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SmartXML is a software for mathematical calculations. Among other things, it supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. SmartXML supports calculations involving big numbers, which can have up to 100,000,000 fractional digits and up to 100,000,000 whole digits.
To work with arbitrary precision arithmetic BigNumber variables can be used, or regular numbers can be converted to big numbers using conversion operator # (e.g., #2.3^2000.1).
The SmartXML program file editor supports code completion and most typing is replaced by code completion. Only minimal typing is required when writing a program. Other than constant values, such as 5 or 'Some Text', everything else is supported by code completion.
Operations with big numbers are done using operators, such as +, -, *, /, ^, etc. (e.g., (#2.3^2000.3 / #2.3^1999.3 - 1)).
SmartXML maintains pool of big numbers, from which big numbers are retrieved (i.e., when there are used in code), and the numbers are released back to the pool, when a big number goes out of scope. The programmer does not have to worry about retrieving or releasing big numbers, since it is done internally by SmartXML.

