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Dr Larry AYAMBA is the son of the late SCNC National Chairman HRH Chief E. O. AYAMBA. Dr Larry AYAMBA is therefore an Ambazonian from the Manyu County of the current Southern Cameroons. He holds a PhD. in Artificial Intelligence and currently works as a Senior Technological/SharePoint Consultant for European Commission in Brussels. Prior to being appointed Secretary of State of the Ambazonia Governing Council, Dr Larry AYAMBA had served the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonian People in different capacities. Comrade Larry AYAMBA is a bonafied member of the SCYL where he still serves as the Spokesperson; he had also served as the Chairperson for SCYL Benelux over the years; Chairman for Southern Cameroons European Missions and had also served as secretary of state in the 2 or the 3 Southern Cameroons Governments in Exile. Dr Larry AYAMBA, is also an Adviser to the Southern Cameroons community in Belgium (SCB).

In 2016, Dr Larry AYAMBA was appointed the Secretary of State of the Ambazonia Governing Council (AGC) with Dr CHO AYABA as President & Commander-In-Chief of the AGC. At the peak of the Ambazonia Revolution in 2017, he was the the Chairperson of the Ambazonia-EU International conference that was held in Brussels-Belgium from March 31 - April 2, 2017 on the Theme:‘‘Building Global Synergy towards the Restoration of the Statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons”. This conference brought together more than 20.000 Ambazonians from around the globe to Brussels. The objectives of that conference were to: 1) Define a united front for the struggle of the restoration of Southern Cameroons independence; 2) Harness all efforts and resources both human and material available for this struggle; 3) Put in place an all-inclusive structure that will coordinate this struggle; 4) Outline the role of Ambazonians based at home and in the diaspora towards this struggle; 5) Put in place a robust and accountable fundraising mechanism; 6) Outline a possible roadmap for the struggle with possible alternatives.

As the Secretary of State (SS), Dr Larry AYAMBA was instrumental in getting Ambazonia to be readmitted into the UNPO on March, 26, 2018. In July of 2018, he was appointed the first Ambazonia Ambassador to UNPO. As the Ambazonian Permanent Representation to the UNPO, he headed the Ambazonia delegation to the UN HR Council meeting in Geneva-Switzerland from September 12-13, 2018; and to Savoy-France for the Inauguration of Ambazonia into the UNPO from September 14-15, 2018 here he presented an arousing Inaugural address on behalf of the people of the State of Ambazonia. For more info about the activities of the AGC, click here and here.

He is married, with children and is resident in Belgium.