.


Historial Suites


Hogarth — A Rake's Progress (Etchings)

Banks' Florilegium

Gustave Doré — Paradise Lost

Francisco Goya — Los Caprichos

Apocalypse (Dürer)

Modern and Contemporary Suites


Project 11: Untitled Series (with Sean Kalish) — Published.

Still to do (all help welcome):
+ synthesis from informed opinions with refs
+ descriptions for each print, identifying Haring's marks and Kalish's marks.
+ expand on Haring's symbolism and motifs used.

Jasper Johns

Andy Warhol

M.C. Escher

Robert Indiana


Women in the Arts


Project 12: Fiona Robinson (artist) — Published.


Project 14: Joan Williams (artist) — Published.


Bridget Riley Art Foundation

Tracey Emin Foundation

Project 15: Bianca Raffaella — Published.


Helen Teede

Catherine Lampert

Katy Wickremesinghe

People in the Arts with Disabilities




Project 20: Graeme Purdy — Published.


This user has created several articles on Wikipedia.