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Option 21


The way the skits are handled didn't seem like a great idea to begin with. Cool idea for fans to get involved, but it just seems messy now. With the user page being protected though, I can't really submit my script on there, so, here it is.

All-Knowing and Powerful VO:In a world where Kevin must make fun of Brendan...

Kevin (as Brendan, talking to a woman, chewing gum):You know, I get paid to sit on a couch and do nothing.

AK&P VO:In a world where interns come first over Brendan... What the hell? Is that right? I should be coming first.

(Brendan walks up to a group of people, including interns, especially the screaming one, Kevin and Sarah)

Brendan:Okay, guys. Ready to go to _____?

Kevin:Yeah... About that... I gace the last ticket/pass to the screaming intern.

Brendan (with a confused look on his face):What?

(The screaming intern starts, you guessed it, screaming, holding the ticket/pass infront of Brendan's face)

AK&P VO:In a world where even Office Jesus does not care...

(Office Jesus is getting a cup of coffee, finishing off the pot. Brendan walks up to get a cup and notices it's empty)

Brendan:Hey, Jesus. Couldn't you atleast make another pot of coffee?

Office Jesus:Screw you, Brendan.

(Office Jesus throws his cup of coffee at Brendan's face, causing him to scream and clutch his face in his hands.)

AK&P VO:One man... will stand up for himself...

Brendan:You're making my angry... You won't like me when I'm angry.

(Brendan starts to change, his skin becoming green, his body getting bigger.)

Office Jesus:Shut the hell up.

(Office Jesus kicks Brendan in the groin and Brendan falls to the floor, in a fetal postion. Office Jesus starts to walk off.)

Office Jesus:Loser...

(End skit)


Option 22


"Legacy of the Homerowed", or "Invasion of the Show!"

Scientists see a single spaceship and alerts the media of the incoming UFO (and it's not a flying saucer!) Soon, the people of California hear the alarms all around the state and soon spreads all over America. All over the radiowaves, the TV waves, and live on the internet, several more UFOs descend all over America as people stare in fear of the invading forces. Even the Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger with all of his toughness, watches as the doors of the invaders open. Red/crimson-clad men, women and and fanboy soldiers march in unison out of the spaceships led by the REAL Kevin Pereira, Sarah Lane and Brendan Moran holding their red AOTS logo flags, knowing that their current, present-day versions are clones until the "Promised Day of Arrival" is at hand. Then under the REAL leaders' command, they start Homerowing the citizens armed with nothing but their different keyboards and mice, and even Arnold gets it as well. When everyone is knocked out silly, a bigger flag is planted on top of the building that they have been Attacked by the Show. --Seishirou Sakurazuka 03:49, August 16, 2005 (UTC)

Option 23


{Office Jesus is typing at his cubicle. Scott Moscella is right next door.}

SCOTT: Hey can I borrow your stapler?

{Office Jesus stops typing}

JESUS: {Looks towards stapler right beside him} This stapler?

SCOTT: Yeah.

{Jesus hesitates, picks up the stapler then throws it across the room.}

JESUS: It's over there.

{Scott looks ticked off then goes back to his cubicle, Jesus starts typing again.}

Option 24


Scene starts with Office Jesus Sitting on a chair/couch with a very bored look on his face.

Office Jesus Yawns deeply.

The scene skips over to the office with people sitting at their desks working.

Camara zooms in behind someone at their desk then a floating keyboard appears out of thin air and hits them in the back of the head and knocks them out. Then the keyboard disapears.

A very deep voice is heard "You've Been Homerowed!"

Camara moves over to Brendan as he turns around with a happy/confused look on his face and looks around the office. Then he turns back to his computer slowly with a sad look on his face.

Camara zooms in behind someone else at their desk and another keyboard appears and knocks them out and they fall foward and hit their face on their moniter then falls backward out of their chair onto the floor. Then the keyboard disappears again.

A very deep voice is heard "You've Been Homerowed!"

Camara goes back to Brendan as he stands up very fast and excited. Brendan screams out "KEVIN ROSS! YOUR BACK BUDDY! I'VE MISSED YOU!"

A Keyboard appears behind him (between him and his computer) and knocks him out too then disappears. As Brendan's unconsciece body falls to the ground camara moves over to Kevin Pereira. The thud from Brendan hitting the ground alarms Kevin. Kevin says, "What was that!?" as he looks over towards Brendan's desk.

A very deep voice is heard "You've Been Homerowed!"

A keyboard appears behind Kevin and sways back to get enough force to knock him out. Kevin turns around and grabs it before it can hit him. Kevin says, "Heh, nice try..." A Second Keyboard appears and smacks Kevin across the face (not very hard, just hard enough to make his head turn and drop the keyboard he was holding) Kevin gets mad and says, "Oh Now you've asked for it!" Kevin Throws a punch towards the keyboards and catch nothing but air, then the two keyboards give Kevin the beating of his life Kevin's screams of pain can be heard

Sarah walks in as the keyboards are beating him, she sits down and reaches off screen and grabs popcorn and enjoys the show

Camara cuts away from Sarah and shows Office Jesus sitting on the chair/couch again as he makes the two keyboards appear in front of him, and he starts to laugh uncontrollably.

Option 25


Words on black screen along with a quick voice over: "The following skit was made online by our adoring fans..."

Kevin is walking down office cooridor

((Cream pie in face))

Kevin to camera: Ah come on! Why don't you love me!?!

Brendan is walking along

((Office Jesus knees him in groin))

Brendan: Son of a... ((thinks twice)) ...God!!

Sarah is drinking some water

((She spills the drink on her shirt))

Sarah to camera: Ugh! You perverts!! ((Slaps camera))

Scott is at his desk typing

((Technician comes over and yanks out the ethernet cord from his computer))

Scott: What are you doing?

Technician: The internets have been cancelled. Sorry buddy!

Drunk Vader is at a bar

((He orders a beer))

Bar tender: We're all out. Completely dry.

Drunk Vader turns to camera: Noooooooo!

Words on black screen: "Thanks a lot!"

26: Its a Dream!


Scene opens with Kevin and Sarah in their jammies asleep on the big red couch. Kevin wakes up startled and immediately wakes up Sarah. He tells her about his dream of a cool show called The Screen Savers where everyone was intelligent and the show was worth watching. Then Kevin Rose enters the scene, punches Kevin P-whatever-his-name-is and pulls out a big TSS logo'd sign from behind the couch, setting it up against the coffee table-whatever it is. Camera zooms in on sign then fades to black. Wednesday we're all treated to the return of TechTV. Woohoo!

27: Mountain Dew Druggies


(A bunch of people are sitting around in a dorm room, or small apartment, playing Halo 2, or any other multiplayer game, and they are all drinking Mountain Dew. The clock shows that it is 6 a.m. but they aren't tired at all)

Jake: Man, I could never stay up with out the green (twitches and takes a swig of Mountain Dew)

Craig: Yeah, good thing you bout a Cube from that Dealer down the road.

Jake: Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without him man.

(A knock on the door, then a cop kicks it open)

Cop: Alright, you punks are all busted for using the green. (grabs the Cube of Mountain Dew) Holy crap, I've found the mother load, I'll get in the papers for sure this time. How much did you have to shell out for all of this?!

Jake: I dunno, about four dollars

Cop: Jeez, you brats got a great deal.

(Cheesy music starts playing)

Jake: I'm sorry officer, I should've just gone to bed and gotten the proper ammount of sleep that my body needs

Cop: Nonsense, give me a can and I'll show you how to really snipe.

(Text show up on the screen) Mountain Dew, to game all night!

28: My idea for Attack of the Show




29: Zombie catoring service


A bunch of AOTS staff around a table + one zombie. One staff member is droning on about something Zombie looks across at other staff member makes "on and on" finger motion. Zombie makes paper airplane. Zombie finally says : ahhhh f$#@!k this and begins to devour boring staff member.