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This page describes the pervasive environmental hazards that threaten human health through ingestion of contaminated drinking water. The alarming rise in water pollution has led to a surge in water-borne diseases, necessitating an examination of associated health risks. This page explores the diverse sources and types of contaminants, the natural pathways of water contamination, the impacts of these contaminants on human health, and mitigative measures to safeguard water quality.

Water is an indispensable resource for life and access to safe and clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet it is increasingly becoming a source of peril for human health due to environmental hazards. The contamination of drinking water has emerged as a pressing issue affecting communities worldwide. (Katharina et al 2022)The sources of water pollution are numerous, and understanding the types and pathways of contaminants is crucial to comprehending the complexities of water pollution and its impact on public health.

Contaminated drinking water refers to water that has been compromised by the presence of harmful substances for human consumption, pollutants, or contaminants, making it unsuitable for human consumption.

Sources of contaminants

Water contaminants originate from natural sources and anthropogenic sources (due to human activities) Natural sources include naturally occurring elements (heavy metals) found in certain geological formations that leach into the groundwater, natural disasters like flooding, drought, volcanic activity, and saltwater intrusion into the groundwater.

Anthropogenic sources include industrial wastewater, mining and smelting activities, agricultural practices, oil spills, maritime waste, and urban run off among others. (Akthtar et al 2021)

Types of contaminants

Types of contaminants are physical, chemical, microbial, and radiological contaminants which include heavy metals, pesticides, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. These substances find their way into water bodies through surface run off, Atmospheric deposition, and improper disposal practices.

Natural Pathways of Water Contaminants

Natural pathways of water contamination involve the infiltration of contaminants into groundwater from flood activities like transporting contaminants to surface water bodies and unprotected wells. (Andrade et al 2018 ) Drought is another pathway that reduces water availability and gives room for pathogen concentration and prevalence.  Saltwater intrusion into the aquifer in coastal areas contaminates groundwater. (Jedwab et al 2023)

Impacts of Contaminated Drinking Water on Human Health

Contaminated drinking water can result in several health consequences including water borne diseases, gastrointestinal issues, and long-term chronic conditions. Exposures to heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury have been linked to neurological impairments, while microbial can cause infectious diseases. (Lodhi et al 2021)

Mitigative measures

In conclusion. Preventing and mitigating drinking water contamination due to various form of environmental hazards require:

Public education and awareness to accelerate change for solving water and sanitation crises.

Stringent regulation and regular water quality monitoring.

Implementation of robust water treatment processes.

Infrastructural maintenance.