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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  It is with great privilege to be an “ Editing User” on Wikipedia. For this, valuation of confidence; within my “ Editing Skills “ has been a wonderful opportunity to help with factual information included on various topics of Wikipedia. 
 This is the reason I feel qualified to “ Edit “ on the site of Wikipedia.  It is not an advertisement, however it is a confirmation of my background, that will allow you to see I am genuine and would never violate your constitution of the Agreement within the areas of “ Editing” for Wikipedia.  I thank you for the honor of being a part of this wonderful family, as I also support Wikipedia,( perhaps anonymously) when their is a call for funding to  “ Keep Wikipedia “ available to all users. I am not a wealthy person, nor is my profession.  However, I do support all the Guidelines,  and my Ethics,  of being part of Wikipedia.   
   I have Formal degrees, in Secondary Education, in the Field of Science.  I have taught,  and still use Chemistry, within my Field of Art Conservation, today . 
   I have always researched various areas of Chemistry, Periods of Art; where my expertise lies within the 19th Century of Art - to our present circa . 
  My Apprenticeship; began  in the summer of 1973 until his death of March 14, 1984. 
   I am qualified in the area of Art and Sciences student of Science and Education. 
    It was here,  I had found my calling, using my Scientific Skills, and the knowledge, to help add information,  that many may not have known, on Wikipedia. 
  To this day, I have great respect for “ Editing “ on the Wikipedia,  website, as additional information and details,  I use are truly factual.