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I will like to inform all the Wikipedia users that there are some people that are writing historical nonsense please before you take on a subject do your homework. For Ex. The Vinland issue.

Vinland = Finland not America. Someone is trying to convince people that the Vikings came to America before Colombus. First of all there is no Archeological proof that the Vikings were in America and the assumption that Vinland means Wine land well it might be, but grapes are not native to America they were first brought here by the Spanish Conquistadores in the 1600's. Another important fact that they forget to mentioned is that the two Norwegians that supposedly found the Iron nails in the L'anse aux Meadows to proof the Vinland Viking connection were later found, to have implanted the Iron nails to give credence to a fake Viking map sold to Yale University in 1957 by a Charlatan by the name of Enzo Farriglioli. Plus the Vikings never made any maps, that we are aware of, because they were in the business of raiding and plundering and will never let anybody know what they were doing for they needed the surprise factor. the word Saga means just that, Say and Gag. The Vikings in their drinking halls will drink a honey base mead and will challenge each other to tell or sing the must outrages stories, it didn't matter whether they were true or not it was all for fun, so lot of the bards made up stories for Ex. the Beowulf Saga in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Do you really think for one moment that the fantasy in the Saga really occur, come on give me a break, so just like Beowulf the Vinland Sagas are just legends and nothing else, and if anyone out there could convince me that I'm wrong, I want them to proof me wrong Ok. So enough of the nonsense of Vinland. Yours truly Arysvargas.