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User:Atlantis536/List of non-avian dinosaur description papers

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This is a sortable list of scientific papers that have formally described a non-avian dinosaur. This list includes all unambiguous valid genera of dinosaurs that are not unambiguous avialans, as well as those that fluctuate around these borders, like herrerasaurids, anchiornithines, and silesaurids. The list includes the names of each genus, the authors who described them, the titles of the papers they were described in, the year each paper was formally published (but not necessarily the years the names became formally available), and the scientific journals where these papers were published; and can be sorted alphabetically or reverse alphabetically (in the case of the authors, they are sorted by last names). To sort by the traditional citation order (alphabetically by names and dates), click the "year" heading once then click the "describers" heading once.

The list

Genus Describers Year Article Journal/Source publication
Aardonyx - Adam M. Yates
- Matthew F. Bonnan
- Johann Neveling
- Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan
- Marc G. Blackbeard
2010 A new transitional sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of South Africa and the evolution of sauropod feeding and quadrupedalism Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Abdarainurus - Alexander O. Averianov
- Alexey V. Lopatin
2020 An unusual new sauropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Abditosaurus - Bernat Vila
- Albert G. Sellés
- Miguel Moreno-Azanza
- Novella L. Razzolini
- Alejandro Gil-Delgado
- José Ignacio Canudo
- Àngel Galobart
2022 A titanosaurian sauropod with Gondwanan affinities in the latest Cretaceous of Europe Nature Ecology & Evolution
Abelisaurus - José F. Bonaparte
- Fernando Emilio Novas
1985 Abelisaurus comahuensis, n. g., n. sp., Carnosauria from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia Ameghiniana
Abrictosaurus - James A. Hopson 1975 On the Generic Separation of the Ornithischian Dinosaurs Lychorhinus and Heterodontosaurus from the Stormberg Series (Upper Triassic) of South Africa South African Journal of Science
Abrosaurus - Hui Ouyang 1989 [A new sauropod from Dashanpu, Zigong Co. Sichuan Province (Abrosaurus dongpoensis gen. et sp. nov.)] Zigong Dinosaur Museum Newsletter
Abydosaurus - Daniel J. Chure
- Brooks B. Britt
- John A. Whitlock
- Jeffrey A. Wilson
2010 First complete sauropod dinosaur skull from the Cretaceous of the Americas and the evolution of sauropod dentition Naturwissenschaften
Acantholipan - Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva
- Eberhard Frey
- Wolfgang Stinnesbeck
- Gerardo Carbot-Chanona
- Iván E. Sanchez-Uribe
- José Rubén Guzmán-Gutiérrez
2018 Paleodiversity of Late Cretaceous Ankylosauria from Mexico and their phylogenetic significance Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
Acanthopholis - Thomas Henry Huxley 1867 On Acanthopholis Horridus, a New Reptile from the Chalk-marl Geological Magazine
Achelousaurus - Scott D. Sampson 1995 Two new horned dinosaurs from the upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana; with a phylogenetic analysis of the Centrosaurinae (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae) Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Acheroraptor - David C. Evans
- Derek W. Larson
- Philip J. Currie
2013 A new dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) with Asian affinities from the latest Cretaceous of North America Naturwissenschaften
Achillesaurus - Agustín G. Martinelli
- Ezequiel I. Vera
2007 Achillesaurus manazzonei, a new alvarezsaurid theropod (Dinosauria) from the Late Cretaceous Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Río Negro Province, Argentina Zootaxa
Achillobator - Altangerel Perle
- Mark A. Norell
- James M. Clark
1999 A new maniraptoran Theropod–Achillobator giganticus (Dromaeosauridae)–from the Upper Cretaceous of Burkhant, Mongolia Contributions from the Geology and Mineralogy Chair, National Museum of Mongolia
Acristavus - Terry A. Gates
- John R. Horner
- Rebecca R. Hanna
- Charles Riley Nelson
2011 New unadorned hadrosaurine hadrosaurid (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) from the Campanian of North America Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Acrocanthosaurus - John Willis Stovall
- Wann Langston, Jr.
1950 Acrocanthosaurus atokensis, a new genus and species of Lower Cretaceous Theropoda from Oklahoma American Midland Naturalist
Acrotholus - David C. Evans
- Ryan K. Schott
- Derek W. Larson
- Caleb Marshall Brown
- Michael J. Ryan
2013 The oldest North American pachycephalosaurid and the hidden diversity of small-bodied ornithischian dinosaurs Nature Communications
Adamantisaurus - Rodrigo Miloni Santucci
- Reinaldo J. Bertini
2006 A new titanosaur from western São Paulo State, Upper Cretaceous Bauru Group, south-east Brazil Palaeontology
Adasaurus - Rinchen Barsbold 1983 [Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia] Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition
Adelolophus - Terry A. Gates
- Zubair Jinnah
- Carolyn Levitt
- Michael A. Getty
2014 New Hadrosaurid (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) Specimens from the Lower–Middle Campanian Wahweap Formation of Southern Utah At the top of the Grand Staircase: the Late Cretaceous in Utah
Adeopapposaurus - Ricardo N. Martínez 2009 Adeopapposaurus mognai, gen. et sp. nov. (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha), with comments on adaptations of basal Sauropodomorpha Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Adratiklit - Susannah C.R. Maidment
- Thomas J. Raven
- Driss Ouarhache
- Paul M. Barrett
2020 North Africa's first stegosaur: Implications for Gondwanan thyreophoran dinosaur diversity Gondwana Research
Adynomosaurus - Albert Prieto-Márquez
- Víctor Fondevilla
- Albert G. Sellés
- Jonathan R. Wagner
- Àngel Galobart
2019 Adynomosaurus arcanus, a new lambeosaurine dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Ibero-Armorican Island of the European archipelago Cretaceous Research
Aegyptosaurus - Ernst Stromer 1932 [Results of the Research Expedition of Prof. E. Stromer in the Egyptian Desert. II. Vertebrate remains from the Baharîje Beds (lowermost Cenomanian). 11. Sauropoda] Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge
Aeolosaurus - Jaime Eduardo Powell 1987 The Late Cretaceous fauna of Los Alamitos, Patagonia, Argentina. Part VI: The Titanosaurids Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Aepisaurus - Paul Gervais 1852 [French Zoology and Paleontology (Vertebrate Animals) or New research on living and fossil animals from France] Zoologie et Paléontologie françaises (Animaux Vertébrés) ou Nouvelle recherches sur les animaux vivants et fossiles de la France
Aepyornithomimus - Tsogtbaatar Chinzorig
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
- Philip J. Currie
- Mahito Watabe
- Rinchen Barsbold
2017 First Ornithomimid (Theropoda, Ornithomimosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation of Tögrögiin Shiree, Mongolia Scientific Reports
Aerosteon - Paul C. Sereno
- Ricardo N. Martínez
- Jeffrey A. Wilson
- David J. Varricchio
- Oscar A. Alcober
- Hans C. E. Larsson
2008 Evidence for Avian Intrathoracic Air Sacs in a New Predatory Dinosaur from Argentina PLOS ONE
Afromimus - Paul C. Sereno 2017 Early Cretaceous Ornithomimosaurs (Dinosauria: Coelurosauria) from Africa Ameghiniana
Afrovenator - Paul C. Sereno
- Jeffrey A. Wilson
- Hans C. E. Larsson
- Didier B. Dutheil
- Hans-Dieter Sues
1994 Early Cretaceous Dinosaurs from the Sahara Science
Agathaumas - Edward Drinker Cope 1872 On the existence of Dinosauria in the Transition Beds of Wyoming Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Agilisaurus - Guangzhao Peng 1990 [A new small ornithopod (Agilisaurus louderbacki gen. et sp. nov) from Zigong, China] Newsletter of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum
Agnosphitys - Nicholas C. Fraser
- Kevin Padian
- Gordon M. Walkden
- Anna L. M. Davis
2002 Basal dinosauriform remains from Britain and the diagnosis of the Dinosauria Palaeontology
Agrosaurus - Harry Govier Seeley 1891 On Agrosaurus Macgillivrayi (Seeley), a saurischian reptile from the N.E. coast of Australia Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
Agujaceratops - Spencer G. Lucas
- Robert M. Sullivan
- Adrian P. Hunt
2006 Re-evaluation of Pentaceratops and Chasmosaurus (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae) in the Upper Cretaceous of the Western Interior New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
Agustinia - José F. Bonaparte 1999 An armoured sauropod from the Aptian of northern Patagonia, Argentina Proceedings of the Second Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium
Ahshislepelta - Michael E. Burns
- Robert M. Sullivan
2011 A new ankylosaurid from the Upper Cretaceous Kirtland Formation, San Juan Basin, with comments on the diversity of ankylosaurids in New Mexico New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
Ajkaceratops - Attila Ősi
- Richard J. Butler
- David B. Weishampel
2010 A Late Cretaceous ceratopsian dinosaur from Europe with Asian affinities Nature
Ajnabia - Nicholas R. Longrich
- Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
- Robert Alexander Pyron
- Nour-Eddine Jalil
2021 The first duckbill dinosaur (Hadrosauridae: Lambeosaurinae) from Africa and the role of oceanic dispersal in dinosaur biogeography Cretaceous Research
Akainacephalus - Jelle P. Wiersma
- Randall B. Irmis
2018 A new southern Laramidian ankylosaurid, Akainacephalus johnsoni gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Campanian Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah, USA PeerJ
Alamosaurus - Charles Whitney Gilmore 1922 A new sauropod dinosaur from the Ojo Alamo Formation of New Mexico Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
Alaskacephale - Robert M. Sullivan 2006 A taxonomic review of the Pachycephalosauridae (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
Albalophosaurus - Tomoyuki Ohashi
- Paul M. Barrett
2009 A new ornithischian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation of Japan Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Albertaceratops - Michael J. Ryan 2007 A new basal centrosaurine ceratopsid from the Oldman Formation, southeastern Alberta Journal of Paleontology
Albertadromeus - Caleb Marshall Brown
- David C. Evans
- Michael J. Ryan
- Anthony P. Russell
2013 New data on the diversity and abundance of small-bodied ornithopods (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Belly River Group (Campanian) of Alberta Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Albertavenator - David C. Evans
- Thomas M. Cullen
- Derek W. Larson
- Adam Rego
2017 A new species of troodontid theropod (Dinosauria: Maniraptora) from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Maastrichtian) of Alberta, Canada Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Albertonykus - Nicholas R. Longrich
- Philip J. Currie
2009 Albertonykus borealis, a new alvarezsaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Maastrichtian of Alberta, Canada: implications for the systematics and ecology of the Alvarezsauridae Cretaceous Research
Albertosaurus - Henry Fairfield Osborn 1905 Tyrannosaurus and other Cretaceous carnivorous dinosaurs Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Albinykus - Sterling J. Nesbitt
- Julia A. Clarke
- Alan H. Turner
- Mark A. Norell
2011 A small alvarezsaurid from the eastern Gobi Desert offers insight into evolutionary patterns in the Alvarezsauroidea Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Alcovasaurus - Peter M. Galton
- Kenneth Carpenter
2016 The plated dinosaur Stegosaurus longispinus Gilmore, 1914 (Dinosauria: Ornithischia; Upper Jurassic, western USA), type species of Alcovasaurus n. gen. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen
Alectrosaurus - Charles Whitney Gilmore 1933 On the dinosaurian fauna of the Iren Dabasu Formation Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Aletopelta - Tracy L. Ford
- James I. Kirkland
2001 Carlsbad ankylosaur (Ornithischia, Ankylosauria): an ankylosaurid and not a nodosaurid The Armored Dinosaurs
Algoasaurus - Robert Broom 1904 On the Occurence of an Opisthocoelian Dinosaur (Algoasaurus Bauri) in the Cretaceous Beds of South Africa Geological Magazine
Alioramus - Sergei M. Kurzanov 1976 [A new carnosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Nogon-Tsav, Mongolia] The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition Transactions
Allosaurus - Othniel Charles Marsh 1877 Notice of New Dinosaurian Reptiles from the Jurassic formation American Journal of Science
Almas - Rui Pei
- Mark A. Norell
- Daniel E. Barta
- Gabriel S. Bever
- Michael Pittman
- Xing Xu
2017 Osteology of a New Late Cretaceous Troodontid Specimen from Ukhaa Tolgod, Ömnögovi Aimag, Mongolia American Museum Novitates
Alnashetri - Peter J. Makovicky
- Sebastián Apesteguía
- Federico A. Gianechini
2012 A New Coelurosaurian Theropod from the La Buitrera Fossil Locality of Río Negro, Argentina Fieldiana Life and Earth Sciences
Alocodon - Richard A. Thulborn 1973 Teeth of ornithischian dinosaurs from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal, with description of a hypsilophodontid (Phyllodon henkeli gen. et sp. nov.) from the Guimarota Lignite Memórias dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal
Alpkarakush - Oliver W. M. Rauhut
- Aizek A. Bakirov
- Oliver Wings
- Alexandra E. Fernandes
- Tom R. Hübner
2024 A new theropod dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Altirhinus - David B. Norman 1998 On Asian ornithopods (Dinosauria: Ornithischia). 3. A new species of iguanodontid dinosaur Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Altispinax - Friedrich von Huene 1923 Carnivorous Saurischia in Europe Since the Triassic Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
Alvarezsaurus - José F. Bonaparte 1991 [The fossil vertebrates of the Colorado River formation, from the city of Neuquén and surroundings, Upper Cretaceous, Argentina] Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Paleontología
Alwalkeria - Sankar Chatterjee
- Benjamin S. Creisler
1994 Alwalkeria (Theropoda) and Morturneria (Plesiosauria), new names for preoccupied Walkeria Chatterjee, 1987 and Turneria Chatterjee and Small, 1989 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Alxasaurus - Dale A. Russell
- Zhiming Dong
1993 The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa Desert, Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Amanasaurus - Rodrigo Temp Müller
- Maurício Silva Garcia
2023 A new silesaurid from Carnian beds of Brazil fills a gap in the radiation of avian line archosaurs Scientific Reports
Amanzia - Daniela Schwarz
- Philip D. Mannion
- Oliver Wings
- Christian A. Meyer
2020 Re-description of the sauropod dinosaur Amanzia ("Ornithopsis/Cetiosauriscus") greppini n. gen. and other vertebrate remains from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) Reuchenette Formation of Moutier, Switzerland Swiss Journal of Geosciences
Amargasaurus - Leonardo Salgado
- José F. Bonaparte
1991 [A new Dicraeosauridae sauropod, Amargasaurus cazaui gen. et sp. nov., from the La Amarga Formation, Neocomian of the Neuquén Province, Argentina] Ameghiniana
Amargatitanis - Sebastián Apesteguía 2007 The sauropod diversity of the La Amarga Formation (Barremian), Neuquén (Argentina) Gondwana Research
Amazonsaurus - Ismar de Souza Carvalho
- Leonardo dos Santos Avilla
- Leonardo Salgado
2003 Amazonsaurus maranhensis gen. et sp. nov. (Sauropoda, Diplodocoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) of Brazil Cretaceous Research
Ambopteryx - Min Wang
- Jingmai K. O'Connor
- Xing Xu
- Zhonghe Zhou
2019 A new Jurassic scansoriopterygid and the loss of membranous wings in theropod dinosaurs Nature
Ampelognathus - Ronald S. Tykoski
- Dori L. Contreras
- Christopher Noto
2023 The first small-bodied ornithopod dinosaur from the Lewisville Formation (middle Cenomanian) of Texas Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Ampelosaurus - Jean Le Loeuff 1995 [Ampelosaurus atacis (nov. gen., nov. sp.), a new Titanosaurid (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of the Upper Aude Valley (France)] Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série IIA
Amphicoelias - Edward Drinker Cope 1877 On Amphicoelias, a genus of Saurians from the Dakota epoch of Colorado Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Amtocephale - Mahito Watabe
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
- Robert M. Sullivan
2011 A new pachycephalosaurid from the Baynshire Formation (Cenomanian-late Santonian), Gobi Desert, Mongolia New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
Amtosaurus - Sergei M. Kurzanov
- Tatyana A. Tumanova
1978 [On the structure of the endocranium in some ankylosaurs from Mongolia] Paleontological Journal
Amurosaurus - Yuri L. Bolotsky
- Sergei M. Kurzanov
1991 [The hadrosaurs of the Amur Region] Geology of the Pacific Ocean Border
Amygdalodon - Angel Cabrera 1947 [A new sauropod from the Jurassic of Patagonia] Notas del Museo de La Plata, Paleontología
Anabisetia - Rodolfo A. Coria
- Jorge O. Calvo
2002 A new iguanodontian ornithopod from Neuquen Basin, Patagonia, Argentina Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Analong - Xin-Xin Ren
- Toru Sekiya
- Tao Wang
- Zhi-Wen Yang
- Hai-Lu You
2021 A revision of the referred specimen of Chuanjiesaurus anaensis Fang et al., 2000: a new early branching mamenchisaurid sauropod from the Middle Jurassic of China Historical Biology
Anasazisaurus - Adrian P. Hunt
- Spencer G. Lucas
1993 Cretaceous vertebrates of New Mexico New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
Anchiceratops - Barnum Brown 1914 Anchiceratops, a new genus of horned dinosaurs from the Edmonton Cretaceous of Alberta. With a discussion of the origin of the ceratopsian crest and the brain casts of Anchiceratops and Trachodon Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Anchiornis - Xing Xu
- Qi Zhao
- Mark A. Norell
- Corwin Sullivan
- David W. E. Hone
- Gregory M. Erickson
- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Feng-Lu Han
- Yu Guo
2009 A new feathered maniraptoran dinosaur fossil that fills a morphological gap in avian origin Chinese Science Bulletin
Anchisaurus - Othniel Charles Marsh 1885 Names of extinct reptiles American Journal of Science
Andesaurus - Jorge O. Calvo
- José F. Bonaparte
1991 [Andesaurus delgadoi n. g. n. sp. (Saurischia, Sauropoda) a titanosaurid dinosaur from the Río Limay Formation (Albian-Cenomanian), Neuquén, Argentina] Ameghiniana
Angolatitan - Octávio Mateus
- Louis L. Jacobs
- Anne S. Schulp
- Michael J. Polcyn
- Tatiana S. Tavares
- André Buta Neto
- Maria Luísa Morais
- Miguel T. Antunes
2011 Angolatitan adamastor, a new sauropod dinosaur and the first record from Angola Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Angulomastacator - Jonathan R. Wagner
- Thomas M. Lehman
2009 An enigmatic new lambeosaurine hadrosaur (Reptilia: Dinosauria) from the Upper Shale member of the Campanian Aguja Formation of Trans-Pecos Texas Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Anhuilong - Xin-Xin Ren
- Jian-Dong Huang
- Hai-Lu You
2020 The second mamenchisaurid dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Eastern China Historical Biology
Aniksosaurus - Rubén D. Martínez
- Fernando Emilio Novas
2006 Aniksosaurus darwini gen. et sp. nov., a new coelurosaurian theropod from the Early Late Cretaceous of Central Patagonia, Argentina Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Animantarx - Kenneth Carpenter
- James I. Kirkland
- Donald Burge
- John Bird
1999 Ankylosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, and their stratigraphic distribution Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication
Ankylosaurus - Barnum Brown 1908 The Ankylosauridae, a new family of armored dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Anodontosaurus - Charles Mortram Sternberg 1929 A toothless armoured dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Alberta National Museum of Canada Bulletin
Anomalipes - Yilun Yu
- Kebai Wang
- Shuqing Chen
- Corwin Sullivan
- Shuo Wang
- Peiye Wang
- Xing Xu
2018 A new caenagnathid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group of Shandong, China, with comments on size variation among oviraptorosaurs Scientific Reports
Anoplosaurus - Harry Govier Seeley 1879 On the Dinosauria of the Cambridge Greensand Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society
Anserimimus - Rinchen Barsbold 1988 A new Late Cretaceous ornithomimid from the Mongolian People's Republic Paleontological Journal
Antarctopelta - Leonardo Salgado
- Zulma Gasparini
2006 Reappraisal of an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of James Ross Island (Antarctica) Geodiversitas
Antarctosaurus - Friedrich von Huene 1929 [The saurischians and ornithischians of the Argentine Cretaceous] Anales del Museo de La Plata
Antetonitrus - Adam M. Yates
- James W. Kitching
2003 The earliest known sauropod dinosaur and the first steps towards sauropod locomotion Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Antrodemus - Joseph Leidy 1870 Remarks on Poicilopleuron valens, Clidastes intermedius, Leiodon proriger, Baptemys wyomingensis, and Emys stevensonianus Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Anzu - Matthew C. Lamanna
- Hans-Dieter Sues
- Emma R. Schachner
- Tyler R. Lyson
2014 A New Large-Bodied Oviraptorosaurian Theropod Dinosaur from the Latest Cretaceous of Western North America PLOS ONE
Aoniraptor - Matías J. Motta
- Alexis Mauro Aranciaga Rolando
- Sebastián Rozadilla
- Federico Lisandro Agnolín
- Nicolás R. Chimento
- Federico Brissón-Egli
- Fernando Emilio Novas
2016 New theropod fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Huincul Formation) of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
Aorun - Jonah N. Choiniere
- James M. Clark
- Catherine A. Forster
- Mark A. Norell
- David A. Eberth
- Gregory M. Erickson
- Hongjun Chu
- Xing Xu
2014 A juvenile specimen of a new coelurosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Middle–Late Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, People's Republic of China Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Apatodon - Othniel Charles Marsh 1877 Notice of some new Vertebrate Fossils American Journal of Science
Apatoraptor - Gregory F. Funston
- Philip J. Currie
2016 A new caenagnathid (Dinosauria: Oviraptorosauria) from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Alberta, Canada, and a reevaluation of the relationships of Caenagnathidae Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Apatosaurus - Othniel Charles Marsh 1877 Notice of New Dinosaurian Reptiles from the Jurassic formation American Journal of Science
Appalachiosaurus - Thomas D. Carr
- Thomas E. Williamson
- David R. Schwimmer
2005 A new genus and species of tyrannosauroid from the Late Cretaceous (Middle Campanian) Demopolis Formation of Alabama Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Aquilarhinus - Albert Prieto-Márquez
- Jonathan R. Wagner
- Thomas M. Lehman
2020 An unusual 'shovel-billed' dinosaur with trophic specializations from the early Campanian of Trans-Pecos Texas, and the ancestral hadrosaurian crest Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Aquilops - Andrew A. Farke
- William Desmond Maxwell
- Richard L. Cifelli
- Mathew J. Wedel
2014 A Ceratopsian Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Western North America, and the Biogeography of Neoceratopsia PLOS ONE
Arackar - David Rubilar-Rogers
- Alexander O. Vargas
- Bernardo J. González Riga
- Sergio Soto-Acuña
- Jhonatan Alarcón-Muñoz
- José Iriarte-Díaz
- Carlos Arévalo
- Carolina S. Gutstein
2021 Arackar licanantay gen. et sp. nov. a new lithostrotian (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Atacama Region, northern Chile Cretaceous Research
Aragosaurus - José Luis Sanz
- Angela Delgado Buscalioni
- Maria Lourdes Casanovas
- José Vicente Santafé
1987 [Dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of Galve (Teruel, Spain)] Estudios Geológicos, volumen extraordinario Galve-Tremp
Aralosaurus - Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky 1968 [Hadrosaurs of Kazakhstan] Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic Amphibians and Reptiles
Aratasaurus - Juliana Manso Sayão
- Antônio Álamo Feitosa Saraiva
- Arthur Souza Brum
- Renan Alfredo Machado Bantim
- Rafael Cesar Lima Pedroso de Andrade
- Xin Cheng
- Flaviana Jorge de Lima
- Helder de Paula Silva
- Alexander William Armin Kellner
2020 The first theropod dinosaur (Coelurosauria, Theropoda) from the base of the Romualdo Formation (Albian), Araripe Basin, Northeast Brazil Scientific Reports
Archaeoceratops - Zhiming Dong
- Yoichi Azuma
1997 On a primitive neoceratopsian from the Early Cretaceous of China Sino-Japanese Silk Road Dinosaur Expedition
Archaeodontosaurus - Eric Buffetaut 2005 A new sauropod dinosaur with prosauropod-like teeth from the Middle Jurassic of Madagascar Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
Archaeopteryx - Hermann von Meyer 1861 [Archaeopteryx lithographica (bird feather) and Pterodactylus from Solenhofen] Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde
Archaeornithoides - Andrzej Elzanowski
- Peter Wellnhofer
1992 A new link between theropods and birds from the Cretaceous of Mongolia Nature
Archaeornithomimus - Dale A. Russell 1972 Ostrich dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Western Canada Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Arcovenator - Thierry Tortosa
- Eric Buffetaut
- Nicolas Vialle
- Yves Dutour
- Eric Turini
- Gilles Cheylan
2014 A new abelisaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of southern France: Palaeobiogeographical implications Annales de Paléontologie
Arcusaurus - Adam M. Yates
- Matthew F. Bonnan
- Johann Neveling
2011 A new basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of South Africa Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Arenysaurus - Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
- José Ignacio Canudo
- Penélope Cruzado-Caballero
- José Luis Barco
- Nieves López-Martínez
- Oriol Oms
- José Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca
2009 The last hadrosaurid dinosaurs of Europe: A new lambeosaurine from the Uppermost Cretaceous of Aren (Huesca, Spain) Comptes Rendus Palevol
Argentinosaurus - José F. Bonaparte
- Rodolfo A. Coria
1993 A new and huge titanosaur sauropod from Rio Limay Formation (Albian-Cenomanian) of Neuquen Province, Argentina Ameghiniana
Argyrosaurus - Richard Lydekker 1893 Contributions to the study of the fossil vertebrates of Argentina. I. The dinosaurs of Patagonia Anales del Museo de la Plata, Seccion de Paleontologia
Aristosuchus - Harry Govier Seeley 1887 On Aristosuchus pusillus (Owen), being Further Notes on the Fossils described by Sir R. Owen as Poikilopleuron pusillus, Owen Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
Arkansaurus - Rebecca K. Hunt
- James H. Quinn
2018 A new ornithomimosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Trinity Group of Arkansas Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Arkharavia - Vladimir R. Alifanov
- Yuri L. Bolotsky
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- Fabiano Vidoi Iori
- Thiago S. Marinho
- Esteban Martín Hechenleitner
- Max Cardoso Langer
2022 Reassessment of Aeolosaurus maximus, a titanosaur dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Southeastern Brazil Historical Biology
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- Yuri V. Suslov
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- Diego Pol
2019 Probable basal allosauroid from the early Middle Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina highlights phylogenetic uncertainty in tetanuran theropod dinosaurs Scientific Reports
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- Lyudmila Fedorovna Kaznyshkina
- Gennadiy Olegovich Cherepanov
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- Xingsheng Jin
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- Tianming Du
2024 The first deep-snouted tyrannosaur from Upper Cretaceous Ganzhou City of southeastern China Scientific Reports
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- Christian A. Sidor
- Randall B. Irmis
- Kenneth D. Angielczyk
- Roger M. H. Smith
- Linda A. Tsuji
2010 Ecologically distinct dinosaurian sister group shows early diversification of Ornithodira Nature
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Atacamatitan - Alexander William Armin Kellner
- David Rubilar-Rogers
- Alexander O. Vargas
- Mario Suárez
2011 A new titanosaur sauropod from the Atacama Desert, Chile Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
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Atlasaurus - Michel Monbaron
- Dale A. Russell
- Philippe Taquet
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- Patricia Vickers-Rich
1989 Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the Early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia National Geographic Research
Atrociraptor - Philip J. Currie
- David J. Varricchio
2004 A New Dromaeosaurid from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Alberta, Canada Feathered Dragons
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- Sauveur Amico
- Francois Fournier
- Eudes Thouand
- Xavier Valentin
2010 A new Titanosaur genus (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of southern France and its paleobiogeographic implications Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
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Aucasaurus - Rodolfo A. Coria
- Luis M. Chiappe
- Lowell Dingus
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- Jonathan R. Wagner
- Phil R. Bell
- Luis M. Chiappe
2015 The late-surviving 'duck-billed' dinosaur Augustynolophus from the upper Maastrichtian of western North America and crest evolution in Saurolophini Geological Magazine
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- Daqing Li
- Qiang Ji
- Matthew C. Lamanna
- Peter Dodson
2005 On a New Genus of Basal Neoceratopsian Dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Gansu Province, China Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Andrea Cau
- Dong-Yu Hu
- François Escuillié
- Wen-Hao Wu
- Gareth Dyke
2013 A Jurassic avialan dinosaur from China resolves the early phylogenetic history of birds Nature
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- Melville Wilkinson
- Rochelle A. Lawrence
- Vladislav Konstantinov
- Stuart Mackenzie
- Robyn Mackenzie
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- Matt A. White
- Travis R. Tischler
- Alex G. Cook
- Naomi D. Calleja
- Trish Sloan
- David A. Elliott
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- Federico Lisandro Agnolín
- Fernando Emilio Novas
2010 An abelisauroid dinosaur with a non-atrophied manus from the Late Cretaceous Pari Aike Formation of southern Patagonia Zootaxa
Austroposeidon - Kamila L. N. Bandeira
- Felipe Medeiros Simbras
- Elaine Batista Machado
- Diogenes de Almeida Campos
- Gustavo R. Oliveira
- Alexander William Armin Kellner
2016 A New Giant Titanosauria (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous Bauru Group, Brazil PLOS ONE
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- Diego Pol
- Juan I. Canale
- Juan D. Porfiri
- Jorge O. Calvo
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- Bernardo J. González Riga
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- Halszka Osmólska
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- Jahandar Ramezani
- Kevin Leonel Gomez
- Jose Luis Carballido
- Ariana Paulina Carabajal
- Oliver W. M. Rauhut
- Ignacio H. Escapa
- Néstor Rubén Cúneo
2020 Extinction of herbivorous dinosaurs linked to Early Jurassic global warming event Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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- Max Cardoso Langer
- Cesar L. Schultz
2019 A new dinosaur (Saurischia: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of Brazil provides insights on the evolution of sauropodomorph body plan Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
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- Vladimir R. Alifanov
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- Susannah C.R. Maidment
- Daqing Li
- Hai-Lu You
- Guangzhao Peng
2024 A new stegosaur (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Middle Jurassic of Gansu Province, China Scientific Reports
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- Sebastián Apesteguía
- Juan I. Canale
- Alejandro Haluza
2019 A new long-spined dinosaur from Patagonia sheds light on sauropod defense system Scientific Reports
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- Mátyás Vremir
- Stephen L. Brusatte
- Mark A. Norell
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- Kraig Derstler
- Philip J. Currie
- Robert T. Bakker
- Zhonghe Zhou
- John H. Ostrom
2000 Remarkable new birdlike dinosaur (Theropoda: Maniraptora) from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions
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- Feng-Lu Han
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- Jonah N. Choiniere
- Qingwei Tan
- Roger B.J. Benson
- James M. Clark
- Corwin Sullivan
- Qi Zhao
- Feng-Lu Han
- Qingyu Ma
- Yiming He
- Shuo Wang
- Hai Xing
- Lin Tan
2018 Two Early Cretaceous Fossils Document Transitional Stages in Alvarezsaurian Dinosaur Evolution Current Biology
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- Junchang Lü
- Li Xu
- Jinhua Li
- Li Yang
- Weiyong Hu
- Songhai Jia
- Qiang Ji
- Chengjun Zhang
2009 A New Sauropod Dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Gaogou Formation of Nanyang, Henan Province Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Tharavat S. Kutty
- Tapan Roy-Chowdhury
- Sankar Chatterjee
1975 The sauropod dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic Kota formation of India Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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- Rodolfo A. Coria
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- Halszka Osmólska
1981 First lambeosaurine dinosaur from the Nemegt Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Mongolia Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
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- Angela C. Milner
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- Ning Li
- Susannah C.R. Maidment
- Guangbiao Wei
- Yuxuan Zhou
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- Qingyu Ma
- Xunqian Wang
- Haiqian Hu
- Guangzhao Peng
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- François Escuillié
- Yuri L. Bolotsky
- Pascaline Lauters
2012 A New Basal Hadrosauroid Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems
Baurutitan - Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
- Diogenes de Almeida Campos
- Marcelo N. F. Trotta
2005 Description of a titanosaurid caudal series from the Bauru Group, Late Cretaceous of Brazil Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro
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- Qingwei Tan
- Yilong Gao
- Zhiqiang Bao
- Zhigang Yin
- Bin Guo
- Junyou Wang
- Lin Tan
- Yuguang Zhang
- Hai Xing
2018 A large-sized basal ankylopollexian from East Asia, shedding light on early biogeographic history of Iguanodontia Science Bulletin
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- Albert Prieto-Márquez
- Tsogtbaatar Chinzorig
- Zorigt Badamkhatan
- Mark A. Norell
2020 A neoceratopsian dinosaur from the early Cretaceous of Mongolia and the early evolution of ceratopsia Communications Biology
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- Darla K. Zelenitsky
- Junchang Lü
- Philip J. Currie
- Kenneth Carpenter
- Li Xu
- Eva B. Koppelhus
- Songhai Jia
- Le Xiao
- Huali Chuang
- Tianran Li
- Martin Kundrát
- Caizhi Shen
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- Xuri Wang
- Jian-Dong Huang
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- Zhi-Lu Tang
- Xiao-Lin Wang
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- Daqing Li
- Ke-Qin Gao
- Matthew Lewin
- Gregory M. Erickson
- Mark A. Norell
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- Ronald S. Tykoski
- Najat Aquesbi
- Nour-Eddine Jalil
- Michel Monbaron
- Dale A. Russell
- Philippe Taquet
2007 An abelisauroid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Jurassic of the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, and the radiation of ceratosaurs Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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- Marina Bento Soares
- Luiz Carlos Weinschütz
- Everton Wilner
- Ricardo Tadeu Lopes
- Olga Maria Oliveira de Araújo
- Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
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- Martín Daniel Ezcurra
- Federico Lisandro Agnolín
- Diego Pol
- Raúl Ortíz
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- Paul M. Barrett
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- Thomas E. Williamson
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Bisticeratops - Sebastian G. Dalman
- Steven E. Jasinski
- Spencer G. Lucas
2022 A new chasmosaurine ceratopsid from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Farmington Member of the Kirtland Formation, New Mexico New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin
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- Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
- José Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca
2010 Blasisaurus canudoi gen. et sp. nov., a new lambeosaurine dinosaur (Hadrosauridae) from the Latest Cretaceous of Arén (Huesca, Spain) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Blikanasaurus - Peter M. Galton
- Jacques Van Heerden
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- Pascal Godefroit
- Dong-Yu Hu
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- Jaime Eduardo Powell
- Fernando Emilio Novas
- Martin Kundrát
2012 New alvarezsaurid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from uppermost Cretaceous of north-western Patagonia with associated eggs Cretaceous Research
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- Jaime Eduardo Powell
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Bonatitan - Agustín G. Martinelli
- Analía M. Forasiepi
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- Donald M. Henderson
- Jakob Vinther
- Ian Fletcher
- Ainara Sistiaga
- Jorsua Herrera
- Roger E. Summons
2017 An Exceptionally Preserved Three-Dimensional Armored Dinosaur Reveals Insights into Coloration and Cretaceous Predator-Prey Dynamics Current Biology
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- Qiang Ji
- Matthew C. Lamanna
- Jinglu Li
- Yinxian Li
2004 A Titanosaurian Sauropod Dinosaur with Opisthocoelous Caudal Vertebrae from the Early Late Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, China Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Philip J. Currie
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- Kristian Remes
- Regina Fechner
- Gerardo Cladera
- Pablo Puerta
2005 Discovery of a short-necked sauropod dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period of Patagonia Nature
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- Cyril Alexander Walker
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- Leonardo dos Santos Avilla
- William R. Nava
- Diogenes de Almeida Campos
- Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
2013 A new titanosaur sauropod from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil Zootaxa
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- Léa Leuzinger
- Agustín G. Martinelli
- Sebastián Rocher
- Lucas E. Fiorelli
- Jeremías R. A. Taborda
- Leonardo Salgado
2020 Two Late Cretaceous sauropods reveal titanosaurian dispersal across South America Communications Biology
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- Thomas M. Lehman
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- David M. Martill
- Susannah C.R. Maidment
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- Mathew J. Wedel
- Richard L. Cifelli
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- Krishnan Ayyasami
1987 A carnosaurian dinosaur from the Kallamedu Formation (Maastrichtian horizon), Tamilnadu Symposium on three decades of development in palaeontology and stratigraphy in India
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- Sebastián Apesteguía
- Federico Lisandro Agnolín
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- Clint A. Boyd
- Martin Mazuch
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- Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
- Sérgio Dias-da-Silva
- Lúcio Roberto da Silva
- Mario Bronzati
- Júlio Cesar de Almeida Marsola
- Rodrigo Temp Müller
- Jonathas de Souza Bittencourt
- Brunna Jul'Armando Batista
- Tiago Raugust
- Rodrigo Carrilho
- André Brodt
- Max Cardoso Langer
2016 A Unique Late Triassic Dinosauromorph Assemblage Reveals Dinosaur Ancestral Anatomy and Diet Current Biology
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- Leonardo Salgado
2023 A new gigantic titanosaurian sauropod from the early Late Cretaceous of Patagonia (Neuquén Province, Argentina) Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
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- Peter J. Makovicky
- James M. Clark
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- Stephen J. Godfrey
- Lev Alexandrovich Nessov
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- Agustín G. Martinelli
- Thiago S. Marinho
- João Ismail da Silva
- Max Cardoso Langer
2022 New specimens of Baurutitan britoi and a taxonomic reassessment of the titanosaur dinosaur fauna (Sauropoda) from the Serra da Galga Formation (Late Cretaceous) of Brazil PeerJ
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- Julia A. Clarke
- Chad M. Eliason
- Rui Qiu
- Quanguo Li
- Matthew D. Shawkey
- Cuilin Zhao
- Liliana D'Alba
- Jinkai Jiang
- Xing Xu
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- Haiyan Tong
- Jérôme Girard
- Bernard Hoyez
- Javier Párraga
2024 Caletodraco cottardi: A New Furileusaurian Abelisaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Cenomanian Chalk of Normandy (North-Western France) Fossil Studies
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- Albert G. Sellés
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- Michael J. Benton
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- Fidel Torcia Fernández-Baldor
- Juan I. Canale
- John A. Whitlock
- Alejandro Otero
- Pablo A. Gallina
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- Spencer G. Lucas
- Andrew B. Heckert
- Robert M. Sullivan
- Martin G. Lockley
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- Oskar Kuhn
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- Fabio Marco Dalla Vecchia
- Rodrigo Gaete
- Àngel Galobart
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- Philip J. Currie
- Mark A. Norell
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- Kenneth Carpenter
- William Brooks
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- James I. Kirkland
- Donald Burge
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- Tony DiCroce
- Kenneth Carpenter
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- John R. Horner
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- Fernando Emilio Novas
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- Pascal Godefroit
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- Émilie Läng
- Leïla Mami
- Larbi Mekahli
- Miloud Benhamou
- Boumediène Bouterfa
- Ali Kacemi
- Sid-Ali Chérief
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- Philippe Taquet
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- Fatima Khaldoune
- Essaid Jourani
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- Leonardo Salgado
- Manuel Suárez
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- Martín Daniel Ezcurra
- Nicolás R. Chimento
- Rita de la Cruz
- Marcelo P. Isasi
- Alexander O. Vargas
- David Rubilar-Rogers
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- Phillip A. Murry
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- Jorge O. Calvo
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- Lindsay E. Zanno
- Tsogtbaatar Chinzorig
- Mahito Watabe
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- Xing Xu
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- Bernardo J. Gonzalez Riga
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- Sebastián Rozadilla
- Matías J. Motta
- Nicolás R. Chimento
- Fernando Emilio Novas
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- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
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- Shimin Zhong
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- Mark A. Norell
- Rinchen Barsbold
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- Scott D. Sampson
- Eric K. Lund
- Andrew A. Farke
- Martha C. Aguillón Martínez
- Claudio A. de Leon
- Rubén A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa
- Michael A. Getty
- David A. Eberth
2010 Horned Dinosaurs (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae) from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Cerro Del Pueblo Formation, Coahuila, Mexico New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium
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- Angel Alejandro Ramírez-Velasco
- James I. Kirkland
- Andrés Eduardo Bermúdez Torres
- Claudia Inés Serrano-Brañas
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- Leonardo Salgado
- Diego Pol
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- Alberto C. Garrido
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- David M. Martill
- Susannah C.R. Maidment
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- Fernando Escaso
- José Luis Sanz
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- Dale A. Winkler
- Louis L. Jacobs
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- David C. Evans
- Kieran M. Shepherd
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- Guoqing Li
- Martin Kundrát
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- Zhenyuan Sun
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Caizhi Shen
- Fangfang Teng
- Hanfeng Liu
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- Dale A. Russell
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- John-Paul M. Hodnett
- Asher J. Lichtig
- Spencer G. Lucas
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- Jonathan D. Radley
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- William J. Hickerson
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- Shan Jiang
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- Sterling J. Nesbitt
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- Amy C. Hendrici
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- David A. Burnham
- Larry D. Martin
- Peter L. Larson
- Robert T. Bakker
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- Junchang Lü
- Sizhao Liu
- Martin Kundrát
- Stephen L. Brusatte
- Hailong Gao
2017 A New Troodontid Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Yu-Hui Gao
- Chunkang Shu
- Shan Jiang
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- Suo-Zhu Wang
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- David J. Varricchio
- Jeffrey A. Wilson
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- José Ignacio Canudo
- Pedro Huerta
- Diego Montero
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- Leonardo Salgado
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- Donald D. DeBlieux
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- Matt A. White
- Travis R. Tischler
- Alex G. Cook
- Naomi D. Calleja
- Trish Sloan
- David A. Elliott
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- Mark A. Norell
- Xuewen Kuang
- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Qi Zhao
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- Alan M. Tait
- Vera Weisbecker
- Michael Hall
- Jay P. Nair
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- Steven W. Salisbury
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- Robert M. Sullivan
- Peter Dodson
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- Octávio Mateus
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- Sterling J. Nesbitt
- Neil H. Shubin
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- Mattia Antonio Baiano
- Domenica D. dos Santos
- Federico A. Gianechini
- Michael Pittman
- Matthew C. Lamanna
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- Hai-Lu You
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- Wenjie Zheng
- Yoichi Azuma
- Masateru Shibata
- Tianliang Lou
- Qiang Jin
- Xingsheng Jin
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- Yoichi Azuma
- Rongjun Chen
- Wenjie Zheng
- Xingsheng Jin
2008 A New Titanosauriform Sauropod from the Early Late Cretaceous of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Miguel Telles Antunes
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- Steven U. Vidovic
- Cindy Howells
- John R. Nudds
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- Krishnan Ayyasami
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- Matthew C. Lamanna
- Lucio M. Ibiricu
- Jason C. Poole
- Elena R. Schroeter
- Paul V. Ullmann
- Kristyn K. Voegele
- Zachary M. Boles
- Aja M. Carter
- Emma K. Fowler
- Victoria M. Egerton
- Alison E. Moyer
- Christopher L. Coughenour
- Jason P. Schein
- Jerald D. Harris
- Rubén D. Martínez
- Fernando Emilio Novas
2014 A Gigantic, Exceptionally Complete Titanosaurian Sauropod Dinosaur from Southern Patagonia, Argentina Scientific Reports
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- Niels Bonde
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- Gabriel Casal
- Rubén D. Martínez
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- Robert B. J. Benson
- Paul Upchurch
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- Douglas G. Wolfe
- Alton C. Dooley Jr.
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- Walter P. Coombs Jr.
- Dale A. Russell
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- Hans-Dieter Sues
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- Hans-Dieter Sues
2021 First rebbachisaurid sauropod dinosaur from Asia PLOS ONE
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- David Rubilar-Rogers
- Karen Moreno
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- Alejandro Otero
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- Flavio Bellardini
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- Alberto C. Garrido
- Rodolfo A. Coria
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- Oliver W. M. Rauhut
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- Stephen L. Brusatte
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- Roger M. H. Smith
- David B. Norman
2007 A primitive ornithischian dinosaur from the Late Triassic of South Africa, and the early evolution and diversification of Ornithischia Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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- Paul C. Sereno
- Oscar A. Alcober
- Carina E. Colombi
- Paul R. Renne
- Isabel P. Montañez
- Brian S. Currie
2011 A Basal Dinosaur from the Dawn of the Dinosaur Era in Southwestern Pangaea Science
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- Tianguang Li
- Shimin Zhong
- Qiang Ji
- Shaoxue Li
2008 A New Mamenchisaurid Dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yuanmou, Yunnan Province, China Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Danielle Jade Simon
- Holly N. Woodward
- Gregory F. Funston
- Eric Snively
2024 A new oviraptorosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the end-Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation of North America PLOS ONE
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- Catherine A. Forster
- Raymond R. Rogers
- Alfredo M. Monetta
1993 Primitive dinosaur skeleton from Argentina and the early evolution of Dinosauria Nature
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- Helena Demuynck
- Gareth Dyke
- Dong-Yu Hu
- François Escuillié
- Philippe Claeys
2013 Reduced plumage and flight ability of a new Jurassic paravian theropod from China Nature Communications
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- Gregory M. Erickson
- Jun A. Ebersole
2016 A primitive hadrosaurid from southeastern North America and the origin and early evolution of 'duck-billed' dinosaurs Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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- Donald B. Brinkman
- David A. Eberth
- Dennis R. Braman
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- Darren Naish
- David M. Martill
- Michael J. Barker
- Penny Newbery
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- Francisco Ortega
- Pedro Dantas
- Elisabete Maladaia
- Bruno Silva
- José M. Gasulla
- Pedro Mocho
- Iván Narváez
- José Luis Sanz
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- Steven E. Jasinski
- Mark P.A. Van Tomme
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- Zhonghe Zhou
- Xing Xu
- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Corwin Sullivan
2008 A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran from China with elongate ribbon-like feathers Nature
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- Zhe-Xi Luo
- Neil H. Shubin
- Lawrence M. Witmer
- Zhi-Lu Tang
- Feng Tang
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- Mark A. Norell
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- Xiao-Hong Zhang
- Paul C. Sereno
- Xijin Zhao
- Xuewen Kuang
- Jun Han
- Lin Tan
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- Altangerel Perle
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- Xijin Zhao
- James M. Clark
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- Spencer G. Lucas
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- Denise Sigogneau-Russell
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- Octávio Mateus
- Thomas Laven
- Nils Knötschke
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- José Ignacio Canudo
- Pedro Huerta
- Miguel Moreno-Azanza
- Diego Montero
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- Luis Alcalá
- Mark A. Loewen
- Eduardo Espílez
- Luis Mampel
- Jelle P. Wiersma
2013 The Basal Nodosaurid Ankylosaur Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp. from the Lower Cretaceous (Lower Albian) Escucha Formation of Northeastern Spain PLOS ONE
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- Lindsay E. Zanno
- Scott D. Sampson
- James M. Clark
- Donald D. DeBlieux
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- Alexander O. Averianov
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- Thomas Martin
- Aizek A. Bakirov
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- David C. Evans
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- Peter J. Makovicky
- Ryan T. Tucker
- Lindsay E. Zanno
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- David C. Evans
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- Tom Brougham
- Matthew C. Herne
- Timothy Frauenfelder
- Elizabeth T. Smith
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- Peter M. Galton
- Laura B. Porro
- Luis M. Chiappe
- Donald M. Henderson
- Gregory M. Erickson
2010 Lower limits of ornithischian dinosaur body size inferred from a new Upper Jurassic heterodontosaurid from North America Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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- Min Wang
- Runsheng Chen
- Liping Dong
- Min Lin
- Xing Xu
- Jianrong Tang
- Hai-Lu You
- Guowu Zhou
- Linchang Wang
- Wenxing He
- Yujuan Li
- Chi Zhang
- Zhonghe Zhou
2023 A new avialan theropod from an emerging Jurassic terrestrial fauna Nature
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- Philip J. Currie
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- Yoichi Azuma
2003 A new iguanodontian (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Lower Cretaceous Kitadani Formation of Fukui Prefecture, Japan Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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- Masateru Shibata
2010 Fukuititan nipponensis, A New Titanosauriform Sauropod from the Early Cretaceous Tetori Group of Fukui Prefecture, Japan Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Xing Xu
- Mastaeru Shibata
- Soichiro Kawabe
- Kazunori Miyata
- Takuya Imai
2016 A bizarre theropod from the Early Cretaceous of Japan highlighting mosaic evolution among coelurosaurians Scientific Reports
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- Peter M. Galton
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- Takanobu Tsuihiji
- Makoto Manabe
2023 Furcatoceratops elucidans, a new centrosaurine (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae) from the upper Campanian Judith River Formation, Montana, USA Cretaceous Research
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- Wen-Hao Wu
- Tao Li
- Qiang Ji
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- Wei Wang
- Zhitao Huang
- Xin Huang
- Xing Xu
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- Juan D. Porfiri
- Bernardo J. González Riga
- Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
2007 A new Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystem from Gondwana with the description of a new sauropod dinosaur Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
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- Miguel Ángel Carrera Farias
2021 A new late-surviving early diverging Ibero-Armorican duck-billed dinosaur and the role of the Late Cretaceous European Archipelago in hadrosauroid biogeography Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
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- Octávio Mateus
- Roger B.J. Benson
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- Jay P. Nair
- Alistair R. Evans
- Alan M. Tait
2019 New small-bodied ornithopods (Dinosauria, Neornithischia) from the Early Cretaceous Wonthaggi Formation (Strzelecki Group) of the Australian-Antarctic rift system, with revision of Qantassaurus intrepidus Rich and Vickers-Rich, 1999 Journal of Paleontology
Gallimimus - Halszka Osmólska
- Ewa Roniewicz
- Rinchen Barsbold
1972 A new dinosaur, Gallimimus bullatus n. gen., n. sp. (Ornithomimidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia Palaeontologia Polonica
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- José Ignacio Canudo
- Gloria Cuenca-Bescós
- José Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca
2005 [A new sauropod dinosaur, Galvesaurus herreroi gen. nov., sp. nov., from the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in Galve (Teruel, Spain)] Naturaleza Aragonesa
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- Rodrigo Temp Müller
- Debora Moro
- Maurício Silva Garcia
- Voltaire Dutra Paes Neto
- Átila Augusto Stock Da Rosa
2022 The oldest South American silesaurid: New remains from the Middle Triassic (Pinheiros-Chiniquá Sequence, Dinodontosaurus Assemblage Zone) increase the time range of silesaurid fossil record in southern Brazil Journal of South American Earth Sciences
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- Ling Yang
- Fasheng Lou
- Corwin Sullivan
- Xing Xu
- Wenjiang Qiu
- Hanfeng Liu
- Juan Yu
- Rui Wu
- Yuzheng Ke
- Mengyuan Xu
- Jinfeng Hu
- Pikun Lu
2024 A new titanosaurian sauropod, Gandititan cavocaudatus gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Cretaceous of southern China Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Gannansaurus - Junchang Lü
- Laiping Yi
- Hui Zhong
- Xuefang Wei
2013 A New Somphospondylan Sauropod (Dinosauria, Titanosauriformes) from the Late Cretaceous of Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province of Southern China Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Chengkai Sun
- Corwin Sullivan
- Xing Xu
2013 A new oviraptorid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of southern China Zootaxa
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- Clifford A. Miles
- Karen Cloward
1998 Skull of a Jurassic ankylosaur (Dinosauria) Nature
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- Géraldine Garcia
- Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
- Benjamin Jentgen-Ceschino
- Koen Stein
- Pascal Godefroit
- Xavier Valentin
2021 A new titanosaur (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Velaux-La-Bastod Neuve (southern France) Historical Biology
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- Fernando Escaso
- José M. Gasulla
- Àngel Galobart
- Begoña Poza
- Andrés Santos-Cubedo
- José Luis Sanz
- Francisco Ortega
2024 New sauropod dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Morella (Spain) provides new insights on the evolutionary history of Iberian somphospondylan titanosauriforms Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
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- Zilu Tang
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- Leonardo Salgado
1996 A basal iguanodontian (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Late Cretaceous of South America Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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Geminiraptor - Phil Senter
- James I. Kirkland
- John Bird
- Jeff A. Bartlett
2010 A New Troodontid Theropod Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Utah PLOS ONE
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- Bernard Beaudoin
- Jean Dejax
- Gérard Friès
- Jean-Guy Michard
- Philippe Taquet
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- José Ignacio Canudo
- Gloria Cuenca-Bescós
- Penélope Cruzado-Caballero
- José Manuel Gasca
- Miguel Moreno-Azanza
2012 A new basal ornithopod dinosaur from the Barremian of Galve, Spain Comptes Rendus Palevol
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- Leonardo Salgado
1995 A new giant carnivorous dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Patagonia Nature
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- Qingwei Tan
- Jianmin Wang
- Xijin Zhao
- Lin Tan
2007 A gigantic bird-like dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of China Nature
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- Diego Pol
2007 Anatomy of a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic Hanson Formation of Antarctica Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
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- Rodrigo Temp Müller
- Max Cardoso Langer
- Flávio Augusto Pretto
- Leonardo Kerber
- Sérgio Dias-da-Silva
2019 Gnathovorax cabreirai: a new early dinosaur and the origin and initial radiation of predatory dinosaurs PeerJ
Gobihadros - Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
- David B. Weishampel
- David C. Evans
- Mahito Watabe
2019 A new hadrosauroid (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Late Cretaceous Baynshire Formation of the Gobi Desert (Mongolia) PLOS ONE
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- Yuong-Nam Lee
- Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan
- Junchang Lü
- Rinchen Barsbold
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
2019 A new baby oviraptorid dinosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Nemegt Formation of Mongolia PLOS ONE
Gobisaurus - Matthew K. Vickaryous
- Anthony P. Russell
- Philip J. Currie
- Xijin Zhao
2001 A new ankylosaurid (Dinosauria: Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of China, with comments on ankylosaurian relationships Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
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- Feng Tang
- Zhe-Xi Luo
2003 A New Basal Titanosaur (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of China Acta Geologica Sinica
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- Rinchen Barsbold
- Mahito Watabe
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
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- Yoshito Fujiyama
- Shigeru Suzuki
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- Sergio A. K. de Azevedo
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- Peter Dodson
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- Changsheng Wang
- Shangzhong Liu
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- Alexander O. Vargas
- Hans P. Püschel
- Sergio Soto-Acuña
- Leslie Manríquez
- Marcelo Leppe
- Jonatan Kaluza
- Verónica Milla
- Carolina S. Gutstein
- José Palma-Liberona
- Wolfgang Stinnesbeck
- Eberhard Frey
- Juan Pablo Pino
- Dániel Bajor
- Elaine Núñez
- Héctor Ortiz
- David Rubilar-Rogers
- Penélope Cruzado-Caballero
2023 Relict duck-billed dinosaurs survived into the last age of the dinosaurs in subantarctic Chile Science Advances
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- Teresa Maryańska
- Halszka Osmólska
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- Xiao-Lin Wang
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- Peter M. Galton
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- Logan Micucci
- Hanika Rizo
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- Yuong-Nam Lee
- David C. Evans
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- David C. Evans
- Philip J. Currie
- Caleb Marshall Brown
- Don Brinkman
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- Jorge Ferigolo
- Ana M. Ribeiro
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- Nathan D. Smith
- Rubén Juárez Valieri
- Peter J. Makovicky
2016 An Unusual New Theropod with a Didactyl Manus from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina PLOS ONE
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- James M. Clark
- Catherine A. Forster
- Mark A. Norell
- Gregory M. Erickson
- David A. Eberth
- Chengkai Jia
- Qi Zhao
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- Mauricio A. Cerroni
- Agustín Scanferla
- Anjali Goswami
- Ariana Paulina-Carabajal
- Thomas Halliday
- Andrew R. Cuff
- Santiago Reuil
2021 First definitive abelisaurid theropod from the Late Cretaceous of Northwestern Argentina Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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- Philip D. Mannion
- Michael P. Taylor
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- Scott D. Sampson
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- Vincent Beyrand
- Dennis F. A. E. Voeten
- Vincent Fernandez
- Paul Tafforeau
- Koen Stein
- Rinchen Barsbold
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
- Philip J. Currie
- Pascal Godefroit
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- Kamila L. N. Bandeira
- Rui Qiu
- Shunxing Jiang
- Xin Cheng
- Yingxia Ma
- Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
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- Xing Xu
- James M. Clark
- Catherine A. Forster
- Yu Guo
- Feng-Lu Han
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- Yuong-Nam Lee
- Jin-Young Park
- Su-Hwan Kim
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- Damdinsuren Idersaikhan
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
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- Brandon M. Kilbourne
- Rudyard W. Sadleir
- Mark A. Norell
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- Jun Chen
- Shu-Qin Zan
- Pascal Godefroit
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- Cyril Alexander Walker
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- Philip J. Currie
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- Lucrezia Ferrari
- Cristina Sequero
- Bruno Camilo
- Octávio Mateus
- Miguel Moreno-Azanza
2023 An unexpected early-diverging iguanodontian dinosaur (Ornithischia, Ornithopoda) from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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- Mickey Mortimer
- William R. Wahl
- Dean R. Lomax
- Jessica Lippincott
- David M. Lovelace
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- Clifford A. Miles
- Karen Cloward
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- Alan J. Charig
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- Jun Chen
- Pascal Godefroit
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- Richard J. Butler
- Fabien Knoll
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- James I. Kirkland
- Donald D. DeBlieux
- Scott K. Madsen
- Jennifer Cavin
- Andrew R. C. Milner
- Lukas Panzarin
2010 New Basal Iguanodonts from the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and the Evolution of Thumb-Spiked Dinosaurs PLOS ONE
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Homalocephale - Teresa Maryańska
- Halszka Osmólska
1974 Pachycephalosauria, a new suborder of ornithischian dinosaurs Palaeontologica Polonica
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- Zhengwu Cheng
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- Catherine A. Forster
- James M. Clark
- Xing Xu
2015 A New Taxon of Basal Ceratopsian from China and the Early Evolution of Ceratopsia PLOS ONE
Huallasaurus - Sebastián Rozadilla
- Federico Brissón-Egli
- Federico Lisandro Agnolín
- Alexis Mauro Aranciaga-Rolando
- Fernando Emilio Novas
2021 A new hadrosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Late Cretaceous of northern Patagonia and the radiation of South American hadrosaurids Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
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- Hanyong Pu
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Li Xu
- Huali Chang
- Yuhua Shang
- Di Liu
- Yuong-Nam Lee
- Martin Kundrát
- Caizhi Shen
2015 A New Oviraptorid Dinosaur (Dinosauria: Oviraptorosauria) from the Late Cretaceous of Southern China and Its Paleobiogeographical Implications Scientific Reports
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- Daqing Li
- Lingqi Zhou
- Qiang Ji
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- Hai-Lu You
- Jing-Tao Yang
- Xin-Xin Ren
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- Mark A. Norell
- Qiang Ji
- Keqin Gao
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- Zilu Tang
- Shiwu Zhou
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Huehuecanauhtlus - Angel Alejandro Ramírez-Velasco
- Mouloud Benammi
- Albert Prieto-Márquez
- Jesús Alvarado Ortega
- René Hernández-Rivera
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Huinculsaurus - Mattia Antonio Baiano
- Rodolfo A. Coria
- Andrea Cau
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Hypnovenator - Katsuhiro Kubota
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Tadahiro Ikeda
2024 Early Cretaceous troodontine troodontid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Ohyamashimo Formation of Japan reveals the early evolution of Troodontinae Scientific Reports
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- Terry A. Gates
- Haviv M. Avrahami
- Ryan T. Tucker
- Peter J. Makovicky
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- Dario Estraviz-López
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- Aline M. Ghilardi
- Tito Aureliano
- Verónica Díez Díaz
- Kamila L. N. Bandeira
- André G. S. Cattaruzzi
- Fabiano Vidoi Iori
- Ariel M. Martine
- Alberto B. Carvalho
- Luiz E. Anelli
- Marcelo A. Fernandes
- Hussam Zaher
2022 A new nanoid titanosaur (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Brazil Ameghiniana
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- Tiengkham Xaisanavong
- Philippe Richir
- Bounsou Khentavong
2012 The first definitive Asian spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the early cretaceous of Laos Naturwissenschaften
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- Matthew C. Lamanna
- Daniela Schwarz
- Verónica Díez Díaz
- Belal S. Salem
- Hesham M. Sallam
- Marc Filip Wiechmann
2022 A new titanosaurian (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Quseir Formation of the Kharga Oasis, Egypt Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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Ignotosaurus - Ricardo N. Martínez
- Cecilia Apaldetti
- Oscar A. Alcober
- Carina E. Colombi
- Paul C. Sereno
- Eliana Fernandez
- Paula Santi Malnis
- Gustavo A. Correa
- Diego Abelin
2012 Vertebrate succession in the Ischigualasto Formation Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Iguanacolossus - Andrew T. McDonald
- James I. Kirkland
- Donald D. DeBlieux
- Scott K. Madsen
- Jennifer Cavin
- Andrew R. C. Milner
- Lukas Panzarin
2010 New Basal Iguanodonts from the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and the Evolution of Thumb-Spiked Dinosaurs PLOS ONE
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- Leonardo Salgado
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- Judd A. Case
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- Rubén D. Juárez Valieri
- Pablo A. Gallina
- Ariel H. Méndez
- Federico A. Gianechini
- Alberto C. Garrido
2024 A rebbachisaurid-mimicking titanosaur and evidence of a Late Cretaceous faunal disturbance event in South-West Gondwana Cretaceous Research
Incisivosaurus - Xing Xu
- Yen-Nien Cheng
- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Chun-Hsiang Chang
2002 An unusual oviraptorosaurian dinosaur from China Nature
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- Ricardo N. Martínez
- Ignacio A. Cerda
- Diego Pol
- Oscar Alcober
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- Douglas G. Wolfe
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- Shundong Bi
- Hongqing Li
- Gang Li
- Lei Yang
- Xing Xu
2020 A new species of early-diverging Sauropodiformes from the Lower Jurassic Fengjiahe Formation of Yunnan Province, China Scientific Reports
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- Arthur R.I. Cruickshank
- Eberhard Frey
- Philip G. Small
- Maria Clarke
1996 A new crested maniraptoran dinosaur from the Santana Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Brazil Journal of the Geological Society
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- José Ignacio Canudo
- Alberto C. Garrido
- Miguel Moreno-Azanza
- Leandro C. A. Martínez
- Rodolfo A. Coria
- José M. Gasca
2017 A new primitive Neornithischian dinosaur from the Jurassic of Patagonia with gut contents Scientific Reports
Isanosaurus - Eric Buffetaut
- Varavudh Suteethorn
- Gilles Cuny
- Haiyan Tong
- Jean Le Loeuff
- Sasidhorn Khansubha
- Sutee Jongautchariyakul
2000 The earliest known sauropod dinosaur Nature
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- Federico Lisandro Agnolín
- Sebastián Rozadilla
- Alexis Mauro Aranciaga-Rolando
- Federico Brissón-Egli
- Matías J. Motta
- Mauricio Cerroni
- Martín Daniel Ezcurra
- Agustín G. Martinelli
- Julia S. D'Angelo
- Gerardo Alvarez-Herrera
- Adriel R. Gentil
- Sergio Bogan
- Nicolás R. Chimento
- Jordi A. García-Marsà
- Gastón Lo Coco
- Sergio E. Miquel
- Fátima F. Brito
- Ezequiel I. Vera
- Valeria S. Perez Loinaze
- Mariela S. Fernández
- Leonardo Salgado
2019 Paleontological discoveries in the Chorrillo Formation (upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous), Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
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- Peter J. Makovicky
- Kebai Wang
- Shuqing Chen
- Corwin Sullivan
- Feng-Lu Han
- Xing Xu
2015 A New Leptoceratopsid (Ornithischia, Ceratopsia) with a Unique Ischium from the Upper Cretaceous of Shandong Province, China PLOS ONE
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- Paul Upchurch
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- Octávio Mateus
- Oliver Wings
- Jesper Milàn
- Lars B. Clemmensen
2021 Issi saaneq gen. et sp. nov.–A New Sauropodomorph Dinosaur from the Late Triassic (Norian) of Jameson Land, Central East Greenland Diversity
Itapeuasaurus - Rafael Matos Lindoso
- Manuel Alfredo Araújo Medeiros
- Ismar de Souza Carvalho
- Agostinha Araújo Pereira
- Ighor Dienes Mendes
- Fabiano Vidoi Iori
- Eliane Pinheiro Sousa
- Silvia Helena Souza Arcanjo
- Taciane Costa Madeira Silva
2019 A new rebbachisaurid (Sauropoda: Diplodocoidea) from the middle Cretaceous of northern Brazil Cretaceous Research
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- William J. de Klerk
- Karen E. Poole
- Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan
- Eric M. Roberts
- Callum F. Ross
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- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Chinzorig Tsogtbaatar
- Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar
2023 A new alvarezsaurid dinosaur (Theropoda, Alvarezsauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Baruungoyot Formation of Mongolia provides insights for bird-like sleeping behavior in non-avian dinosaurs PLOS ONE
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- Martin G. Lockley
- Spencer G. Lucas
- Christian A. Meyer
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- Sebastián Apesteguía
- Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
2022 A new Cretaceous thyreophoran from Patagonia supports a South American lineage of armoured dinosaurs Scientific Reports
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- Martín Daniel Ezcurra
- Sankar Chatterjee
- Tharavat S. Kutty
2010 New dinosaur species from the Upper Triassic Upper Maleri and Lower Dharmaram formations of Central India Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
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Jeholosaurus - Xing Xu
- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Hai-Lu You
2000 A primitive ornithopod from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Vertebrata PalAsiatica
Jeyawati - Andrew T. McDonald
- Douglas G. Wolfe
- James I. Kirkland
2010 A new basal hadrosauroid (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Turonian of New Mexico Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Jianchangosaurus - Hanyong Pu
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
- Junchang Lü
- Li Xu
- Yanhua Wu
- Huali Chang
- Jiming Zhang
- Songhai Jia
2013 An Unusual Basal Therizinosaur Dinosaur with an Ornithischian Dental Arrangement from Northeastern China PLOS ONE
Jiangjunosaurus - Chengkai Jia
- Catherine A. Forster
- Xing Xu
- James M. Clark
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- Xingsheng Jin
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- Wei-Tang Wu
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- Junchang Lü
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- Xing Xu
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- Michael Pittman
- Lida Xing
- Qingjin Meng
- Junchang Lü
- Dong-Yu Hu
- Congyu Yu
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- Li-Yang Dong
- Thomas D. Carr
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- Hai-Lu You
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- Yongqing Liu
- Yanxue Liu
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- Yan-Nan Ji
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- Qiongying Wang
- Kazunori Miyata
- Xing Xu
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- Xing Xu
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- Yue-Wu Sun
- Chun-Tian Li
- Tao Li
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- Christian A. Sidor
- David J. Varricchio
- Gregory P. Wilson
- Jeffrey A. Wilson
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- Roger B.J. Benson
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- Luis M. Chiappe
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- Alberto C. Garrido
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- Rubén D. Martínez
- Matthew C. Lamanna
- Marcelo Luna
- Leonardo Salgado
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- Pascal Godefroit
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- Mark A. Norell
- Rinchen Barsbold
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- Alexey V. Lopatin
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- Sergei Anatolyevich Krasnolutskii
- Sergey V. Ivantsov
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- Olga A. Feofanova
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- Sterling J. Nesbitt
- Mark A. Norell
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- Mattia Antonio Baiano
- David Černý
- Fernando Emilio Novas
- Ignacio A. Cerda
- Michael Pittman
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- Michael J. Ryan
- Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
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- Jung-Kyun Kim
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- Pascal Godefroit
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- Yoichi Azuma
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- Mark A. Loewen
- Andrew A. Farke
- Eric M. Roberts
- Catherine A. Forster
- Joshua A. Smith
- Alan L. Titus
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- Rodrigo Gaete
- Gonzalo Rivas
- Àngel Galobart
- Marc Boada
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- Stephen L. Brusatte
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- Danielle Dhouailly
- Yuri L. Bolotsky
- Alexander V. Sizov
- Maria E. McNamara
- Michael J. Benton
- Paul Spagna
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- Ralph E. Molnar
- Kenneth Carpenter
- Lawrence M. Witmer
- Steven W. Salisbury
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- Yuri L. Bolotsky
- Pascaline Lauters
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- Alexander A. Ruebenstahl
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- Alan H. Turner
- Mark A. Norell
2021 A New Dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Coelurosauria) from Khulsan, Central Mongolia American Museum Novitates
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- Hermínio Ismael de Araújo-Júnior
- Sandra A. Simionato Tavares
- Thiago da Silva Marinho
- Agustín G. Martinelli
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- Bryan J. Small
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- Charles Alfred Matley
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- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Qiang Wang
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- Rui Qiu
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- Philip J. Currie
- Francisco Ortega
- Mattia Antonio Baiano
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- Peter M. Galton
- Paul Upchurch
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- Qiang Ji
- Daqing Li
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- Bernardo J. González Riga
- Silvio Casadío
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- Richard J. Butler
- Roland Mundil
- Torsten M. Scheyer
- Randall B. Irmis
- Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra
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- Philip J. Currie
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- Claudia Ines Serrano-Brañas
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- José Luis Carballido
- Alberto C. Garrido
- Leonardo Salgado
2018 A new rebbachisaurid sauropod from the Aptian–Albian, Lower Cretaceous Rayoso Formation, Neuquén, Argentina Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
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- Patricia Vickers-Rich
1989 Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the Early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia National Geographic Research
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- Roger B.J. Benson
- Jennifer Botha-Brink
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- Jonah N. Choiniere
2018 A Giant Dinosaur from the Earliest Jurassic of South Africa and the Transition to Quadrupedality in Early Sauropodomorphs Current Biology
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- Sebastián Apesteguía
- Alejandro Haluza
- Juan I. Canale
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- Alberto C. Garrido
- Ignacio A. Cerda
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- Martín Daniel Ezcurra
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- Ken Barnes
- Scott Clark
- Larry Millar
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- Shan Jiang
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- Alexander O. Averianov
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- Ricardo N. Martínez
- Oscar A. Alcober
- Diego Pol
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- Peter J. Makovicky
- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Mark A. Norell
- Hai-Lu You
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- Xiao-Lin Wang
- Hai-Lu You
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- Wen-Hao Wu
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- Bo Zhao
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- Bernardo J. González Riga
- Sebastián Apesteguia
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- Alberto C. Garrido
- Sergio E. Cocca
- Juan R. Cocca
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- James M. Clark
- Jinyou Mo
- Jonah N. Choiniere
- Catherine A. Forster
- Gregory M. Erickson
- David W. E. Hone
- Corwin Sullivan
- David A. Eberth
- Sterling J. Nesbitt
- Qi Zhao
- Rene Hernandez
- Chengkai Jia
- Feng-Lu Han
- Yu Guo
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- Paul Upchurch
- Philip D. Mannion
- Paul M. Barrett
- Omar R. Regalado-Fernández
- Jinyou Mo
- Jinfu Ma
- Hongan Liu
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- Chun-Chi Liao
- Corwin Sullivan
- Xing Xu
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- Corwin Sullivan
- Michael Pittman
- Jonah N. Choiniere
- David W. E. Hone
- Paul Upchurch
- Qingwei Tan
- Dong Xiao
- Lin Tan
- Feng-Lu Han
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- Jonah N. Choiniere
- Michael Pittman
- Qingwei Tan
- Dong Xiao
- Zhiquan Li
- Lin Tan
- James M. Clark
- Mark A. Norell
- David W. E. Hone
- Corwin Sullivan
2010 A new dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Wulansuhai Formation of Inner Mongolia, China Zootaxa
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- Qingwei Tan
- Corwin Sullivan
- Feng-Lu Han
- Dong Xiao
2011 A Short-Armed Troodontid Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaeous of Inner Mongolia and Its Implications for Troodontid Evolution PLOS ONE
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- Jaime Eduardo Powell
- Jean Le Loeuff
- Rubén D. Martínez
- Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola
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- Xing Xu
- Eric Buffetaut
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- Ariel H. Méndez
- Leonardo S. Filippi
- Ariana Paulina-Carabajal
- Rubén D. Juárez Valieri
- Alberto C. Garrido
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- Pedro Mocho
- Adrián Paramo
- Fernando Escaso
- Fátima Marcos-Fernández
- José Luis Sanz
- Francisco Ortega
2016 A new titanosaur (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Lo Hueco (Cuenca, Spain) Cretaceous Research
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- Joseph J. W. Sertich
- Scott D. Sampson
- Jingmai K. O'Connor
- Savhannah Carpenter
- Brock Sisson
- Anna Øhlenschlæger
- Andrew A. Farke
- Peter J. Makovicky
- Nicholas R. Longrich
- David C. Evans
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- Gilles Cuny
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- David B. Norman
- Paul M. Barrett
- Paul Upchurch
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- José Vicente Santafé
- José Luis Sanz
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- José Luis Sanz
- Carlos Marques da Silva
- Francisco Ortega
- Vanda Faria dos Santos
- Mário Cachão
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- Li Xu
- Xingliao Zhang
- Qiang Ji
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- Weiyong Hu
- Jiming Zhang
- Yanhua Wu
2007 New dromaeosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan area, western Henan, China Geological Bulletin of China
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