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Hey! I'm just a guy on wikipedia, don't mind me. Also I am not a dog, but I am very astute.

GOPThis user likes the Republican Party (GOP)
PLNThis user likes aviation (mostly planes)
HISPThis user's ethnicity is Hispanic!
COLThis user is from Colombia.
SPThis user's native language is Spanish!
ENThis user learned english at a young age, as his second language.
PEThis user is not related to Pablo Escobar
AM#2This user stands by the Second Amendment!
RCThis user is Roman Catholic (but does not care about the pope)
FLThis user is a Floridian!
BQThis user lived in the Colombian city, Barranquilla.
GTA6This user is excited for the release of GTA6.
LGBT=BADThis user is not fond of the LGBT community.
BCThis user's godfather is Bill Clinton (no joke)
UNThis user has been present at many UN meetings.
$This user comes from Generational Wealth.
KCPThis user attended KCP in Colombia.
CCHSThis user attended CCHS in Miami!