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The Apple - The Migration to Multi Faceted lifestyle

Its the nature of things to fall! Gravity never denied apples to fall. Newton knew when it fell on him. Eve yearned as well. The double forked tongue did reveal itself in many ways. It came easy to Newton, what made his Eve to wait all these years. The gravity of things was constant still. It took light years to defy and the earth only to bind the one thing that still bind Eve to Adam, and the earth to the fallen fruit.

The liar knew what it spoke, it never had passion still. "Sleep under its shade, and know that I be one with You where ever you are" is all there to life. What attracted the moth to the flame, Adam to his wife and Einstein to Manhattans little apples, Newton to the fallen one? Gravity defied that idea all the time, yet gravity never defied the time. The meek always inherited the earth that it walked, yet the limb of that life's tree was within her reach. It is not that it made any difference. Dreams are always sky high. Adam was highly sought, they said, but reachable if given the right temptations. She was always a careful girl. Dreams are like birds, they never roosted in that tree where you can reach. Some say the eagles have soared the heavens even, but this one I can reach!

The meek always inherited the same old earth, its weight still defied pride that Adam didn't know that she was in need. To substantiate, Eve always offered a temptation and after half the act done, who was responsible? The clutch on its throat after every yell. The baby was always his fault. The heart of the matter was to live. Who asked Eve to be the centre of his universe? Knowledge seldom was not enough to be on your feet. The fruit fell and heaven realized a forbidden dream or was it forgotten how to creep and crawl with your younglings Adam? Grand daddy saw through every disguise, the child still a burden: joyous? Eden not enough, Why? Take time out and come back after every lesson learned. A dry spell, the water was barely sufficient and yet the harvest was good, not as his fathers crops yielded still... There were secrets of every tribe he learned as well.

The girl never should have waited. Other girls didn't even have to reach. Like Newton, the highest branches fell apples when they are ripe for you! What ever happened to Eve did not feel the same for Newton. He slept under the same shades of the sturdy one he always relied on. He never conspired with the universe, he slept under it and became one with the universe and God walked: Lucifer.. His pride was your discovery Newton! You should have been one of the Illuminati years ago. The bible mongers always have a sad story always... The girls always wait, in needy days, there is always a mistake. The idea was always late or before its time, what ever! Hell bought Einstein to apocalypses still... To try for a baby in war time! Hell hath no furies for all those lads and ladies scorned and scorched.

Milton never spoke well of Einstein's days. He saw too many hells where I Eve found pleasant surprises even. Newton please explain where gravity defied the time, an Eden may still live in all those Atoms seeds. The child still bought forth the Man, season after season, land after land, earth still bound the rich and poor, the young and old. Heavens hues regained in every harvest and gurgles of the children for the old man. Still too many downpours for the old man to love the mistake! The rain bow still promised more hues. The light can bend you see in your child's as well as my eyes, the same light but different shades. That same old lie that haunted your ark and covenant was my pride and joy these days. The slithering snake had a nick name too: the sly puss that I want to have and to hold - My favourite mistake is still my weaknesses, Son! Paradise I regained! Lesson I have learned and taught..

In Abrahams days, he never lusted! Some sins slave bore handsome devils, innocent yet untaught. They will learn as they please still. Mary guide them. Incense the holy fire is all El had asked. Innocence that arched that Gabriel's trumpet to unholy ends. Holier days will see St.John imprisoned in stranger shores where revelations will bring them blessings, Beast - My weakness is my unknown strength! Age saw holiness more blissed in passion that promised time for all those sanctuaries of paternal blessings I alone shed. My son in tears never, Smile - the promises to have a child are fulfilled. The grains of a sand are bound in stars of time: said a poet well.. The clasped one bore the grudge of a trapped sand always shed pearls of why it shouldn't be. Who needs wisdom like that? The stars are all I seek in every particle. A universe it unfolded at every dimensional turn, a hell in to heaven in each quantum's leap. A little cycles turn in every cyclotron, collapse and die, unite and leap, blessings please... Schrödinger's cats are at a quantum leaps with out of box ideas, the idea still the same, the same old revelation in a new dimension. A new universe may hold surprises that you yearned. Better catch hold of the right cat is all Schrödinger said. You get what you give is all that Planck had mentioned isn't it? That's constant at least. The message is always the medium. Your pussy can only get it right. I am the way, the truth and the life. Truth it Jesus, life is where the way said I am the only way. Yes! I did it My way El. Pussy full is all the key to salvation. St.Peter had both keys: heaven and hell, get the bliss always in the right places in time etc...

Lots lot knew grudged wives tales that had pearls of wisdoms. The earth isn't big enough. At hells doors, an unhappy woman is. Tears only please memorize. The salt enough to build tall stories of. The sulphur in Gomorrah are a rebukes tribute. Saw your crops in the right circles in time, the soil is always poisonous if the fruits didn't offer more than just heat. Hells glory - A tattoo, a taboo of tears salted in granite grave yearnings for habits that never break. The radio killed the movie star! The bangs and the binges of too many quirks of those quarks is a bombshell to learn. Atoms have seeds too. Bore all that models of eccentric systems. Einstein purged and had ice creams and boiled the watches of time. Who else knew that constants are just minor multiples of some dimensions that yielded constantly the same results. Answer of life is 42. He cared for life and didn't care for any constant number... He knew but didn't care any more.....

Quirky ones, the charmed lies are truths if you read them upside down. Quarks and charms are as reliable as newer waters in every wave on these islands. Revelation after revelation of Gods particles in every dimensional universe: heaven still hell for beings old and young than you... A newer earth Adam, the green ones are blades on the meek that inherits it!

A light's space is always the idea if given the right turnings. The arching of the mighty flyers always turned the tides of time. The arch angels have guarded too many colours in harmony only. If given time, a hand of God may turn the tides to riddles solved at every nook and corner. A reading in every sign of My time. Time enlightened the rides of lives. The distance that light travelled is finite, remember its sound never kept pace with it. The light is always there before you know it. The wave knew the particles every turnings, wisps and desires.. To catch an angels wing is to wish on a shooting star, as light as a feather, is the world in your hands. To know Man in every grains particles is to know the right band width. Its the general lifestyles that spoke of its time on earth. The right hand shake is a wave: a hai, never say bye My Lord!

The colours of the angels are supernatural! The right song is the heart of matter. Material is woman, Madonna, like a rock stand please. Be envious green till youths ivy stones called green horns caused it to turn. Ruby red my perils learning painted a mightier arch one.. Bluest blues had crystallized man to earth in more than salt please. Yellow had tumblered yet fallen and broke! Sonic waves boom less why? The baby bloomers took time to catch.. The right sound was not enough, we need to have vision as well! The video often killed the radio star where a picture sang more than boisterous cheery angelic choirs. The prism prophesied in vivid colours a brighter hued future, the sounds are out of time. The air that I can breathe was a medium to communicate and not just a painted pretty picture for your vacuum heads.

The size of your dreams, Woman sucked out my soul even. They are evil, no light in those black holes.. How can it be? Isn't it where all light is restored? Hasn't El made a collapsing curve that curved to a point in some out of the box dimension. The curves will grace even your limited spaces, it may be hell if spoken a bit early! Time restored all lost light of the illuminated one: Lucifer. Rainbows have too bright shades with my earth bound dreams breached.. Lights speed and all that, soaring my eyes have visions that fled your tears, Man. Promises to see... Breathless is all you should say!