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Hello, My name is Debbie Green. I am an English collector of paintings & drawings, interested in mainly Abstract & 'Modern' work, from around the World. Rothko, Pollack, Picasso are of interest, but very unaffordable!

I was lucky to meet some of the members of the what would be later called, the 'YBA's...and had an early Hirst daub. My preference is to seek out new work, but find most artists adapt from the past. Through chance, I was introduced to a gallery owner (Vernon Holt, Lovat Barnes) at a wedding party in 2010. He told me of an artist he had recently met, called Bill Hudson.

In June 2010, I bought my first painting of Bill's, having met him the week before in his studio. Since then I have also acquired several drawings. Bill's life has revolved around art for 60 years, yet he has shied away from press intrusion and fame as we would now expect. As he told me once, in the 1950's he didn't dare let most people know he was a painter in the poor area of Norwich that he lived in. And as a Teddy Boy, mad on Elvis, being an artist was not considered the done thing.

How things have changed! Bill is entering his last phase of painting, but I think the most exciting. The old saying is "you'll be famous when your dead!", how many artists have heard that, I wonder?

I also collect work that is from artists local to me, in Sussex.