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User:Basilgreenmint1/American Beach, Florida/Bibliography

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • Swimming Not Allowed: Teaching about Segregated Public Beaches and Pools.[1]
    • Is this source from a reliable publication?
      • This source is a reliable publication with multiple editors from the University of South Florida.
    • Is the source verifiable?
      • There are three different editors Bárbara C. Cruz , Michael J. Berson & Donald Falls from University of South Florida that contributed.
    • Is the source independent of the subject?
      • No, this source is not independent of the subject.
    • Is the source primary or secondary?
      • This is a secondary source.

  • American Beach Memories Chronicled in New Book[2]
    • Is this source from a reliable publication?
      • This source is a reliable publication from a published book.
    • Is the source verifiable?
      • This is a verifiable source from the Arizona State University Library.
    • Is the source independent of the subject?
      • Yes this source is independent of the subject.
    • Is the source primary or secondary?
      • This is a secondary source.

  • Abraham Lincoln Lewis: His real wealth was in his ideas.[3]
    • Is this source from a reliable publication?
      • This source is from a news article that is a reliable publication.
    • Is the source verifiable?
      • This source is verified by the Arizona State University library.
    • Is the source independent of the subject?
      • Yes this source is independent of the subject.
    • Is the source primary or secondary?
      • This is a secondary source.

This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.


  1. ^ Cruz, Berson, M. J., & Falls, D. (2012). Swimming Not Allowed: Teaching about Segregated Public Beaches and Pools. The Social Studies, 103(6), 252–259. https://doi.org/10.1080/00377996.2011.631465
  2. ^ American Beach Memories Chronicled in New Book. (1998, Oct 21). The Jacksonville Free Press http://login.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/american-beach-memories-chronicled-new-book/docview/365251907/se-2?accountid=4485
  3. ^ Bennett, J. (1999). Abraham Lincoln Lewis: His real wealth was in his ideas. Business Journal, 14(52), 11. http://login.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/abraham-lincoln-lewis-his-real-wealth-was-ideas/docview/233210367/se-2?accountid=4485