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Who Am I ?


I am a girl (there you go, I told you my gender) who researches and knows a lot thing about food, dogs and music,

What Am I Doing Here?


Contributing, duh!

What Are My Interests?


Well, I love to eat and cook. other than that I even like to listen to music and talk

How Am I So Awesome?


I was born awesome!!

Who Is My Favorite Singer?


Nicki Minaj

Who Is My Favorite Actor?


Will Smith

Who Is My Favorite Actress?


Emma Watson

What is My Zodiac Sign?



What is My Moon Sign?


To be frank, NO IDEA! :)

. What is My Favorite Song?


I love a lot of songs but if I HAVE to pick one then it will be "Right By My Side" by Nicki Minaj featuring Chris Brown

What Is My Favourite Movie?


Men In Black and Pixels

What Is My Favorite Color?



Why is spelling of awesomeness wrong (in the username)?


Because I typed it in hurry and it saved. Anyways what's the big deal there is going to be no change in the username. let it be how it is